Human Resource Management
DOI: 10.21070/ijler.2020.V7.458

Empowerment Of School Committees In Improving The Quality Of Education Basic Schools Of Indonesia-Malaysia State Border

Pemberdayaan Komite Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Perbatasan Negara Indonesia-Malaysia

University Of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
University Of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
University Of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
University Of Muhammadiyah Jakarta

(*) Corresponding Author

Empowerment School Committees Basic Education


The purpose of this study is to see how the form of empowerment of school committees in improving the quality of education especially in elementary schools. The research method used is descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews, and documentation. Research findings The existence of a school committee is an important element in improving the quality of school education services, its existence with all the tasks and functions it has can play a role in realizing better quality education services. Efforts to empower school committees are carried out in various ways although they are still not ideal as stated in the regulations related to school committees. In principle, so far the participation of school committee members and the form of empowerment of school committees is still limited to routine meetings and the fulfillment of supporting facilities for student learning facilities that are done voluntarily by school committees. Based on this, the efforts to empower school committees have been made but are still limited to routine agendas that are not yet optimal as the actual duties and functions of school committees.


The opening of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, one of which is to educate the life of the Indonesian people, is the mandate of the nation which must be implemented by everyone who is a part of the Indonesian nation, both the government and the community have the same share in the intellectual life of the nation. Many ways can be done to achieve this, one of which is to provide opportunities for all children of the nation to be able to access the world of good education without exception. The country of Indonesia has a very diverse background in religion, race, culture, language and region with varying degrees of ease and difficulty, despite this there is no reason not to provide space and opportunities for the nation's children to be educated either through education as well as other fields included in this case are the children of the nation in the border region as in the area of ​​entikong and seabed Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan which is directly adjacent to the State of Malaysia. Equitable quality of education is a must to be implemented in all corners of the Republic of Indonesia, with the existence of government policies that provide the main focus on the areas of disadvantaged, frontier and outermost regions providing space to the State border areas which in fact are still tinged with problems of limited basic infrastructure, such as education health and other areas of life. The blurry portrait of education is not new, nor is the priority location of Entikong and Sekayam in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province, a direct border with the State of Malaysia.

Improving the quality of basic education is not only the responsibility of the government, in this case the education office, school principals or teachers, but the role of the school committee as a representative of parents in the implementation of education in primary schools is also very important so that the existence of the school committee is not only become a formality in the administration of education but also its role is a condition with expediency. The empowerment of school committees in helping to improve the quality of education in the Entikong and Sekayam border areas must be realized by providing a space for the active participation of school committees in every activity that leads to improving the quality of education itself. Many border areas are characterized by problems with limited basic infrastructure, such as in education. Various national development policies such as the development of educational infrastructure, since the era of independence until now still tend to be centralistic, not in accordance with what is needed by the region so that it has not shown significant development. The blurry portrait of education in the border region is not new. Indonesia's leading home seems to be a fence in maintaining national sovereignty as well as underdeveloped warehouses in national development including education.

Equitable and improving the quality of education is a must to be implemented in all corners of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in the border region and at all levels of education including primary school education. Elementary school education As an initial level of education or basic to be a prerequisite for continuing at the next level of education with various problems and challenges as well as potential border areas are not an obstacle not to make efforts to improve the quality of primary school education. Improving the quality of education is part of the form of public service, in general that public services in Indonesia have not been as expected. The concept of prioritizing the interests of the community becomes the rationale in the development of public services at this time, such as the interests of citizens into a kind of social contract that is agreed upon and must be carried out by the government. As stated by the head of commission D of the Sanggau Regency DPRD during the workshop on improving the quality of primary school education, said that the quality of education in the Sanggau district especially entikong and seayam areas was not yet adequate with many problems encountered such as access roads to schools that were still damaged, lack of classrooms and other supporting facilities, as well as a lack of teaching staff, one of which is due to budget constraints that still cannot meet the overall needs in improving the quality of education. Nevertheless, efforts to improve the quality of education will continue to be carried out with available resources and capabilities owned by the hope that the participation of all parties is expected.

Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 75 Year 2016 About School Committees explains that school committees are independent institutions consisting of parents / guardians of students, school communities, and community leaders who care about education. School committees function in improving the quality of education which is carried out cooperatively, democratically, independently, professionally and accountably with the task of giving consideration to the implementation of educational policies, raising funds and educational resources, overseeing educational services in schools, and following up on complaints, suggestions, criticisms and aspirations from students. While empowerment according to Wrihatnolo (2007: 279 - 280) divides into two notions of empowerment namely, the first sense of giving power, transferring power, or delegating authority to other parties or efforts to provide capability or empowerment. The second understanding is how to create opportunities to actualize one's empowerment. Power is meant is to give strength or energy to appear more independent. activities that occur by themselves or take place without a plan.

From the description above, it can be explained that the school committee is an independent or independent institution that has the duties and functions carried out with the principles of mutual cooperation, democratic, professional and open in order to improve the quality of education in this case is primary school education, while empowering is a delegation of authority to the community / other parties that are targeted, so that they can actualize their own abilities and empowerment is also an activity that is planned to provide the ability and empowerment of the community. Furthermore, the empowerment of school committees is an effort to delegate authority to the community in this case is the representatives of community elements in the school committee in order to actualize their own abilities in the form of activities planned to provide the ability and empowerment of school committees in carrying out their duties and functions with the principles - principles mutual cooperation, democratic, professional and open in order to improve the quality of education in this case is primary school education.


Based on the title of Empowering School Committees in Improving the Quality of Education in Primary Schools in the Indonesia-Malaysia Border Region (Entikong and Sekayam Districts), this research can be categorized by qualitative descriptive research type. Descriptive research is research that aims to describe the explanation of the studied variables. This method is done by conducting in-depth interviews with informants, observing data, and documentation, while the informants are determined purposively including School Committees, Principals and selected teachers who are considered to be able to provide data and information under study. These data are analyzed using interactive model data analysis, namely by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions.

Result and Discussion

In general, in the world of education both elementary and secondary levels must have elements of school committees in the administration of education, in the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 75 of 2016 concerning School Committees it has been explained in more detail in relation to how school committees should improve service quality education. The existence of a school committee is not straightforward, but has its own rules governing it, as explained in the regulation of the minister of education and culture of the Republic of Indonesia number 75 of 2016 article 7 that the school committee is determined by the school principal. Once established by the school the school committee must prepare a statute and bylaws (AD and ART). The term of office is at most three years and can be re-elected once for another term. The existence of school committees can be well understood by principals and teachers but in reality it seems very formal, looks independent / independent but in reality is very dependent on the tastes of school principals for example in the formation of school committees which in the rule that one term of office is three years then this has not yet happened as stipulated in the intended regulation.

As part of an important element in the school together with the Principal and the teacher's whereabouts have a strategic role as stated in the rules mentioned above although the intensity of the existence of the school committee is not like the principal and the teacher whose existence is at all times in the teaching and learning process at school. Considering the existence of the school committee is one of the elements involved in improving the quality of school education services, it must be understood together by the elements in the school, so that its existence with all the tasks and functions it has can play a good role, certainly together with the principal and teachers to realize a better quality of education services. From the description above, it can be stated that each elementary school in the border area of ​​the Enikong and Sekayam sub-districts has its own school committee. The existence of school committees is considered to have an important role together with school principals and teachers in the effort to realize the quality of education services in each school. School efforts in empowering school committees are through regular school meetings with school committee administrators. Basically so far the participation of school committee members in meetings with schools can be said to be quite active.

The school attends an invitation given by the school. The school committee fully supports school programs that aim to improve the quality of education. The existence of school committees and their forms of empowerment are still not ideal or far from the expectations of many people. School committee empowerment is still limited to two things as follows: First, empowerment efforts are carried out with regular meetings at the end of the semester with a duration of meetings once or twice each year. Secondly, the empowerment of school committees for the fulfillment of supporting facilities for student learning facilities that are done voluntarily by the school committee includes the construction of toilets, school fences and the making of fields and the assistance of meblers. Based on the above mentioned above, efforts to empower school committees have been carried out but are still limited to routine agendas which are not yet optimal as the duties and functions of school committees listed in the rules one of them is the Republic of Indonesia’s Minister of Education and Culture Regulation number 75 0f 2016 concering school committees.


The existence of school committees is one important element in improving the quality of school education services, its existence with all the tasks and functions it has can play a role in realizing better quality education services. Efforts to empower school committees are carried out in various ways although they are still not ideal as stated in the regulations related to school committees. In principle, so far the participation of school committee members and the form of empowerment of school committees is still limited to routine meetings and the fulfillment of supporting facilities for student learning facilities that are done voluntarily by school committees. Based on this, the efforts to empower school committees have been made but are still limited to routine agendas that are not yet optimal as the actual duties and functions of school committees.


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