Marketing Management
DOI: 10.21070/ijler.2019.V2.10

Development of Customer Service Delivery System in Wholesale Trade

Pengembangan Sistem Pengiriman Layanan Pelanggan dalam Perdagangan Grosir

Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service

(*) Corresponding Author

wholesale marketing logistics product markets pre-sales and after-sales service customer service


This article describes the relationships and functions of marketing, logistics, and trade in wholesale trade services provided to wholesale consumers. Hence, development of customer service delivery system in wholesale trade was analyzed in the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The success of any enterprise operating under free competition depends on its marketing principles. In accordance with marketing principles, the business activity is directed to consumers. In particular, in the context of profound structural transformations and diversification in the economy of our country, it is necessary to focus on the activities of wholesale organizations and enterprises for their buyers and their satisfaction. At the same time, the main attention will be paid to the development of the service delivery system in the wholesale trade.

Customer service in wholesale is a combination of material and technical supply (logistics) and sales (marketing). The level of customer service is determined not only by the number of loyal customers of the wholesalers, but also by how many new customers are involved. When a wholesaler is rationally used by the marketing team, it can satisfy its customers' needs.

In today's consumer market, any enterprise should be able to awaken consumer interest in its products. At the same time, a high level of sales and service is an important service. Wholesale trade provides services to manufacturing enterprises, retailers and end-users in the supply-production-consumption chain. The author developed the structure of services for producers, retailers and end-users in wholesale trade [1]. consulting, etc.

- supply of components - orders acceptance and- changing the defective parts

and spare parts; processing;during the warranty period;

equipment and supplies - generate branded goods;- delivery, installation and

- maintenance; - delivery of finished goods;repair

- equipment and equipment - packing of goods, packaging;- replacement;

installation; - storage of products; - maintenance and repair of

- financial and technical - transportation etc;necessary parts after the

support etc.; warranty period;

- consulting, etc.

Picture 1. Services provided to consumers in the chain of "production-consumption" in wholesale trade

The formation of an effective customer service delivery system will give the wholesaler a good opportunity to achieve a competitive edge. New products, price changes, and product promotion strategies are relatively easy to use and fast to compete with each other. The only thing that can not be easily manipulated is to provide customers with excellent service, cyclicity and accuracy of the order, resource management and modern communication tools [2].

In recent years, there has been a strong competition among wholesale suppliers in foreign countries. Corporate and retail buyers, increased use of new technologies, and increased customer demand have created a strong competition among foreign vendors in recent years. As a result, the main direction of wholesale trade is to work with goods, increase the efficiency of the main intermediary, provide high-quality services to customers [3]. Wholesale vendors must make strategic decisions in the following areas:

1) target market identification;

2) Determination of the range of products;

3) pricing;

4) promotion of commodity movements and sales;

5) physical distribution;

6) customer service.

Thus, wholesalers are developing and improving customer service strategies within marketing activities. Especially today, in the conditions of growing competition in the economy of our country, the modern wholesale trading business requires the introduction of new approaches, new business methods to strengthen the relationship with existing buyers [4]. Improving customer service for most of the wholesale trade companies and organizations is becoming an important strategic goal:

  1. development of service policy, formation of marketing, logistics and trading services;
  2. organization and management of customer service delivery processes;
  3. Development of performance indicators that assess customer service efficiency;
  4. analysis of indicators that show the effectiveness of customer service;
  5. Monitoring and monitoring customer service.

The solution of all the issues related to the customer service policy in wholesale trade depends on the coordination of marketing, logistics and related services. Based on this, the author developed a sequence of customer service systems in the wholesale trade. This improved block scheme is linked to marketing, logistics and trading services [5].

The first step in the customer care system is marketing. The mission of marketing is to develop a service policy based on standards of logistics and trade. However, in order to develop standards, marketing should focus on markets and competitiveness. Market marketing analyzes, segregates segmented segments by potential buyers, and determines which segments and what services they need to provide. By analyzing the competitive environment, the content of the services offered by companies competing for marketing is determined. It also tries to compare service terms and market prices.

T rade M arketing L ogistics Picture 2. The role and importance of marketing, logistics and sales in customer service

The next step in the customer care system is the formation of a logistics service. The formation of a logistics service is an integral part of the service policy. Development of logistics services will be carried out. These indicators should be based on the generally accepted system of control in the wholesale trade, in particular the balanced indicators [6].

It is important to know the elements that make up the logistics services to create a rational customer service evaluation system. The quality of logistics services is based on a set of components that make up the logistics service.

Based on the peculiarities of the logistics service in wholesale, the author developed the logistics service component and its elements. In the wholesale trade logistic service is carried out before sale, after sale and after sales. In each of these processes, special elements of the logistics service are implemented. In the wholesale trade, the logistics service performs its functions through those elements [7].

Picture 3. Classifications and structural elements of logistics services to be provided to consumers in the wholesale trade

These constituents are a part of the services provided to consumers in the wholesale trade. A set of indicators is needed to assess the quality and level of service provided to customers. The author developed a set of indicators to determine the quality of services provided to buyers in wholesale (see "Table 1").

Services provided to customers The Importance of the Services Detected indicators The essence of the proposed indicator
Services provided before sales to customers
Tips and tricks to teach Know the potential buyer's awareness of the purchased product and how to use it Awareness level of customers It determines that the buyer knows about the product and the use of the product before the purchase
Preparation of the product Product readiness for sale, party allocation and placement Readiness for sale The product is ready for sale
Ordering Information on the buyer's purchase of the goods at the exact time and quantity Number of "perfect orders" The size of the ordered products is determined
Providing necessary documents Time and expense of buyers for the preparation of documents and enslavement Defining Customer Satisfaction Identifying required documents, increasing transaction costs
Services provided to buyers during sales
Forming the brand assortment Availability of the desired goods range in sales turnover Determination of the assortment level of goods It determines the range of goods required for customer satisfaction
Troubleshooting goods shortages Availability of goods in sales turnover Determine the time of the shortage of goods Depending on the type of the customer and the type of goods, it is learned how to break down
Forming a stock reserve Brand stock should be used on days Determining the average daily loss of commodity stocks Determines the level of stock availability
Complete your order Due to lack of commodity turnover it is possible losses in trading Determine the amount of goods ordered The volume of ordered goods and their timely delivery are studied
Services that will be available after the sale to customers
Installation, repair and replacement during the warranty period Services provided to customers after the warranty period The level of returns during the warranty period During the warranty period, the volume of services will be determined
Services provided throughout the product life cycle after the warranty period Services provided to products after the warranty period Determination of the volume of services rendered during operation of the product The use of the product during the exploitation period is determined
Table 1.A set of proposed indicators for evaluating the quality of services provided to consumers in the wholesale trade

Naturally, every buyer will be loyal to a wholesaler with "excellent service level". However, we must not forget that for every buyer there is a specific performance of "excellent service". For a customer, the level of service is 65% satisfied, and 85% for the other [8].

That is why each customer segment or individual customer service level is set. Based on this, the main indicators of standardization and evaluation of all types of services will be developed.

Customer service quality management requires regular monitoring of descriptive performance indicators for staff engaged in marketing and logistics at wholesale markets. Customer Service Monitoring: An analysis of the specific results for the planned service, including the identification of the causes of the potential customer complaints.

The success of the wholesale business depends largely on the level of customer service. The level of customer service is, in turn, related to:

The final step in the wholesale service is to determine the level of customer satisfaction. Because the effectiveness of wholesale marketing activities is directly determined by the level of customer satisfaction.

In a broad sense, service is a component of marketing and logistics, and as they are not developed, the motivation to motivate buyers to buy goods is passive, and their ability to influence their market equilibrium.


Analysis of service development in the regional market shows that a service delivery system that is in the interests of buyers has not yet been created. Therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of the wholesale trade it is essential that the following tasks be achieved:

  1. accurate customer needs assessment;
  2. compliance of the developed standards and planned parameters with identified needs;
  3. problems arising in strategic and operational level service processes and their solutions;
  4. Organization of the services rendered to the purchaser of goods in the wholesale trade;
  5. differentiation of services provided to consumers.
  6. regular informing consumers about the goods, their consumer qualities;
  7. Preparation of buyers for decision-making on purchase of products based on the recommendations of wholesale companies;
  8. Activation of exhibitions and presentations, public demonstrations and wholesale fairs, transparent demonstration of advantages offered by exchanges and auctions;
  9. rendering services to consumers, accelerating the process of procurement of goods, promoting the increase of their business activity and from the moment of their demand to the stage of procurement of goods;
  10. Preparation of a list of enterprises producing goods, their mailing lists, as well as distributors of trade-intermediary business distributors and distribution to their customers.


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