Given article is denoted of theoretical benchmark analysis - of geographical, climatic, ecologic, landscapes criteria’s of the nature of Aral oasis - as potential base for development of the tourism. It is studied, as particularly at Soviet period scientist seminal studied the Aral oasis at all points. It is given artistic analysis to Aral series of the artist in accompaniment with photo reproductions in 1959 year from works of painter. To enormous regret, the present-day youth nearly has not a full belief about fate Aral epidemic deaths. The examples is described about created card and scheme for forecasting of terrain of the town-port Muynak, created on miscellaneous method and already of needs in editions and addition last information. Row of the offers is given. In conclusion on the further development and improvement former Aral epidemic deaths, on inimitable of flora and fauna. The broad artistic analysis of the process is given in reconstruction of Aral museums in accompaniment with photo reproduction using work painter from 1960-2020. As a result of modern analyses with original museum of Aral Sea under opened by sky, as specific facility for development of the tourism is studied in our republic and have a questions, which expects their own decisions. The author is present for the first time in picturesque way in your attention, painting to interpretation, coming from it scientifically- creative experience. Given exploratory work, possible considers, as significant contribution to science in theories landscape architecture, archaeologies and history of art.
Exactly these product since full-flowing period of Aralsea for 1959 in main port Muynak is skillfully executed by artist Namoz Sultanov. He with person by love has written the water world that is to say sea, yard and Waves Lake. Fatally "Aral series" - a work results his student year practical persons in Muynak, at period training in artistic school named by P.P.Benkov (1, 40).
Figure 1.The water world that is to say sea, yard and Waves Lake
In since in1960 water of Aral have begun sharply to grow shorter on 10 mm. refer to per annum. But for this time multiple artists singed of fate Aral in their own product. Specifically want the name to emphasize the uzbek an artist-аrаlists. They are - Butakov.A., Matevosyan A.R., T.Schevchenko, Yu.Salomahin, S.Rahmetov, N.Kalonov, artists from Karakalpakstan - Boybosinov S., Kuttimuradov Zh., Saparov U., Serekeev V., Berdimbetov D., lepesov Zh.
Painter Matevosyan R.A. is in the future planned by means of armenian diaspore organize the memorable personal exhibition denoted to 90-anniversary artist-painter native from Samarkand R.Matevosyan, beside it on native land in Samarkand. For his worthy long-life (1962-2013 yy.) creative activity on Aral, his named the «singer of Aral». But the most discriminating line painter N.Sultanov, he scened the sea in really, natural janr, when else sea was an fulwater. The pictures of painter N.Sultanov - a chronicle to tempestuous life epidemic deathes, delight its inimitable beauty.
Later artist inspireated from Aral in process nearly 40 year pedagogical work on pulpit "Graphic arts" SamSACI, has regularly organized scholastic-creative trip in city - Leningrad, Shahrisabz, Kokand, Buhara, Hiva. In its creative activity he reflected the water world of the rivers of the Neva and Don, marinistic landscapes of Pushkin city in Leningrad, Aksay and Kuksay, streams of Zerafshan river (2, 10).
The Artist of the amazing person. Little that he sees the world especial eye, so, else and ready to leave us rich heritage. That we see on picture, plot, palette and most main labour artist. N.Sultanov was possessed the rich internal spiritual potential. His linens known and comprehensible for any age. In they are felt embedded sparkled soul, national coloring. The waves always worrisome Horezm epidemic deaths of Horezm by Aralsea was identified in 13 ages) glow its heat and succulence of the tone. In each picture of the artist attracts not so external, how much and internal world. Paints ozes with linen of the pictures, beauty of the land and folk on her.
So in 2004 was on Kazakhstans territory of Aral is discovered medieval aral-asar town and Kerderi necropol. As sea has drawn apart water before moiseem, so and Aral gave us possibility to set foot on bottom and find there city, - is divided by impressions archeologist Dmitriy Voyakin. As of scientist, city, conditionally named Aral-Asar, occupies the area of 6 hectares. In spite of the fact that Aral-аsаr existed not long, its built very literate. On the one hand, the city crescent was situated the production zone. Before her - a zone dwelling. On the other hand, the city limits enormous necropol. This was present "Valley dead", on which towered necropols and mausoleums. A near from it one of the mausoleum were discovered two memorial buildings. The wall mausoleum were by brick. Entry in mausoleum was decorated splendid enameled by bar. All this shows that 600 years back place of Aral territory were dried (3,
Yes, in this abusive world all have a temporality. On Aral tragedies, the majority accuse local folk, but this not faithfully. On historical date, the Aral sea in its many-centurial of the histories already approximately 3 times were rebirthed, renessaunsed (in X, XIV, XX century b.c.). The roman geographer of 1-centure n.e. Pomponiy chalk indicates: "Yaksart and Oks on desert Skiffs from countries of Sogdian falls into Scythian bay. This author for the first time speaks of direction of the main current Oks on north. About Oks and Yaksart in "Scythian bay Kaspiy spoke and Pliniy".
The Garb with Scythian bay in antique literature often appears "Oksi lake" or "Oksi marsh" or as "Horezm lake", being also not than other, as Aral by sea. Meantime in Russia already in book Greater Drawing (XVI- XVII cc.) are comprised rather exact information about Aral (been identified in that time "Blue by sea".
Presently, in Muynak works the regional museum dedicated to history of Aral. This museum was founded in 1984 year and as exhibit are found different artefacts, photography’s and work artist. For present-day day, all problems of Aral remains more actually. But these functioning the artist additionally have a priceless nature. The review on these marinistic landscapes, possible think that though author N.Sultanov physically absent, but already above-ground, artist and Aral sea through their own pictures live its second, spiritual life. His creative activity possesses internal wholeness its stile, which penetrate his pictures, carry the heat and love to lifes to people. "True creator else at lifes prepares itself second birth after death, after all soul hiswill always be in this world in his product", speaks journalist G.Bagdasarova (4, ).
We certain that in future water of Aralsea are once again filled merry wave, as it is reflected on etude of the artist. Is it below brought suitable spirit of Aral, fragment from The Great Hymn to the pharaon of ancient new kingdom Aten (sun), (ancient Egypt):
« When the land grows bright and you are risen from the horizon and shining in the sun-disk by day
All flocks (are) at rest on their grasses, trees and grasses flourishing;
Birds flown from their nest, their wings in adoration of your life-force;
Ships going downstream and upstream too, every road open at your appearance;
Fish on the river leaping to your face, your rays even inside the sea » .
The island of the Rebirth (the Sun dune) Military biological laboratory "Aralsk-7" with 1942 in 1992 on island acted soviet PNIL-52 (52-I field research laboratory - a troop part 04061) (ner from city Ostashkov Tverskoy area was situated before Great Domestic war laboratory on island Gorodomlya lake Seliger; an evacue was in 1941 in Kirov, is then shifted in Saratov, but in 1942 - on island of the Rebirth). Here took seats the regiment of the servicing the firing range (the troop part 25484). The Locked military borough Kantubek town (Aralsk-7) - a waistcoat zone firing range, where lived 1,5 thousand people (the employees of the firing range with family, as well as military served urgent service).
Figure 2.The island of the Rebirth (the Sun dune) Military biological laboratory
On island for fifty years were conducted test bacteriological of the weapon on experimental animals (the rats, dogs, monkeys and mousse). The sample preparation of biological test were delivered on island from all military biochemical laboratories USSR (Stepnogorsk, Kirov, Sverdlovsk-19, Omutninsk, Sergiev put; plant, Obolensk). In north part of island at the beginning initially in1960-h years were built military aerodrome, consisting of four VPP (originally grunt) in the manner of roses winds. Covering were equiped with in 1980-h year VPP aerodrome from concrete captive. The Firing range functioned before in1992, then soldierly contingent (together with family) was re evacuation in Russia, bio laboratory - unmounted, a part of equipment military exported, but a part remained on island. After closing the laboratory island visited the group an expert Pentagon, as well as multiple scientific expeditions. The History of the Island was formed at the end XVI-go, begin XVII-go ages after reduction level Aral epidemic deaths in this period. The Island was discovered in 1848 expedition of Aleksey Butakov and has got then name "Island of the name Reigning Nikolay I", was later renamed. On begin in1960-h years Area Island formed beside 216 km. The reduction level Aral epidemic deaths has brought first to sharp increase its area, then to conversion it in peninsula, but in 2009 – Uzbek to full merging with mainland. In 2008 on of a part of peninsula are organized geologist exploring of the work (searching for oilgas birthplace). The contractor - a company "Petroaliyans", the customer - a government Uzbekistan.
Before in 1970-h years 34 types of fish dwelt in Arale, of them more than twenty had commercial importance. In 1946 in Aral sea caught 23 thousand fish plants tons, at the beginning initially 1980-h years this factor reached 60 thousand tons. On Kazakhstan part Aral was five fish plants, one fish air-tight plant combine, fourty five fish of the points, on Uzbek (Karakalpakiya) five fish air-tight plant, one fish air-tight combine.
Particularly the Aral oasis seminal studied at Soviet period scientist. Create the natural wild landscape with water lake for caught of fishes, varieties of fish. But these 20 with abandoned ships at Aral sea nave forgotten on day lake, use as cafe or restaurants for foreign and local tourists with unique interior in spirit of the specific interior (for instance, as on Neva river in Sankt-Petersburg). They are practiced old naves and reconstructed as Restaurant-naves in Petersburg, for instance - "Aster", "Flying Dutchman", "Chayka", "Miraculous fleet".
Figure 3.Create the natural wild landscape with water lake for caught of fishes
The resolution government is approved Strategy on conservation of the biological variety in Republic Uzbekistan for a period of 2019-2028, reports Minyust. The Strategy provides the expansion an area protected natural territory before 12% from territory of the country, as well as shoaling dranned bottom Aral epidemic deaths with conduct area wood before 1,2 mln. hectare.
The document is also provided conducted amount jeyrans in Buharas specialized nursery Dzheyran before 1000 persons. The decennial event escaped In period of Soviet Unions declining condition Aral epidemic deaths, up to 1985, when M.S. Gorbachev has done this ecological catastrophe to publicity. At the end in 1980-h gg. level of water fell so that all sea divided on two parts: north Small Aral and south Big Aral. To 2007 in south part were clearly marked deep west and shallow east ponds, as well as the remainder of the small separate bay.
Kazakhstan, however, has undertaken the attempt at least partly to restore north Small Aral. At the beginning initially 1990-h gg. was build earth dam - to prevent the pond flow of water on south, where she in vain got lost because of evaporation. That as a result of disastrous break out at. In April 1999 dam was ruined, undertaking attempt has shown the principle possibility to raise the level of water and reduce its saltiness. Kazakhstan and Worldwide bank has selected on decision given problems $85 mln. Main by element of the new building, finished at November 2005, became much more powerful earth dam by length 13 km, including concrete dam with gidrotekhnic for regulation of the gap of water.
The Big volume of the sewer yard Syrdariya following in winter initiated reconstruction north Small Aral. As a result for some eight months level water rose here with 40 before 42 m above level of the World Ocean - before calculated beforehand heights. The Area to water surface increased on 18%, but saltiness of water, having begun with 20 г/л approximately, constantly fell and today came up to 10 г/л. The fishermen have newly begun to fish out the representative’s different type fish-including so valuable, as pike perch and carp.
3-km dam and dam with gidrotekhnic at the top, built Kazakhstan in 2005, rescued Small Aral, having stopped flow water on drying up, guiding to nowhere channel. There after exists increasing a level water and growing fish population. Gidrotehnic shutter, finished at November of the same year, allows to miss spare water for regulation level pond. Already to the following summer water in Small Aral rose on 2 meters. The Strategy expects making the united system of the monitoring component of kind of with central section master of ecologic system state game reserve; the united information database of the state monitoring and state cadastr on base modern geological information technology (GIS-technology). The planting of trees and shrubs deserted territory on place of goned water by scheduled governmental resolution. Green covering will cover 500 thousand hectare land.
The planting of trees and shrubs deserted territory on place of goned water by scheduled governmental resolution. Green covering will cover 500 thousand hectare land.
Figure 4.The planting of trees and shrubs deserted territory on place of goned water by scheduled governmental resolution
For the current moment desert «Aralkum», appeared in lieu there of dry epidemic deathes, occupies over 5,5 million hectare. Because of drying and salting of ground at the last years of the order 50 thousand hectare sowing areas have lost the fertility and became to be unfit for husbandry
As you know in 1960 year Aralsea begin sharply dryed, fall the level of water. Particularly 1990 were for the matter of that very complex period for inhabitants of Priaraliya. In change from Kazakhstan of the territory sea - a city of the port Aral. In Muynak nearly all water dryed and remained some puddles. In 2005 administrations Aral have begun to build the dam against dryed water epidemic deathes and level of water became noticeably to rise. That is to say water to sea returns.
Figure 5.That is to say water to sea returns
For the last 10 years on side of the Kazakh territory Kukaral began to spring back to life, returned from Red book fish Moraine. Prevent the ecological catastrophe. On day dry Aral epidemic deathes have debarked more than 50 thousand hectare саксаула. The countries to Central Asia continue the work on reconstruction ecosystem of this region. It is difficult to present, but this desert territory lake, which literally half a century was back 4 in the world in size. The area formed nearly 67 thousand square kilometer. Aral named by sea though access to ocean he has not.
In Uzbekistan this question stands otherwise. On tale old-timer Aralsea dryed 29 once each 130 years. But this time dryed for 40 years. Beside us in Uzbekistan too for present-day day are conducted large-scale projects on Aral in Muynak. They were conducted enormous organization of the labour, melioration of the work. Such as, making the timber zones, boarding sacsauls, stern and other plants as natural obstacle for sand and salts. A green pasture will here be through 4-6 years. The groups often are planned to open the bore holes for development stock-breeding. One word, will be a city-garden.
The countries-members of the international fund of the saving Aral will continue collaboration. Presently him there is find the decision on a matter in managerial system water resource. For recovering ecosistems of region of the country to Central Asia on day dry Aral epidemic deathes have debarked more than 500 thousand hectare of Sacsauls.
Gensec UNO, residing with vizit in Uzbekistan, has examined at saturday with helicopter area of water dry Aral epidemic deathes. The Chapter to worldwide organization with 8 on June 13 makes the tour on country of the Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kirgiziya, Tadzhikistan and Turkmeniya. "Visit Aral epidemic deathes - no time fourth on size locked epidemic deathes, but presently nearly extenct, became the enormous shock. Probably, this most big ecological catastrophe of our time", - is spoken in statement Gensec UNO on total of the visit in Muynak.
Figure 6.Figure 6
Antonio Guterresh has emphasized that disappearance epidemic deathes has occurred not because of change the climate, but by reason of wrong management water resource. "Let Aral sea will be a symbol of the destruction of the planet on the part of mankind, and let this will be a lesson for all of us to mobilize all international community in performing the Parisian agreement on climate that tragedies, like that that I saw in Uzbekistan, were not repeated", - is spoken in wide-spread at saturday statement.
At December, in 2016 Antonio Guterresh in its message with our president Shavkat Mirziyoev has declared that problem of Aral epidemic deathes remains the main by priority double-sided cooperation. The Eighth secretary general UNO Foamy Gi Mun in the course of visit in Uzbekistan in 2010 has also visitted the region Priaraliya and has examined the condition of Aral epidemic deathes with helicopter.
Aral have ruined from irrigations uzbek field flap. For development of tourist potential in Aral oasis and in Muynak necessary to execute the following actions, not breaking nature of Aral:
1. Create in united system:
- A Theoretical cards for forecast and rating on geobotanic and on zoografy;
- A Cards for making irrigations of the territory on study of the composition of water for 3 stage – here are 1960-1975 yy., 1976-2000 yy., 2001-2030 yy.
- Scientifically-analytical cards of the forecasting of the landscape, create the condition last duplications of the unique plants;
- Createing landscape on Ustyurt;
- Create the concept of the tourism;
2. Create the Create the exploratory center of Aral for scientist;
- A Museum of flora and fauna;
- A Museum of the Aral cards of the miscellaneous of the period;
- Create аrt-galley of the artistic work to subjects of Aral;
- Create beach zone of the rest beside seasides Aral;
Create the game reserve of the zone for breeding animal (with local wild garden, natural
museum and laboratory for study);