Educational Management
DOI: 10.21070/ijler.2020.V7.455

The Synergity Between of Centre Governmental Institution and Regional Governmental Institution in the Services of Basic Education

Sinergi antara Lembaga Pemerintah Pusat dan Lembaga Pemerintah Daerah dalam Layanan Pendidikan Dasar

University Of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
University Of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
University Of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
University Of Muhammadiyah Jakarta

(*) Corresponding Author

Central and Regional Government Basic Education Sinergy


The purpose in this study is 1) How about condition and education quality at the border state of Sanggau Regency; 2) How about the institution synergity between centre government and region government in services of elementary school at Sanggau Regency. Research Methode in this study is to Descriptive, qualitative approach. Collecting data technique by observation, interview and documentation. The technique of collecting informan: Purposive and data accidental analysis by Macc Nabb. The result of tis study is Improving the quality of education at border area is an important step to strengthen the national defense system through education and culture.


Development of the country's border areas is the duty of government, including regional governments. Conditions in the national border regions require acceleration to continue to be developed so that it truly becomes the portal of Republic of Indonesia. Improving the quality of education at the border is an important step to strengthen the national defense system through education and culture. {1}

The blurry portrait of education is not a recent phenomenon, one of which can be seen at Sanggau District in West Kalimantan Province, which is a direct border between Malaysia. School facilities and infrastructure are very limited. Schools do not have toilets, libraries, have limited classrooms (one classroom is used for two classes, middle of classroom is sealed off with bamboo), the number of teaching staff is limited, 1 teacher teaches two classes, moreover access roads to schools are difficult and poor, school buildings are not feasible in terms of construction (leaky roofs and ceilings), absence of classrooms floorings {1}. These various educational problems at the border area are inseparable from the poor management of national and local education service systems provided by the Central and Regional Governments {2}. The overlapping policies between the central and regional governments are the evidence of the lack of institutional synergy between the central and regional governments. {3}

The Problem in this study is : 1. What is the condition and quality of education in the border area of Sanggau District?; 2. How is the Institutional Synergy between the Central and Regional Government in Primary School Education Services in Sanggau District?.


Research Methods: Descriptive. Qualitative Approach. Data Collection Techniques: Observation, Interview and Documentation. Informant Withdrawal Techniques: Purposive and Accidental. The data analysis technique used refers to the thought of Mc Nabb {4} with 6 stages of activities, namely: 1). Organizing Data; 2). Generate Categories; 3). Data Encoding); 4). Application of Ideas, Themes and Categorization; 5). Search of Alternative Explanation; and 6). Write and Present a Report. Test the validity of data using Triangulation.

Result and Discussion

The condition of primary school (SD) education services in the border regions of Indonesia and Malaysia is very alarming, especially in the sub-districts of Entikong and Sekayam, Sanggau District, West Kalimantan Province. One of the causes is the chaotic institutional relations and ineffective coordination patterns between regional and central government. The success of a program is the presence of synergy between institutions. Thus a good institutional mechanism is needed, internal government coordination is crucial and decisive. In current condition, coordination at central government is very weak {5}. On the other hand, the collaboration carried out with ministry of health or health service related to school health is not yet maximized. Ministry of Public Works or Public Works District Office is yet to be implemented, which is included in the cooperation agenda, namely with BNPP, which is to formulate joint action plans for affirmations in border areas.

At the district/city regional government level, synergy between regional work units (SKPD) or regional government organizations (OPD) needs to be intensified, especially those related to primary school education services, because the authority of primary school services in accordance with regulations is in the hands of district/city governments, different from high school (SMA) or vocational school services whose authority is at provincial government level. For example, for the construction of new school units, especially those related to road access, there should be cooperation from District Education Office with Public Works Office, because one of the requirements that must be met in the recruitment of new school units is that road access is available, otherwise the Ministry of Education and Culture will not respond and accept the proposal.

Collaboration with BNPP is carried out with the National BNPP, compiling joint plans specifically in prioritized locations, with the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) and Ministry of Finance cooperating in planning and budgeting, and with Ministry of Home Affairs related to regulations. However, the collaboration is unfortunately not in the form of a joint decree (SKB).

In 2016, the Directorate of Elementary School Development of Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia released Elementary School Management Program (E-Takola SD). This Takola SD program is one part of the bureaucratic reform launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture in terms of managing the distribution of aid to elementary schools from funds sourced from APBN. The Ministry of Education and Culture in the E-Takola service has synergized with regional governments and several central government institutions, including BNPP, Bappenas, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Public Works, BPS, Bappeda and Health Office, although the synergy is not yet effective because many of the collaborations carried out are not based on MOU {6}. However in 2018, the E-Takola program was discontinued and part of the program in Takola, namely the rehabilitation of school buildings, was delegated to the Ministry of PUPR, based on Presidential Regulation No:43 of 2019, causing the relationship between institutions that originally existed, namely the central and regional government with the use of existing Technical Vocational School as a verification team and the synergy between the Ministry of Education and Culture with other institutions/agencies are no longer intertwined, because each exercise its own authority even though on one hand the synergy of institutional relations in improving the quality of primary school education services in the border regions between Indonesia and Malaysia is needed, especially at the sub-districts of Entikong and Sekayam in Sanggau district {7}.

Improving the quality of education at border area is an important step to strengthen the national defense system through education and culture. Improving access to education at the border area will erase the stigma of national political inequality regarding improving resources and infrastructure, and cause citizens in border areas feel part of the unitary state of Indonesia. The solution that can be given is to build synergy between government institutions, at central and regional government levels that provide educational services, especially primary and secondary education. National Development is basically a synergy of three development elements, namely: 1. National development is carried out through various sectoral development activities that is carried out at the regions; 2. Development based on islands, cities, villages, strategic areas, outermost and backward regions; 3. Regional development is an effort to develop and strengthen regional government in the context of increasing regional autonomy.

The reason why the need for synergy in development is primarily in basic education services especially in the border regions of sub-districts Entikong and Sekayam are due to: 1. The distribution of potential and resources in the area is uneven; 2. Limited sources of regional government funding; 3. Programs and activities between central and regional governments, and among regional governments have not been well coordinated; 4. Development targets are not yet accurate.

Synergy between the central and regional governments, and among regional governments in general can be carried out in the form of : 1. Synergy in the framework of policy planning; 2. Synergy within the regulatory framework; 3. Synergy in the budget framework; 4. Synergy within the framework of regional institutions and apparatus; 5. Synergy within the framework of regional development;

Synergy between central and regional governments, and among regional governments in the field of basic education services is carried out in the form of activities: 1. New School Unit Development; 2. Library development; 3. Construction of toilets/sanitation; 4. Construction of school canteen; 5. School children nutrition program; 6. School renovation, for both moderate and heavy damage; 7. Procurement of school mobiler


The central government must be more concerned with the border areas of country and make the scale priority in development planning documents, especially in elementary school education services, both by Ministry of Education and Culture and other related ministries. The form of governmental synergy between central government or between central and regional governments conducted in the form of synergy: planning, regulation, budget, development and regional apparatus and regional development. The Regional Government of Sanggau District increases the percentage of education funding allocations, specifically for the construction of elementary school facilities and infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, classrooms, chairs and desks, insufficient number of teachers, libraries, staff rooms and laboratories. Regional Governments, especially Regional Heads, need to increase cross-sectoral cooperation intensively for the development of education in prioritized locations.


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