- Income,
- Operational Costs,
- Net Profit,
- Regression Analysis,
- Financial Impact
Copyright (c) 2023 Kiki Resky Ananda, Mulyana Machmud, Hamida Hasan

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This study aims to investigate the influence of income and operational costs on net profit at a specific organization. Employing a quantitative approach with descriptive and verificative methods, linear regression is utilized for data analysis. The results reveal a positive and significant impact of income on net profit (t = 10.629, p < 0.05), while operational costs exhibit a negative and inversely significant relationship (t = -3.707, p > 0.05). The F-test indicates both income and operational costs significantly contribute to net profit (F = 289.333, p < 0.05). This research sheds light on the intricate dynamics between financial variables, providing valuable insights for practitioners and scholars in the field.
- Quantitative Exploration: Utilizing linear regression for a thorough examination of the financial dynamics.
- Positive Income Influence: Demonstrating a significant positive effect of income on net profit.
- Operational Cost Dynamics: Unveiling a notable negative and inversely significant relationship between operational costs and net profit.
Keywords: Income, Operational Costs, Net Profit, Regression Analysis, Financial Impact
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