- Audit Experience,
- Role Ambiguity,
- Healthy Lifestyle,
- Spiritual Intelligence,
- Auditor Performance
Copyright (c) 2024 Miranda Putrin Andari, Sigit Hermawan

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Background: Auditor performance is key to ensuring financial accuracy. Specific Background: Audit experience, role ambiguity, and healthy lifestyle influence performance, but the role of spiritual intelligence as a mediator is less studied. Knowledge Gap: The mediation effect of spiritual intelligence in auditor performance is underexplored. Aims: This study examines the effects of audit experience, role ambiguity, and healthy lifestyle on auditor performance, with spiritual intelligence as a mediator. Results: Based on Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis of 65 auditors, audit experience, role ambiguity, and healthy lifestyle significantly affect both spiritual intelligence and auditor performance (p < 0.05). Spiritual intelligence also mediates these effects (p < 0.05). Novelty: The study emphasizes spiritual intelligence as a key mediator. Implications: Enhancing spiritual intelligence could improve auditor performance, offering practical insights for professionals and researchers.
Highlights :
- Audit experience, role ambiguity, and healthy lifestyle directly affect auditor performance.
- Spiritual intelligence mediates the relationship between these factors and performance.
- Enhancing spiritual intelligence may improve overall auditor performance.
Keywords: Audit Experience, Role Ambiguity, Healthy Lifestyle, Spiritual Intelligence, Auditor Performance
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