Southeast Aceh Regency provides outstanding Natural Resources for the development of Sport tourism. In order to discover ideal sports for the development of sport tourism in Southeast Aceh Regency, it is necessary to evaluate which sports are suitable with the natural circumstances in Southeast Aceh Regency so that suitable sports may be obtained and practiced in Southeast Aceh Regency. This study aims to analyze suitable sport tourism to be undertaken in Southeast Aceh Regency, and to offer suggestions to the regional government of Southeast Aceh Regency regarding what sport tourism can be conducted or held in Southeast Aceh Regency to attract and increase tourist visitors to Southeast Aceh Regency. In addition, it serves local regional orders with suggestions for necessary matters for expanding and investigating tourism in the Southeast Aceh Regency. The descriptive approach including field survey data collection techniques, surveys, and interviews was employed. According to the research results, the recommended sports include Trail Running, Downhill Bicycles, Rafting, and Hiking. This sports offer the potential for sport tourism in line with the area's natural circumstances. With the recommendations for sport tourism, it is possible to generate regional economic income. Those sports will be able to develop into Southeast Aceh Regency's top sport accomplishments.
In the 1960s, when practically all governments recognized tourism's potential to contribute to economic growth, the advocate model, in which tourist development is designed with an emphasis on boosting the economy, was quite popular. Diverse tourist potentials are investigated and leveraged to support a variety of economic activities, generate new employment, and earn foreign currency, among other economic objectives. The primary objective of this design is to investigate and expand the potential of natural resources and socioculture as a tourism destination [1].
The evaluation of prospective tourist attractions is a crucial phase in the tourism development process. This is a significant value since tourist visits to a location are mostly driven by tourists' interest in a tourist attraction. Tourism and sports are the two disciplines utilized in sport tourism. When combined and grown, the tourist and sports industries will contribute to economic growt[2]. Many nations, including Indonesia, are examining this business as a potential source of income. The design and marketing of the sports sector started with the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles [3]. The sport tourism paradigm began in the early 2000s. Since its introduction at the First Sport and Tourism Conference, co-hosted by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the sport tourism industry has flourished (IOC). However, a decade earlier, in the early 1990s, academics began to pay attention to sport tourism[3]
Regularly scheduled and practiced human sports may make people feel entire, as well as calmer, more comfortable, and at peace with life. This encouragement contributes to the development of a sports culture that recognizes the significance of physical fitness and spiritual fulfillment. On the other hand, the impact of sport tourism as a sector of economic development, if managed properly and in accordance with government programs, should be able to make a significant contribution to regional development and the well-being of its people [4].
Water, land, and air sports, which are the darlings of visitors, are the sorts and styles of sports that have attracted the most attention. Diverse types of outdoor exercise each have their own allure; thus, it is regarded vital to continue researching tourist sports as a means of adding depth and diversity to the tourism industry.
Gonzales - Garcia et al., (2018); Mutohir(2012); Preuss et al. (2007); Toineno & Anwani (2018) Sport tourism may be defined as the participation in sporting activities while traveling or residing in a location other than one's normal habitat. The primary characteristics of this activity include vacation, leisure time, and participation in active and passive sports. Sports are a significant tourist activity in the site[4]. Praisra et al (2021) Tourists want to participate in sports while on vacation. As a result of the inherent values and health advantages of sports, they are able to attract visitors.
Sport as a tourist attraction is able to show the potential of tourist destinations, thus creating an attraction that attracts tourists to visit [5]. Woo-Sik Choi et al. (2016) developed a conceptual model of sport tourism, dividing sport tourism into 3 types, namely 1) active sport tourism, such as active road races, adventure and obstacle races, golf travel, marathons, outdoor adventure (hiking, backpacking, biking, snorkeling, scuba diving, horseback riding), ski travel, triathlons, 2) event sport tourism, 3) nostalgic sport tourism, such as sports halls, sports museums.
Southeast Aceh Regency is one of the regencies in the province of Aceh. Southeast Aceh regency has the same potential as other regions that have already developed sport tourism. Geographical characteristics such as forests, mountains, hills and rivers allow the development of mountain sports (such as climbing, forest trekking, cruising bicycles, mountain bikes, waterfall trekking), and water sports (such as rafting) [6]. Suitable for development active sport tourism or what is often called special interest tourism.
The research method used is the descriptive method whose purpose is to describe or describe phenomena or relationships between phenomena that are studied systematically, factually and accurately [7]. with the conditions or characteristics of an object to obtain a phenomenon based on certain considerations. In this study the analysis carried out on secondary data became a support for the analysis of primary data on mass media/electronic/online sources and field surveys. Primary data analysis was carried out to describe the condition of the study area, both the problems and the potential that exists so that factors that can support tourism potential in this area can be found[8].
In this study the data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique. This technique is used to analyze data obtained from surveys and observations. As well as filling out questionnaires and interviews. The data obtained were analyzed using quantitative percentage data analysis techniques with the formula:
Figure 1.Formula
P = percentage
f = the frequency being searched for
N = total number of frequencies
1. Results
Based on the observation results, it was obtained some data on the natural state of the Teletubbies Hill which can be used and developed into a potential for sport tourism. These natural conditions can be seen in table 1.
Types of Natural Resources | Condition | Sport Type |
Hill | Plenty and very good | Trail Running, Downhill Bike |
River | The forest rivers are long and wide | Rafting |
Mountains and Cliffs | Very striking are Mount Bendahara and Mount Perkison | Hiking |
Forest | Baik dan Indah | Trail Running, |
After conducting interviews and distributing questionnaires to the surrounding community such as motorcycle taxi drivers, tour service tenants and food stall owners and visitors. There are 5 questions asked, the questions asked include.
1. | In your opinion, do you agree if the government develops sport tourism in Southeast Aceh Regency, one of which is to become a sport tourism area, trail running, downhill cycling, rafting and hiking? The answer is agree/disagree. |
2. | In your opinion, has the government contributed to the development of tourism in Southeast Aceh Regency? The answer is Yes/No/Undecided. |
3. | Do you want the government to hold a competition event in Southeast Aceh Regency? The answer is Yes/No. |
4. | In your opinion, have supporting facilities and infrastructure such as toilets, trash cans, cafes and safety settlements been provided or not at this tourist spot in Southeast Aceh regency? The answer is Available/Not Available. |
5. | What are the future hopes for tourism development in Southeast Aceh Regency? |
Based on the results of distributing questionnaires and interviews, the following data were obtained:
Figure 2.
Based on the results of distributing questionnaires and interviews, the following data were obtained:
Based on the questions given by the research team regarding the question "In your opinion, do you agree if the government develops tourism in Southeast Aceh Regency to become a tourist area for trail running, Downhill cycling, Rafting and Hiking? the answer is agree/disagree. The results of the data above show that the answers from the Agree community have a percentage of 90% and as much as 10% for Disagree answers. This indicates that the community's response is very positive towards sports which will be recommended for sport tourism in Southeast Aceh Regency.
Figure 3.Percentage of Government Contribution to Tourism Development
Based on the questions given by the research team regarding the question "In your opinion, has the government contributed to the development of Southeast Aceh Regency? The answer is Yes/No/No doubt. The results of the data above show that the answers from the community to the questions given are for answers No, which has the highest percentage, namely 70% and 20% for Doubtful answers and the smallest percentage, namely 10% for Yes answers.
Figure 4.Percentage of Procurement of Sports Match Events
Based on the questions given by the research team regarding the question "After holding several sports as sport tourism, do you want the government to hold a match event in this Southeast Aceh Regency? The answer is Yes/No.” The results of the data above show that the answers from the community to the questions given are for Yes answers, which have the highest percentage, namely 70% and 30% for No answers.
Figure 5.Percentage of Teletubbies Hill Ilalang Tourism Facilities and Infrastructure
Based on the questions given by the research team regarding the question "In your opinion, have supporting facilities and infrastructure such as toilets, trash cans, cafes and safety settlements been provided or not at this tourist spot in Southeast Aceh Regency? The answer is Available/Not Available”. The results of the data above show that the answers from the community to the questions given are for the answer Not Available has the largest percentage, namely as much as 80% and as much as 20%[9].
Figure 6.Percentage of Community Expectations
Based on the questions given by the research team regarding the question "What are the future expectations for tourism development in Southeast Aceh Regency?". The results of the data above show that the answers from the community to the questions given are for answers. Hopefully sport tourism in Southeast Aceh Regency will be realized and tourism in Southeast Aceh Regency will have more and more visitors with the largest percentage, namely as much as 80% and as many as 20% for answers. Southeast Aceh regency is getting more and more attention from the government[10].
Based on the results of field observations and looking at the natural conditions in Southeast Aceh Regency in six sub-regencys that have great potential for tourism development, especially sport tourism, namely Ketambe Regency, Darul Hasanah Regency, Badar Regency, Lawe Alas Regency, Daleng Parkison Regency and Babussalam Regency, it was found that the area in Southeast Aceh Regency. Geographically, Southeast Aceh Regency is located between 3055'23”–4016'37” North Latitude and 96043'23'–98010'32” East Longitude. To the north it is bordered by Gayo Lues Regency, to the east by North Sumatra Province and East Aceh Regency, to the south by South Aceh Regency and Aceh Singkil Regency. Kutacane is the entrance to the Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL). Southeast Aceh regency has many beautiful hills with uphill and downhill and steep road tracks, then there are several trails that vary between soil, grassland, rocks and sand and are surrounded by beautiful forests along the way and there is a stretch towards the Alas river. length and Southeast Aceh regency there are also several mountains, such as Mount Bendahara and Perkison[11].
After conducting field observations and conducting literature studies, several sports were obtained that were in accordance with the natural conditions in Southeast Aceh Regency, namely Trail Running, Downhill Bicycles and Rafting and Hiking. The two sports mentioned first, namely Trail Running and Downhill Bicycles, are still unfamiliar to the people of Southeast Aceh Regency and this is a challenge for the Government to increase public interest in getting to know these sports and this opportunity is a great opportunity to attract visitors to come visit this Southeast Aceh Regency sports tour[12]. The region of Southeast Aceh Regency is ideally suited for trail running due to its tall hills, descent and climb tracks, and trails comprised of dirt, grassland, sand, and pebbles. In addition, Southeast Aceh Regency possesses magnificent natural beauty, which is lovely. Trail running is nearly identical to marathon running, with the exception of the track. Marathon courses are typically repetitive and flat, leaving runners bored and unchallenged. As opposed to the trail training course that must be traversed uphill and downhill. Since this trail running activity takes place in nature, visitors will be exposed to fresh, oxygen-rich air that is cold and clean, so they will truly love this trail running sport. This is a tremendous chance to promote tourism in Southeast Aceh Regency with this trail running trip, as this sport of trail running did not previously exist in Aceh Province but has since been created there. There are 15K, 30K, and 60K distances for trail running events[13].
With the condition of the soil in the form of a sports hill that can be held, namely downhill cycling, this sport has a track that must be used to descend extremely steeply, and the soil contours are sandy, rocky, and have slick soil contours that can be used for extreme sports like downhill cycling. It is just an issue of how associated parties may establish routes that can be used for downhill riding. In order to prevent accidents and injuries when downhill riding, it is necessary to select paths that do not pose a danger to cyclists. This is then transformed into a track suitable for downhill bicycle activities. Paths are constructed with varying degrees of difficulty based on the condition/state of the land in the Southeast Aceh Regency. Extreme downhill cycling activities performed at tourist attractions with breathtaking vistas will leave a lasting effect on guests[14]. Hiking is a form of climbing. Due to the strategic position of Southeast Aceh Regency, which is in the Mountain Area, this sport entails trekking over arduous terrain, including mountains, woods, rivers, hills, rice fields, and roads separating settlements. All of these pathways are slick, thus they must be reached by sprinting, walking, crawling, or even rolling and falling. Consequently, the operation of this sport is governed by a set of legally enforceable rules. This hiking activity is ideally suited for Southeast Aceh Regency's tourism region due to the necessary elements and the natural surroundings that meet the sport's qualifications[15].
With the nature sport of hiking in Southeast Aceh Regency, it is possible to promote hiking to people in Indonesia, particularly in Aceh province and Southeast Aceh Regency. Hiking has not been widely developed in other areas, particularly because the strategic location of the area is not in the highlands or mountainous regions. This one activity, rafting, already exists in the Southeast Aceh area, but it is not well developed owing to a lack of equipment or sports equipment and advertising, so that visitors do not receive exciting information about this one sport and do not wish to engage in it. Rafting is ideally suited for redevelopment in Southeast Aceh Regency since the forest river's currents are so difficult to navigate[16]. This is because the community is highly interested in these four sports, which is why Aceh Province has not promoted this sport as a tourism sport. This is a tremendous chance for the community to boost the number of tourists visiting Southeast Aceh Regency. The more the number of tourists, the more it will assist the community improve their income, and not only that, but the community can also participate in this sport so that they can be healthy and happy as well. There are a lot of alternative options to boost the number of tourists, such hosting an annual competition for trail running, downhill cycling, hiking, or rafting. This contest can be played on a national and international scale[17]. Various parties must collaborate and engage in sports coaching prior to the event in order to reach this point. Involved parties include the Youth and Sport tourism Office, KONI, academics, and sports clubs. Furthermore, when a match event is place, it must also include and coordinate with government and commercial organizations or institutions. [18]
With the future existence of these four sports, the government must focus on enhancing sport tourism facilities and infrastructure, such as providing locations for each sport, sports tracks of national and international standards, as well as specifically designed resting areas. Post office, clean canteens or cafés, and garbage cans so that the surrounding forest remains clean, attractive, and unpolluted. The government must also provide public restrooms for use by tourists and a prayer area for Muslim tourists who wish to worship[19]. These facilities and infrastructure must be a priority for the government to ensure the comfort of tourists and those who participate in these sports. These facilities and infrastructure are the most important factor in enhancing the travel comfort of tourists[20]. Based on the results of the interviews, many people complain about the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure in this tourist area, in this case the unavailability of trash cans for disposing of trash, so that many tourist visitors dispose of trash carelessly, and also do not have public toilets and prayer rooms to carry out prayer services, considering that there are many visitors from outside the Southeast Aceh regency who visited this Southeast Aceh regency tour[21].
On the basis of the research conducted by the research team, it can be concluded that the analysis of the potential development of sport tourism in Southeast Aceh Regency identified several recommendations for potential sports in the region, including downhill cycling, trail running, hiking, and rafting. With the recommendations for tourism sports, regional economic revenue may be increased, and these sports can also be developed as premier sports in the Southeast Aceh regency.