- employee job satisfaction,
- transformational leadership,
- supervision,
- punishment styles,
- quantitative research
Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Nur Hidayati, Kumara Adji Kusuma, Dewi Andriani, Rifdah Abadiyah

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
General Background: In a competitive industrial environment, understanding factors that enhance job satisfaction is essential for fostering a motivated workforce. Specific Background: Existing literature primarily addresses leadership and supervision but often neglects the impact of punishment styles on employee morale. Knowledge Gap: This study investigates the interplay between transformational leadership, supervisory practices, and punishment styles in shaping job satisfaction among employees of PT. Young Tree Industries. Aims: Employing a quantitative survey approach, the research aims to evaluate these factors' individual and collective effects on employee satisfaction. Results: Data were collected from 384 employees through a structured questionnaire, analyzed using SPSS software. The findings reveal that transformational leadership, supervision, and punishment styles significantly positively influence job satisfaction. Transformational leadership emerged as the most impactful variable. Novelty: This study contributes to the literature by highlighting the importance of both leadership and punishment styles in enhancing employee job satisfaction, thus providing a comprehensive view of managerial impacts in the workplace. Implications: The results suggest that organizations should prioritize transformational leadership development and effective supervision while addressing punishment methods to improve employee satisfaction and, consequently, overall productivity.
- Leadership Impact: Transformational leadership boosts employee job satisfaction significantly.
- Supervision Role: Effective supervision enhances overall job satisfaction among employees.
- Punishment Effects: Appropriate punishment styles improve workplace job satisfaction.
Keywords: employee job satisfaction, transformational leadership, supervision, punishment styles, quantitative research
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