Human Resource Management
DOI: 10.21070/ijler.2020.V7.461

Improvement of Job Satisfaction Based on Work Motivation, Work Environment, Competence and Compensation for Hospital Employees

Peningkatan Kepuasan Kerja Berdasarkan Motivasi Kerja, Lingkungan Kerja, Kompetensi dan Kompensasi untuk Karyawan Rumah Sakit

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

(*) Corresponding Author

Work Motivation Work Environment Competence Employee Satisfaction Hospital


This study aims to determine the factors that can increase employee satisfaction at the Regional Hospital dr. Sobandi Jember. These factors include work motivation, work environment, and compensation and HR competencies. The population in this study is 226 employees who will also be used as research samples. Thus this research is also called census research. This type of research is quantitative research. Data analysis techniques using structural equation modeling with PLP Warp software that tests the validity and reliability of measuring instruments, as well as model fit and path analysis test. The results showed that the motivation variable with a coefficient of 0.281 affected employee satisfaction. Work environment variables with a coefficient of 0.162 affect employee satisfaction. HR competency variable with a coefficient value of 0.010 does not affect employee satisfaction. While the compensation variable with a coefficient of 0.681 affects employee satisfaction.


In line with the mandate of Article 28 H paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia it has been affirmed that everyone has the right to receive health services, then in Article 34 paragraph (3) the state is declared responsible for providing health care facilities and public service facilities worthy. The Ministry of Health's strategic plan for 2015-2019 which has been established through Minister of Health Decree Number Hk.02.02 / Menkes / 52/2015 About the Ministry of Health's Strategic Plan for 2015-2019, that health development is essentially an effort carried out by all components of the Indonesian Nation which aims to increase awareness, willingness, and ability to live healthy for everyone in order to realize the highest degree of public health, as an investment for the development of human resources that are socially and economically productive. The success of health development is largely determined by the continuity between program and sector efforts, as well as continuity with efforts that have been carried out by the previous period.

With the issuance of Law Number 40 of 2004 Concerning the National Assurance System which is applied to all Indonesians and Citizens, which is basically a State program aimed at providing certainty of protection and social welfare for all Indonesians. Implementation of Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Guarantee System for All Indonesian Citizens encourages the growth of Hospitals, both established by the Government and the Private sector. Through this program, each resident is expected to be able to meet the basic needs of a decent life if things happen that can result in lost or reduced income, due to illness, accident, loss of work, entering old age, or retirement.

The government's target to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in 2019 in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Guarantee System for All Indonesian Citizens of the Hospital Industry must be well prepared and make efforts to improve services and quality. In addition to joining the Health BPJS, hospitals must improve the quality of services so that it becomes the people's choice in accessing health services.

Government-owned hospitals are no longer the sole provider of health services as they were in the period prior to the enactment of the National Social Security System by the Government in accordance with Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Security System, Hospitals managed by Private Parties are also provided broadest opportunity to provide health facilities, health workers and access to health facilities for the community.

Jember Regency is one of the districts in the eastern region of East Java where the development of the hospital services industry has increased significantly. The development of the number of hospitals in Jember Regency showed a significant growth where there were 11 Hospitals consisting of 5 Government-Owned Hospitals and 6 Hospitals managed by private parties. With the large number of hospitals in Jember Regency, the level of competition in getting patients has also increased. This condition must be understood by the hospital service providers in Jember Regency. Minister of Health Regulation No. 34 of 2017 concerning Hospital Accreditation encourages Government Hospitals to always maintain the quality of hospital services through hospital management in accordance with the performance indicators set out in the Hospital Minimum Service Standards or in Hospital Accreditation standards. The quality in question is the quality of hospital facilities and infrastructure, the quality of service standards and the quality of its human resources. With the hospital's accreditation regulations, the hospital must continue to pay attention to the management of resources that support the creation of reliable patient services. Services for hospital patients must continue to be improved so that hospital performance is improved, so that the best accreditation can be achieved. Services to patients can be done well if the hospital service providers pay attention to supporting resources for hospital performance.

The success of an institution is determined by two main factors, namely human resources or labor and supporting facilities and infrastructure or work facilities. Of the two main factors, human resources are more important than supporting facilities and infrastructure. As sophisticated and complete as any supporting facilities owned by an organization, without adequate resources both in quality and quantity, the organization cannot succeed in realizing its organization's vision, mission and goals.

The role of human resources in determining the success of a company cannot be ignored, this is because human resources are a source of competitive advantage that is able to face various challenges (Mangkunegara 2010). Human resources can survive because they have managerial competence, namely the ability to formulate the company's vision and strategy and direct other resources in realizing the vision and implementing the company's strategy (Azhad, Anwar, and Qomariah 2015).Human Resources is the only resource that has a feeling, desire, skills, knowledge, encouragement, power and work. All of these Human Resources potentials affect the organization's efforts in achieving its goals (Hariandja 2007).

Human resource management in an organization is important in utilizing human resources in this case employees who work in the organization to support the achievement of organizational goals. Human resources are often referred to as employees are the operational drivers of the organization. Human resource management is very important for an organization to organize, manage, and utilize its human resources so that later it can be more productive and the goals of the organization can be achieved (Nawawi 2008). Human resources contribute to the competitive advantage of the organization, the organization must motivate so that the performance of its employees continues to increase, so that it has high motivation, good discipline and, it is hoped that excellent service quality can be achieved and provide satisfaction to the users of its services (Manullang 2007).

Employees are human resources as one of the most important components of the organization because of their role as implementing policies and operational activities of the organization (Sunyoto 2015). Therefore companies need to pay attention to employee satisfaction. Because if employees feel satisfied then they will do a good job and enthusiasm. Satisfaction is an employee's feeling related to his work (Azhad, Anwar, and Qomariah 2015). Job satisfaction is closely related to employees' attitudes towards their own work, work situations, cooperation between leaders and fellow employees (Nawawi 2008). Job satisfaction is a general attitude which is the result of several specific attitudes towards work factors, adjustment and individual social relations outside of work (Samsudin 2006). Satisfaction as a feeling of pleasure or disappointment someone experienced after comparing the perception of the performance or results of a product with his expectations (Hariandja 2007).

Many factors can increase employee satisfaction. Factors that can increase employee satisfaction include: work motivation, work environment, HR competencies, and compensation. Work motivation is a factor that allegedly can increase employee satisfaction. Motivation is a condition that encourages or becomes the cause of someone doing an action or activity, which takes place consciously (Nawawi 2008). Motivation is needed in an effort to improve employee performance (Samsudin 2006). Work motivation depends on fulfilling the hierarchy of needs. These needs determine how people behave and motivate themselves. Applying appropriate motivation can encourage them to do their job as best they can, thereby increasing the performance of the employee concerned. The role of leadership in providing motivation to employees is very important. This means that in motivating employees the leadership must understand the needs of employees. Providing the right motivation according to employee needs will provide opportunities for the organization to support the achievement of organizational goals. Motivation as a driving force that creates the excitement of one's work so that they want to work together, work effectively and be integrated with all their efforts to achieve satisfaction (Mangkunegara 2009). Several studies have been conducted by researchers that link work motivation and employee satisfaction. Research (Badjuri 2009), (Wirda and Azra 2012), (Yusuf 2015), and (Syahidin 2018), (Pribadi 2018) which states that work motivation can increase employee job satisfaction.

The second factor that affects the job satisfaction of employees is the work environment. The work environment is everything that is around workers and can affect themselves in carrying out the tasks assigned (Harin 2014). The physical work environment is the environment around the workers in carrying out their work such as work space, coloring, office facilities (Sarwono 2005). There is also a work environment called non-physical work environment such as friends in one room, leaders and subordinates (Mangkunegara 2009). A comfortable work environment can influence employees in carrying out their duties. For example, coloring in the eye will affect employees in completing their tasks. Relationships of employees with leaders, colleagues and subordinates can also affect the work of employees. A bad relationship with superiors, colleagues and subordinates will have an impact on the completion of employee tasks. Feelings of discomfort in the work environment can also have an impact on employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction. A comfortable work environment can usually make employees satisfied and finally be able to complete their duties properly. A number of previous studies have examined the relationship between work environment and employee satisfaction. As research conducted by (Wibowo, Musadieq, and Nurtjahjono 2014), (Hidayat 2018), (Sitinjak 2018), which states that the work environment has an impact on employee satisfaction. Research (Riansari, Sudiro, and Rofiaty 2012) and (Sudibya and Utama 2012), (Pribadi 2018) whose results state that there is no significant influence between work environment and employee satisfaction.

The next factor affecting employee satisfaction is competence. Competence is an ability inherent in employees (Samsudin 2006). Competence is an expertise possessed by employees in carrying out the tasks given by their superiors. The higher one's competence, the better in carrying out their duties. If employees can carry out their duties properly then employees will feel satisfaction in working (Azhad, Anwar, and Qomariah 2015). Several studies have been conducted that link between competence with employee satisfaction including (Yusuf 2015) and (Supiyanto 2015) which states that HR competencies can increase employee satisfaction at work.

The fourth factor that can affect employee satisfaction is compensation. Compensation is everything received by employees in the form of salaries, wages, incentives, bonuses, premiums, medication, insurance and others of the same type that are paid directly by the company (Samsudin 2006). The compensation must be correctly determined and known in advance so that the employee knows exactly how much compensation the employee will receive. Compensation is a major factor in employment in an organization (Manullang 2007).The staffing policy has much to do with consideration for determining employee compensation. The level of compensation of employees is closely related to the level of education, level of position and work experience (Ruky 2006). Therefore, in determining employee compensation, it is necessary to be based on performance appraisal, employee conditions, education level, position, and years of service of the employee (Mangkunegara 2009). Compensation as something that is received by employees as a reward for their work and is a way of management to increase job satisfaction of employees (Samsudin 2006). Previous studies examining the effect of compensation on employee performance include (Sinollah 2011), (Kusumaningtyas 2012), (Riansari, Sudiro, and Rofiaty 2012), (Syah 2013), (Supiyanto 2015), (Yusuf 2015), (Hidayat 2018), (Syahidin 2018), stated that compensation had a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Based on the background, the underlying theory and several studies that have been done by previous researchers, the formulation of the problem in this study is how to increase employee satisfaction if it is associated with variables of work motivation, work environment, competence and compensation in the Regional Hospital Administration Staff dr. Soebandi Jember. While the purpose of this study was to determine the impact of work motivation, work environment, competence and compensation variables on job satisfaction of Regional Hospital administrative staff dr. Soebandi Jember.


The research approach used in this study is a quantitative approach. This method is used to test hypotheses and to determine the effect between variables that have been built into research models (Ghozali 2011). Stages of the research process conducted by researchers starts from the initial research to explore the existing problems in the research object. Then proceed with literature study to explore the theoretical foundation and the results of empirical studies in previous research to be used as a basis for building research models (Sugiyono 2010). After that, observation and interviews are continued in the field, data collection is done through a questionnaire, after the data is collected then an analysis is made and conclusions are drawn.

This study describes a phenomenon or event that occurs in an object of research. This study aims to explain the relationships between one variable with other variables and also to explain the causal relationship between variables through testing the hypotheses proposed in the study (Sekaran 2006). To carry out this research, data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires whose data were collected from a sample of the population to represent the entire population. The independent variables in this study include: work motivation, work environment, HR competence and compensation. While the dependent variable is job satisfaction.

Population is a group of people, events or everything that has certain characteristics (Ferdinand 2006).Population is a generalization area that consists of subjects who have certain qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions (Ghozali 2011). The population in this study were all administrative staff at RSD dr. Soebandi Jember totaling 226 people. Samples can be interpreted as part of a population in a certain number that has the same characteristics as the population. To carry out this research, data collection was collected from a sample of the population to represent the entire population (Sugiyono 2010). The sample in this study was 226 employees who were also the study population. So this research is also called census research.

Validity test is done by using convergent validity test. Convergent validity means that a set of indicators represents one latent variable and which underlies the latent variable. The representation can be demonstrated through unidimensionality that can be expressed using the average value of the extracted variant (Average Variance Extracted / AVE). The AVE value is at least 0.5. This value represents adequate convergent validity which means that a latent variable is able to explain more than half the variants of the indicators in average (Sekaran 2006). Reliability test is an instrument that if used several times to measure the same object will produce the same data (size). A reliable or trustworthy or reliable instrument will be able to produce reliable data as well. To find out the level of validity and reliability of a relatively easy research instrument is to use the Alpha Cronbach analysis tool (Ghozali 2005).

Data analysis to determine the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable using SEM analysis using PLS. SEM using PLS only allows directional relationship between variables. This is the same as the path analysis model not the same as covariance-based SEM which also allows reciprocal relationships (Ghozali 2011).

Results and Discussion

Validity Test Results

Indicator Normalized pattern loadingStandard Information

X110.560 0,5 Convergent validity fulfilled

X120.583 0,5 Convergent validity fulfilled

X130.643 0,5 Convergent validity fulfilled

X140.575 0,5 Convergent validity fulfilled

Source: Data Processed with PLS Warp 5.0

Based on the results of the validity test using Warp PLS version 5.0, it can be seen that all indicators of motivation variables meet the requirements of convergent validity.

Indicator Normalized pattern loading Standard Information

X210.6090,5 convergent validity fulfilled

X220.6550,5 convergent validity fulfilled

X230.6120,5 convergent validity fulfilled

X240.5560,5 convergent validity fulfilled

X250.5660,5 convergent validity fulfilled

Source: Data Processed with PLS Warp 5.0

Based on the results of the validity test using Warp PLS version 5.0, it can be seen that all indicators of work environment variables meet the requirements of convergent validity.

Indicator Normalized pattern loading Standard Information

X310.5760,5 convergent validity fulfilled

X320.5710,5 convergent validity fulfilled

X330.6440,5 convergent validity fulfilled

Source: Data Processed with PLS Warp 5.0

Based on the results of the validity test using Warp PLS version 5.0, it can be seen that all competency variable indicators meet the convergent validity requirements.

Indicator Normalized pattern loading Standard Information

X410.5560,5 Convergent validity fulfilled

X420.5440,5 Convergent validity fulfilled

X430.7040,5 Convergent validity fulfilled

X440.6990,5 Convergent validity fullfilled

Source: Data Processed with PLS Warp 5.0

Based on the results of the validity test using Warp PLS version 5.0, it can be seen that all competency variable indicators meet the convergent validity requirements.

Indicator Normalized pattern loading Standard Information

X410.8010,5 Convergent validity fulfilled

X420.5510,5 Convergent validity fullfilled

X430.7830,5 Convergent validity fulfilled

X440.5730,5 Convergent validity fulfilled

Source: Data Processed with PLS Warp 5.0

Based on the results of the validity test using Warp PLS version 5.0, it can be seen that all indicators of job satisfaction variables meet the convergent validity requirements.

Reliability Test Results

Information Variable Standard Information
X1 X2 X3 X4 Z Y
Composite reliability coefficients 0.920 0.858 0.753 0.732 0.831 0.935 0,6 Reliable
Cronbach's alpha coefficients 0.883 0.788 0.807 0.826 0.723 0.913 0,7 Reliable
Table 1.Reliability TestsSource: Data Processed with PLS Warp 5.0

The reliability test results show that the Cronbach’s Alpha value for each variable is above 0.60, so all variables are said to be reliable.

Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Work Motivation Variables

The results of the descriptive statistical calculations for work motivation variables are known that out of a total of 226 respondents having the most dominant perception of work motivation is strongly agree with 61.94%. While the least perception of work motivation is disagreeing at 2.0%. This shows that the respondent has a high (good) value perception of questions that represent indicators of work motivation, namely recognition of the ability of employees.

Descriptive Analysis of Work Environment Variables

The results of the descriptive statistical calculations for work environment variables are known that out of a total of 226 respondents having the most dominant perception of the work environment is agreeing to 61.95%. While the perception of the work environment that is the least is not agree that is equal to 0.2%. This shows that the respondent has a high (good) value perception of questions that represent air circulation and lighting indicators.

Descriptive Analysis of Competency Variables

The results of the descriptive statistical calculations for the competency variable note that out of a total of 226 respondents having the most dominant perception of competence is agreeing to 55.75%. While the least perception of competence is disagreeing at 0.2%. This shows that respondents have a high (good) value perception of questions that represent skills indicators.

Descriptive Variation of Compensation Analysis

The results of the descriptive statistical calculations for the compensation variable note that out of a total of 226 respondents having the most dominant perception of compensation is agreeing to 55.75%. Whereas the lowest perception of compensation is disagreement, which is 0.2%. This shows that the respondent has a high (good) value perception of the questions that represent the benefit indicators.

Descriptive Analysis of Job Satisfaction Variables

The results of the descriptive statistical calculations for the variable job satisfaction is known that out of a total of 226 respondents having the most dominant perception of employee performance is agreeing to 50.88%. While the least perceived employee performance is disagreeing at 0.2%. This shows that respondents have a high (good) value perception of questions that represent indicators of authority and social utility.

Hypothesis T esting

To evaluate the structural relationship between latent variables, hypothesis testing must be carried out on the path coefficient denoted by β between the variables by comparing the p-value with p value 0.01. The p-value is obtained from the output in WarpPLS 5.0. Testing this hypothesis is also intended to answer the research hypothesis and also prove the truth of the alleged research which consists of 4 hypotheses. Based on the path analysis model, it can be seen the analysis of the direct influence between the variables of work motivation, work environment, competence and compensation for job satisfaction can be seen in table 7.

The coefficient of influence of work motivation variables on job satisfaction is 0.281 with a p value <0.01. The effect of work motivation on job satisfaction is significant because the p value is less than 0.05. The coefficient of influence of work environment variables on job satisfaction is 0.162 with p = 0.006. The influence of the work environment on job satisfaction is significant because the p value is less than 0.05. The coefficient of influence of the competency variable on job satisfaction is 0.010 with a value of p = 0.439. The effect of competence on job satisfaction is not significant because the p value is greater than 0.05. The coefficient of influence of the compensation variable on job satisfaction is 0.681 with a p value <0.01. The effect of compensation on job satisfaction is significant because the p value is less than 0.05. R2 value of job satisfaction variable of 0.70, this shows that the variance of the variable job satisfaction by 70% can be explained by the variance of the variables of work motivation, work environment, competence and compensation.

Information Variable X1 X2 X3 X4
Path coefficients X1
Y 0.281 0.162 0.010 0.681
P Value X1
Y <0.001 0.006 0.439 <0.001
Table 2.Analysis of Direct EffectsSource: Data Processed with PLS Warp 5.0


Effect of Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction

The results showed that the coefficient of work motivation was 0.28 with a p value <0.001. This significance value is smaller than 0.05, so the hypothesis which states that there is an influence of work motivation on job satisfaction is accepted. This shows the results of the study support the first hypothesis that there is a positive and significant influence of work motivation on job satisfaction. This means that the more work motivation of employees increases the more job satisfaction of employees at the Hospital dr. Soebandi Jember.

A positive employee mental attitude towards work situations can strengthen the employee's work motivation to achieve maximum performance. While job satisfaction is closely related to employees' attitudes towards their own work, work situations, cooperation between leaders and fellow employees. This study supports research that has been conducted by (Badjuri 2009), (Wirda and Azra 2012), (Yusuf 2015),dan (Syahidin 2018), (Pribadi 2018) which states that work motivation can increase job satisfaction of employees.

Effect of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction

The test results showed that the coefficient of work environment variables was 0.16 with a p value <0.01. These results indicate that the significance value of the work environment variable is smaller than 0.05. Thus, these results support hypothesis 2: there is a positive and significant influence of the work environment on job satisfaction. So that the better the work environment, the more job satisfaction increases at the Hospital dr. Soebandi Jember. The work environment is an effort to create conditions that reflect a family atmosphere, good communication and self-control Effect of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction

The test results showed that the coefficient of work environment variables was 0.16 with a p value <0.01. These results indicate that the significance value of the work environment variable is smaller than 0.05. Thus, these results support hypothesis 2: there is a positive and significant influence of the work environment on job satisfaction. So that the better the work environment, the more job satisfaction increases at the Hospital dr. Soebandi Jember. The work environment is an effort to create conditions that reflect a family atmosphere, good communication and self-control (Hariandja 2007). Fostering good relationships between co-workers, subordinates and superiors must be done because we need each other. Work relationships that are formed greatly affect psychological employees. This study does not support research conducted by (Riansari, Sudiro, and Rofiaty 2012) and (Sudibya and Utama 2012), (Private 2018), the results of which state that there is no significant influence between work environment and employee satisfaction. Fostering good relationships between co-workers, subordinates and superiors must be done because we need each other. Work relationships that are formed greatly affect psychological employees. This study does not support research conducted by (Riansari, Sudiro, and Rofiaty 2012) and (Sudibya and Utama 2012), (Pribadi 2018) the results of which state that there is no significant influence between work environment and employee satisfaction.

Effect of Competence on Job Satisfaction

The results showed that the coefficient value of the competency variable was 0.01 with a value of p = 0.44. This result is not significant because it is greater than 0.05. This shows the results of research rejecting hypothesis 3 that there is no positive and significant effect of competence on job satisfaction. This shows that competence cannot increase employee job satisfaction in the Hospital Dr. Soebandi Jember.

Competence is an individual's capacity to do various tasks in a job. Besides that, it is also stated that all individual abilities are essentially composed of two sets of factors, namely intellectual ability and physical ability. Employees' competency shows a person's ability to refer to an individual's capacity to carry out various tasks in a job and all the abilities of an individual. Research that connects HR competencies with satisfaction has been widely done. Among them is research that has been done by (Yusuf 2015) and (Supiyanto 2015) which states that HR competencies can increase employee satisfaction at work.

Effect of Compensation on Job Satisfaction

The results showed that the coefficient of compensation variable was 0.68 with a p value <0.01. This result is significant because it is smaller than 0.05. This shows the results of the study support hypothesis 4 that there is a positive and significant effect of compensation on employee performance. Thus the better the work motivation of employees, the more job satisfaction increases at dr. Soebandi Jember.

Provision of compensation in an organization must be arranged in such a way as to form a good system. Compensation is the entire remuneration received by employees as a result of carrying out work in the organization in the form of money or other forms which can be in the form of salaries, wages, bonuses, incentives, and other benefits such as health benefits, holiday allowances, meal allowances, leave fees and others- other. This compensation includes work situations where workers find job satisfaction and work motivation. Researchers who have done the same research in between (Sinollah 2011), (Kusumaningtyas 2012), (Riansari, Sudiro, and Rofiaty 2012), (Syah 2013), (Supiyanto 2015), (Yusuf 2015), (Hidayat 2018), (Syahidin 2018), stated that compensation had a positive and significant effect on employee performance.


This research was conducted at the Dr. Soebandi Jember with the aim to test and analyze the effect of work motivation, work environment, HR competence and compensation on employee job satisfaction. The object of research is all employees at the Hospital dr. Soebandi Jember during May 2019. The number of respondents was 226 people. The results showed that: 1) there was a positive and significant influence of work motivation variables on job satisfaction. This shows the better work motivation in the Hospital staff dr. Soebandi Jember, will further increase job satisfaction; 2) there is a positive and significant influence of work environment variables on job satisfaction. This shows the better working environment in the hospital Dr. Soebandi Jember.maka will further increase job satisfaction; 3) there is no positive and significant influence of competency variable on job satisfaction. This shows the competency possessed by employees at the Hospital dr. Soebandi Jember, cannot increase job satisfaction; 4) there is a positive and significant influence of compensation variable on job satisfaction. This shows the better implementation of compensation in dr. Soebandi Jember, it will further increase job satisfaction.


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