- Compensation,
- Employee Performance,
- Work Motivation,
- Moderation,
- Organizational Success
Copyright (c) 2024 Marchelino Tryas Saputra , Kumara Adji Kusuma

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Background: Employee performance is essential for organizational success, with compensation recognized as a significant influencing factor. Specific Background: While compensation's role is well-documented, the moderating effect of motivation in this context remains insufficiently explored. Knowledge Gap: This study seeks to fill this gap by investigating how motivation influences the relationship between compensation and employee performance. Aims: The research examines the impact of compensation on performance and how motivation moderates this relationship among 85 employees at CV Lucky. Results: Using Moderated Regression Analysis, the findings indicate a significant positive relationship between compensation and employee performance, suggesting that improved compensation enhances performance. Furthermore, better compensation correlates with increased motivation, which in turn positively affects performance. Novelty: This study highlights the moderating role of work motivation, suggesting that enhancing motivation can strengthen the impact of compensation on performance. Implications: The results emphasize the importance of effective compensation strategies that boost both performance and employee motivation, ultimately fostering organizational success.
Highlights :
- Significant positive relationship between compensation and employee performance.
- Work motivation amplifies the impact of compensation on performance.
- Effective compensation strategies enhance both employee motivation and organizational success.
Keywords: Compensation, Employee Performance, Work Motivation, Moderation, Organizational Success
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