- e-service quality,
- e-satisfaction,
- e-trust,
- e-customer loyalty,
- Shopee
Copyright (c) 2024 Mas Oetarjo, Siti Rahardhini Dwi Rahmayanti

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This study examines how e-service quality, e-satisfaction, and e-trust affect e-customer loyalty among Shopee users in Sidoarjo. Using a quantitative approach with a sample of 96 participants, data analysis via partial least squares (PLS) reveals significant impacts on e-customer loyalty. Implications suggest Shopee should enhance responsiveness and accuracy for improved customer loyalty. Limitations include a small sample size and focus on specific variables, prompting future research to explore additional factors such as online shopping experience.
- E-commerce loyalty dynamics.
- Quantitative analysis method.
- Enhancing Shopee's competitiveness.
Keyword: e-service quality, e-satisfaction, e-trust, e-customer loyalty, Shopee
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