Marketing Management
DOI: 10.21070/ijler.2019.V3.19

Enhancement of the Ecotourism Efficiency in the Republic of Uzbekistan: Experience of the Developed Countries

Peningkatan Efisiensi Ekowisata di Republik Uzbekistan: Pengalaman Negara-Negara Maju

Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service

(*) Corresponding Author

ecoturism development countries enahncement


This paper makes analyses of the ecotourism development in the Republic of Uzbekistan. On this case, experience of the well-developed destinations was analyzed to make better developments as the whole. Hence, Uzbekistan has great opportunities to show up untapped eco touristic resources in order to attract better flow of tourists. Paper concluded with major recommendations of the tourism industry for the further development.


Our country has the potential to develop ecotourism, which is interesting and interesting for all categories of tourists and at the same time promotes further integration of our country into the international tourist services market [1][2][3].

Located on the ancient Silk Road, Uzbekistan has the potential to become one of the world's most prominent tourism centers, with its many ancient monuments and attractions.

Ecological tourism is no longer a novelty. This concept is abstract, it is not clear. With respect to nature, conscious attitude towards ecology is enhanced by the interest of ecotourism. This kind of tourism promotes the movement of people through low-altered natural areas, and encourages people to remain indifferent.

Sustainable development of ecological tourism through its natural and cultural heritage, improving socio-ecological conditions and increasing employment of the population, as well as the new trends in international tourism and its most sustainable development [4][5][6].

Located along the Great Silk Road, they were considered to be the major centers of international trade, with which there was a mutual exchange of knowledge, ideas, and cultures of different peoples. The interest of tourists to these countries is characterized by historical and natural monuments, the presence of wonderful natural landscapes, the diversity of flora and fauna, as well as the opportunity to get acquainted with the national traditions, lifestyle and culture of the local people.

The presence of numerous natural objects, rich cultural and historical heritage and ancient traditions of Uzbek national culture, tourism infrastructure, modern hotels, development of service industries, as well as tourists in private homes, interesting ecotourism directions may be interesting to foreign tourists [4][7][8].

In recent years, the interest of the people of Benelux from Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands has increased. This proves to be an annual show in these countries. More than 200 tourist companies from more than 80 countries of the world will take part in such exhibitions.

Theoretical background

The concept of "ecotourism" was officially used by Ector Sebastian Laschourin, a Mexican environmentalist in Garb, at one of the conventions of the 80's in the 20th century. The most common countries for eco-tourism are Latin America, such as Costa Rica, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil and Peru, as well as India and Nepal, as well as Australia and New Zealand. Ecotourism in Europe is widespread in northern countries such as Iceland, Norway and Finland. Reserves are common in Central European countries. In Russia, Altai, Caucasus, Kamchatka, Baykal, and Karelia have the potential to boost ecotourism.

Tourism in rural Europe is developing in the following forms:

  1. settlements in rural areas;
  2. rural hotels;
  3. camping in rural areas;
  4. summarizing these forms of tourism organization.

Tourism in urban and urban areas of Europe is being developed in the following areas:

а) influence on organization of economic activity:

  1. placement and food supply (through local law, decisions of administrative bodies in tourism, local government decisions);
  2. organization of leisure activities;
  3. traffic for tourists;
  4. restrictions (eg, Greece does not encourage the development of camping, according to the environmental protection motif);

b) introduction of technical standards:

  1. the necessary equipment for quality assurance;
  2. Some hotels (hotels, restaurants, etc.) serving tourists;
  3. quantity and quality of offered services for certain deployment structures;
  4. the quality of some items of inventory (furniture, mountaineering, essential equipment for ecotourism);
  5. quality of goods and products (consumer protection measures);

с) Definition of tariffs for tourism:

  1. In practice, there are no single tariffs, which are significantly different from each other (full freelance prices in Germany, Belgium, Italy, national restrictions set in France, and government-related prices in Greece);
  2. service providers set price based on the conditions, there are no clearly defined prices;

d) tax system:

  1. In some countries (France, Ireland, etc.) a special taxation system is established for accommodation of tourists in places of residence;
  2. In the relations with tax structures, the interest of providers of travel services is borne by the National Associations (a special tax regime is established in Spain because camping members serve local members of the trade union);

е) Training of personnel related to tourism:

  1. certification of professional qualifications of some categories of managers (managers, guides, chefs, etc.) at the national level (Romania, Moldova);
  2. professional development of members of the national specialized professional associations (Association of Gids, hotel association, etc.);
  3. regular compulsory retraining of specialists in tourism (Romania, Hungary, Poland, France, etc.);

e) Proper budget subsidies:

  1. financing educational programs and quality of work;
  2. attraction of direct investments in placement, modernization and construction of commercial structures;
  3. promotion of tourism through official publications at national and regional levels.

Case study of the developed Eco touristic zones

Obviously, everyone should rest from his work. Usually, such breaks occur day by day breaks, holidays, and annual holidays, through daily breaks, walking, changing or sleeping. In holidays, people generally prefer doing things that they do not always do [9][10][11].

Thus, the human body is eliminated from the stress and vitality of life. Where and whenever a person can find time to relax for the time being. There are two types of holidays: active and passive. Often, I enjoy a lot of fun during the holidays, and I hear the pleasure. This situation can be characterized not only by what has been eaten or where it is located, but also where and when the holidays are organized. Recreation and enjoyment can be achieved not only in traditional holidays, but also through effective organization of ecotourism [5][12][13].

Argentina is a country where ecotourists can enjoy different landscapes and landscapes. The jungle forests, semi-desert zones, beaches and huge glaciers, mountains and reservoirs attract tourists. There are wild and unexpected corners, national parks and nature reserves. Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourists from different parts of the world are attracted to this kind of nature. As you know, this type of nebula cannot be seen at one. Therefore, when planning for ecological travel to Argentina, the traveler must decide whether he wants to see Patagonia's whales, or Perito Moreno ice-cream. If you have spare time and money, on one trip you can build many local nature miracles.

Brazil is a country with a unique nature, and its size differs from the western part of the country. Climate diversity in the west and east, nature also differs from flora and fauna. Brazil is also famous for its numerous Amazon River basin, which is a haven for fans of ecological tourism. On the river and in the river, you can enjoy the many animal and vegetable world of Jungle, and waves and stronger streams make your journey even more enjoyable.

At the eastern shore of the Atlantic Ocean, there is a magnificent Atlantic forests, consisting of wet and dry mixed subtropical and tropical forests, and Iguassu, one of the largest reservoirs on our planet. All this is the reason for ecological tourism to become one of the most important directions of the tourist industry of the country.

Ecuador is a magnificent Southeast American country, located in the Pacific coast, offering tourists lots of mountainous national parks, reservoirs, rivers and lakes, and inaccessible islands. Just as in Brazil, this country is also rich in seasonal scenery that is full of spectacular nature scenes for tourists to enjoy and travel.

It is better to have a cold in the summer, when the sun is shining, and on the seaside, in the dry season, in the winter. Undoubtedly, fans of ecological tourism will enjoy the excitement of their trips when they go along the paths of the national parks, when they observe iguanas and huge pebbles.

Ethnographic ecotourism based on indigenous Indians combined with their work, studying their lifestyle is especially interesting. It is worth mentioning that the local authorities are constantly paying more attention to the development of new ecosystems in the country, the preservation of nature and the development of ecological tourism.

Nepal is the world's highest ten-peak world, just like Everest, despite the fact that it is not exactly a mystery that can not be fully understood as a center of the world's mountains. At the same time, there are many national parks in the country. That is why Nepal offers numerous diverse tourist destinations that correspond to the taste of ecotourists. There are many stray trails for fans of mountain biking, and for the peer educators, there are conditions for fishing. There are also opportunities for independent tourism. When driving to the mountains, it is desirable to use road service providers from local residents.

India is popular for foreign tourists coming to the country every year, even though it does not have the best opportunities for ecological tourism in the world. The vast area of ​​India is covered with forests, and most of them are state-run nature reserves and national parks. You can enjoy a variety of birds and huge lions in the local forest, which is distinguished by its diversity, enjoying excursions, walking in the elephant, enjoying a variety of nursing mothers and large sediments. In India, besides nature reserves, there are also stranded paths that are accessible to all tastes, only climbing climbing mountain climbing, extreme cuttings, and even easy and easy-going even children without special training.

Norway is a western state that has unique beauty and offers a lot of recreation and entertainment for fans of ecological tourism, because each one is unique and unique. Located on the entire coast of the country, the main pavilions are natural landscapes that are the national pride of the country. These eco-tourists enjoy unique mountain scenery, rock climbing on rocky mountains, rock sands. Fans of eco-tourism can also watch how the deer roams around the rocks.

In Norway's Vesterolen Islands, where it is recommended to look at crustaceans, seals, and whales, the national parks of the country will even delight the most experienced eco-tourists.

There are many fish in Norway's rivers and lakes, and fishing boats are also available for fishing. Fans of forest tourism are certainly indifferent to the locality, which can be indifferent to native, smaller houses, which allow them to enjoy nature, walk on roads, walk on horseback.

Finland - Russia is one of the most popular destinations for ecotourists. Finland has wide opportunities for the development of ecotourism. The nature of this place is very diverse - beautiful sea shores, the presence of numerous lakes, spacious forests, rich islands rich in fish and great islands. In Finland, which is one of the most popular places for ecotourists in the north of the country, is of special value for fans of LaPlace skiing, fishing, hiking and hunting for Santa Claus. It can also be enjoyed here during the year by watching the lighting of the northern lights.

Those who love to travel in the water can recommend the lake country. For example, we can make a trip to Lake Saym, a 300-kilometer-long route from Lappenland to Yoans. It is worth mentioning that in the country there are more than eight thousand kilometers, more than 30 national parks. Some of them have not yet been fully studied, as confirmed by local environmentalists.

Iceland is a small village with volcanoes, geysers, landscapes and icebergs, islands and pets. This country is one of the most unique landscapes, lakes and reservoirs, attracting eco-tourists from all over the world. Plenty of mountains that allow you to watch the light from the pole, the snowy peaks that awaken with its cool beauty, the national avenues and glacial tourists delight.

Australia occupies one of the leading places on ecotourism, with diversity of landscapes, unique beauty and peculiar nature of nature. The government supports this type of recreation and cares about natural resources conservation. There are 550 national parks in the country, and fifteen of them are included in the list of world-famous natural monuments. Here you can see the amazing salt lake and snow peaks, sand deserts, red earths, forests, water bodies, wild animals and numerous birds. The wealth of the blue sea and the underwater life can not be summed up in words. For extreme holiday fans there are dangerous routes and beauty of nature, and for those who love scenes, there are stride paths. Inexperienced tourists are required to take precautionary measures without going to bed alone, as there are plenty of poisonous snakes and animals.

Russia - a truly unique state with a lot of sophisticated, eco-friendly landscapes. There are over 100 state reserves and 5 national parks with a total area of ​​33.5 million hectares. In Russia there are 1024 natural monuments, as well as 31 natural resources of regional significance, with a total area of ​​13.2 million hectares. Here you can see all categories of landscapes that will meet the demands of all fans of ecological tourism. Highly lit rivers, huge lakes, high mountains with snow, glaciers, beaches, vast forests create extensive opportunities for biking, extreme water and rural tourism.

In China there are many objects of ecotourism. There are the largest and most numerous forest parks and forest slopes in the world, with 1658 forest slopes and 1757 forest reserve zones. Of these, six forest parks and forest zones have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Haileonzian region has a geological alley with world-class nature, known as the "Ancient Crater Forest". On the eastern side of the Xinjiang region, Santszianuyan, a protected natural area, founded in 2000. From here, the rivers of Xuanxe, Lankang and Chang begin. There are about 1000 species of plants, 74 species of animals, 174 species of birds, more than 48 types of amphibians and fish in the Reserve. The Lake Khank Lake or the Zinkay Hu River in the Khayluntsi region is located on the border with Russia. One third of its territory is concentrated in China and the eastern part of Russia. The area of ​​the lake is equal to 4,380 km². It is part of the "Three Beach" National Park, and the rest is located in the central district of Sichuan.

Outside of the Brazilian state, it does not have much knowledge of its nature except for its green-covered forests. But the local authorities try to get as much as possible about the nature of Bonito, to enjoy the wonders of nature and preserve it. Forests, water reservoirs, and falls are the diverse nature of the ecotourists. It has amazing scenery beyond the expectations

Results and Recommendations

Eco tourism has great opportunities in the development of the leisure and travelling industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this step, administrative parts of the government have already started paying great attention on the deployment of the sector. Moreover, State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan has identified steps of the State Program that will be sequenced the way of advancement as the whole. Investment program and special meeting days were organized to attract investment and funding from abroad. All above mentioned features will define the ways of the development to reach dramatic improvements in the sector.


To conclude with, Uzbekistan has great opportunity to make development of ecotourism, other sectors of the hospitality sector as well. Government has also interested and done great steps further to make improvements at all. On this point, ecotourism resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan are considered noticeably to make enrichment in the area.


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