- Central and Regional Government,
- Basic Education,
- Sinergy
Copyright (c) 2020 Mawar Mawar, Retnowati WD Tuti, Dini Gandini Purbaningrum, M. Sahrul

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The purpose in this study is 1) How about condition and education quality at the border state of Sanggau Regency; 2) How about the institution synergity between centre government and region government in services of elementary school at Sanggau Regency. Research Methode in this study is to Descriptive, qualitative approach. Collecting data technique by observation, interview and documentation. The technique of collecting informan: Purposive and data accidental analysis by Macc Nabb. The result of tis study is Improving the quality of education at border area is an important step to strengthen the national defense system through education and culture.
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