Educational Management
DOI: 10.21070/ijler.v18i3.963

The Effectiveness of Management in Reducing The Abuse of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

College of Law –University of Al-Nahrain

(*) Corresponding Author

Narcotic drugs psychotropic substances drug proliferation organized crime societal impact


This scientific article investigates the multifaceted nature of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, examining their causes of proliferation and far-reaching effects on society encompassing the social, economic, and political spheres. The study underscores the gravity of drug-related issues, characterizing them as a significant social menace that impedes intellectual and artistic progress while fueling organized crime. It delves into the influence of drugs in inducing criminal activities due to their profound impact on individuals' nervous and sensory systems, highlighting Iraq's historical concern with this issue. The research identifies various economic, social, and psychological factors contributing to drug proliferation and abuse within society. Furthermore, it elucidates the devastating consequences of drug abuse on individuals, emphasizing the erosion of personal responsibility and productivity, often resulting in chronic health conditions. The study underscores the critical role of shared responsibility among society members and regulatory authorities in combatting drug-related challenges, emphasizing that mere legal texts are insufficient without effective enforcement. These findings call for a comprehensive approach to address the global issue of drug abuse and its detrimental implications on society, urging collaborative efforts and proactive measures for prevention and control.


  • Drug abuse fuels organized crime and hinders societal progress, posing a grave threat.
  • Various economic, social, and psychological factors contribute to drug proliferation.
  • Collaborative efforts and effective enforcement are crucial to combat drug-related challenges and protect society.

Keywords: Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances, Drug Proliferation, Organized Crime, Societal Impact


The phenomenon of the spread of drugs has become one of the most complex and dangerous phenomena for humans and society, and this phenomenon is considered one of the problems of the times, there is no doubt that the phenomenon of drug and psychotropic substance abuse has begun to occupy a prominent place in the concerns of public opinion, whether on the local side or at the international level, the danger of this phenomenon lies in the fact that it negatively affects the human energies within society and threatens the family and community building entity, whether this threat is direct or indirect, especially young people of both sexes, it also affected natural wealth resources and development efforts in contemporary society, therefore, we find that this problem is one of the most serious social problems and has a great impact within society and at the same time this problem is one of the complex problems facing societies, especially developing societies[1].

Until 2003, Iraq was among the clean drug-free countries, through monitoring and follow-up, it was noted that the phenomenon of drugs spread in the Iraqi street, specifically in the southern governorates after 2003, despite the efforts made by the Iraqi government and security services, but these efforts are ineffective towards the growth of this societal phenomenon in light of the high volume of trade exchange, the absence of effective control, the unprecedented spread of corruption and the lack of security all contributed to the spread of drugs in an unprecedented way, according to international reports, the drug trade has become more organized in Iraq and takes two main corridors in the Iranian and Afghan drug mafia, the eastern-central and southern borders through Iraq take a corridor that reaches the Gulf countries and North Africa, and the northern border through the Kurdistan region takes a second corridor towards Turkey, the Balkan countries and Eastern Europe[2].

After the spread of the phenomenon of drug abuse and trade in Iraq among the youth in particular, after Iraq turned from a drug crossing into a consumer in the last two decades, according to some studies, these studies confirmed that drug trafficking and abuse in the country has reached unprecedented horizons that have become like a scourge that eats away at the body of society, this calls for action by the administration to reduce this phenomenon by tightening preventive and punitive measures at the same time and taking all necessary measures to prevent the spread and abuse of drugs[3].

Narcotics and psychotropic substances have become dangerous and deadly weapons that have greatly affected society, which necessarily led to addressing this crisis and fighting it in order not to be a cause of the loss of many young people within society


The most important thing that drives what the study is looking at is the exacerbation of the spread of drugs and psychotropic substances, with this spread linked to the absence of successful and effective solutions that address this spread, the seriousness of this problem lies in the complete secrecy surrounding the process of circulation and handling of these substances, as well as the danger and speed of the spread of drugs has become a warning of an inevitable danger that must be avoided before society collapses, with the absence of modern technologies to detect drugs in the border areas and the absence of rehabilitation centers in Iraq, the absence of follow-up and the lack of statistical tools for this phenomenon have exacerbated the problem.


One of the most important aims of the research is to urge the administration to develop correct and effective solutions in order to eliminate the spread of this dangerous phenomenon or reduce it, as the phenomenon of the spread of drugs is one of the most complex and dangerous phenomena for humans and society alike, therefore, the administration must mobilize all its efforts to eliminate this phenomenon and must put the basic foundations on how to avoid the problems and effects caused by this phenomenon.


Scientific research must indicate the origin of the problem and analyze the subject in a clear inductive analysis, using Iraqi laws, Arab studies and the events that took place, which we can deduce the analytical intellectual method in extrapolating the topic, especially since the topic is not an ordinary topic, but it has become a topic that parallels the issue of terrorism in its seriousness.



Drugs are a serious social scourge on the social structure and economic development of any country and the obstacle of intellectual and artistic innovation, the drug trade has worsened in recent years and there has been increasing talk about major traffickers and the drug market.

Drug crime is one of the most prominent forms of activity on which criminal organizations are based and the most common, the process of trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances has also become a form of organized crime and comes in first place and at the top of the list of crimes that generate emergency funds for global criminal organizations[4].

It should be noted that drugs have become a dangerous phenomenon that threatens security and societal peace inside Iraq, in light of its negative effects, the administration must intervene in order to develop solutions and apply them on the ground to address this dangerous phenomenon, in this section, we will address the nature of drugs from its causes and effects.



The research on the nature of drugs and psychotropic substances is reflected in the knowledge of the meanings that indicate these substances that have become common in society in recent times due to the tremendous development witnessed by our modern world, this phenomenon has evolved and has become one of the most complex social problems facing societies at the present time, it was not in the past of this magnitude that we are witnessing now, as there is hardly a society without this dangerous scourge that has worsened and increased in spread, and societies have become afraid of its impact on their economy, the safety of their members and their security, and it came to the point that it became associated with many other problems such as the spread of crime and the accompanying disintegration of society and the destruction of the family entity and took a highly epidemic form, which made it the most serious crimes that fall from personal use to promotion, trafficking, processing, agriculture and smuggling, so that its effects on every society are not hidden and in this research we will deal with the definition of drugs and the reasons for its spread[5].



Drugs in the language revolve around the word numbness, which means concealment, which covers the nervous system for its usual action and activity and in the tongue of the Arabs numbness is weakness or apathy or is laziness and weakness.

The International Drug Control Authority has defined a general definition from a legal point of view, saying that it is any raw material or preparation that contains sedative, stimulant or hallucinogenic elements if used for non-medical purposes, it affects the central nervous system and leads to total or partial disruption in its vital functions and makes the user develop a state of illusion and imagination away from reality and also leads to addiction or habituation.

This definition leads us to distinguish between addiction and habituation by clarifying what is meant by each of them, addiction is the repeated use of the drug that is accompanied by an unbridled desire to obtain the substance and a constant tendency to increase the dose, when suddenly interrupted, the addict develops serious withdrawal symptoms that may sometimes lead to death as a result of physical or psychological dependence, as for habituation, it is a milder state of addiction, where compulsive desire does not occur nor the tendency to increase the dose and these serious withdrawal symptoms do not appear and only a rather weak psychological dependence occurs[6].

As for the definition of drugs and psychotropic substances idiomatically, it has been defined as (Substances that cause drowsiness, sleep or lack of consciousness accompanied by pain relief, and this is scientifically either from a legal point of view, it can be defined as a group of substances that cause addiction and poisoning the nervous system and it is prohibited to circulate, cultivate or save them except for purposes determined by law and are used only by those who are licensed to do so, including opium, hashish, hallucinogenic drugs, cocaine and stimulants, but alcohol and tranquilizers are not classified among the drugs despite their harm to addiction, as for the definition of drugs procedurally as substances that are not legally permitted, they are taken by a person with the intention of either escaping from a certain reality or in order to make himself happy, as he believes, he loses the feeling of himself and what is around him and the pain and problems he suffers.



The reasons that can be considered a major cause of the spread of drugs and psychotropic substances vary, but it can be noted the fundamental reasons that lead to their spread and abuse within society, including:

First: Weak Belief and Religious Feeling in t he Person

Religious belief, principles and Islamic values are among the main factors that control the behavior of the individual and his dealings with society and with its surroundings, whereas rapid technological progress and development and the communication of societies with each other have contributed to the dissolution of religious scruples.

Second: The Failure of The Family in Socialization a nd Family Disintegration:

The family is the first and most important mediator in the process of socialization and its role lies in the child through his family and the moral values and factors of advancement provided to him, the exercise of its role in social, religious and educational control will determine the general pattern of the individual's personality within the family and also determine his social concepts and behavioral methods and thus determine the chances of success in life, based on this, the process of socialization of the individual, especially by the family, determines for many children the manifestations of facing society from facing opportunities for frustration and psychological conflicts and the accompanying suffering of the individual that makes him easy prey for addiction, also, the more socially cohesive the family, the more the individual is able to withstand the difficulties of life, where it is characterized by awareness and maturity, on the contrary, if the individual has grown up in a family full of differences and the absence of the role of father and mother, as the individual often learns by simulating behavioral models more than he learns through indoctrination[7].



Drug abuse is a social scourge that exhausts the individual, destroys him, affects his psyche, and reflects on his personality, moving away from virtue morals and pushing him to vice and it leads the person to lose his sense of responsibility and keep him away from the reality of life, is not able to work and does not know the meaning of the struggle ends up staying in a hospital for the treatment of a chronic organic disease is incurable or mental hospital until the end of his life not only that, but that drugs and psychotropic substances exhaust the body of society and gnaw its forces.

Therefore, we will look at these effects from an economic, social and political point of view.



First: The Social Effects of Narcotic Drugs a nd Psychotropic Substances

Drugs lead to bad results for the individual, whether in terms of his work, will, social status and people's trust in him, making him a lazy person with superficial thinking who fails to perform his duties and does not care about his responsibilities and gets angry quickly and for trivial reasons with a fluctuating mood in dealing with society, as drugs and psychotropic substances push the individual abuser not to carry out his profession and lack of adequacy and enthusiasm to achieve his duties, which pushes those responsible for the work to expel him from his work or fine him with money that causes him problems at the material level in this field, the scientist "Wolf" referred to the social impact of addiction in his experience with three psychiatrists in the city of Recife, Brazil, on some of the addicts to drugs and psychotropic substances, where it was found that these addicts were trusted in their workplaces and they lost that confidence and their morals and level of skills were affected and their relationships with their colleagues collapsed because of drugs and turned into people who lack the simplest professional abilities, enthusiasm and will, in addition to the apparent negligence in their appearance and their hostile feelings towards society and those around them.

It is also the result of drug abuse or addiction, the individual becomes unable to establish social relations together with members of his family or with society resulting in social retirement, which contributes to increasing his anxiety and psychological disorder, so he increases the degree of abuse trying to escape from his painful reality and thus results in poor adaptation to his reality and this is called incompatibility[8].

The natural result of the social incompatibility of the user becomes the individual unable to carry out his family duties, whether he is a father, son, brother, husband or student, or even to carry out his professional responsibilities that may be placed on his shoulders, this failure to carry out his duties may lead the user to deviate further or commit the crime, the abuse of drugs and psychotropic substances may lead to serious damage to the user, as many medical, psychological and psychological research indicates that drugs and psychotropic substances affect all members of the body and cause the cessation or disruption of these organs, which makes the addicted individual vulnerable to disease and death in most cases.

Drug abuse also leads to a decline in the level of the individual in terms of his morals, as we always find self-love, lack of sense of responsibility, recklessness in performing his duty, neglect of social relations, and low level of honor and honesty, it may also create problems that are transmitted to his family, so problems abound or cause his family a kind of anxiety, fear and insecurity about their lives and money.

Second : The Social Effec ts of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances on t he Family:

Drug abuse by a family member leads to the destabilization of the social structure of the family and the decline of social cooperation between its members, as the family has less family bonds, drug abuse also represents a financial burden that affects the income of the user's family, generating a state of poverty that may lead to delinquency and the commission of crime, in this case, the user has generated a bad model within the family, especially if the giver is the head of this family, where it generates a state of bad models, whether in terms of morals or suspicious relations with civilians, in addition to the slippage of one of the family members to addiction to the slide of others in the same way.

The abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is not limited to the financial situation only, but at the same time leads to the disintegration of family ties and the increase of problems between spouses or between members of the same family, which leads to the disintegration of the family and the loss of its members, also, the use of drugs by a family member affects the social relations of the family itself, where avoidance and apathy prevail with those around them, whether they are neighbors, owners or relatives because of the bad reputation they suffered for their dealings and abuse of drugs and psychotropic substances on the one hand and the resulting addiction of bad behavioral patterns on the other hand.

Third: The Social Effects of Drugs and Psychotropic Substances o n Society.

The abuse and addiction of drugs and psychotropic substances represents a serious social problem that threatens the security and safety of society, and has even become a danger whose effects have been reflected on society in various political, economic, social and health aspects, we can refer to the most important effects that can be extrapolated from the abuse of drugs and psychotropic substances on society is in terms of the spread of crime and delinquency, as the spread of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is closely related to criminal behavior through that it is a crime punishable by law on the one hand, on the other hand, many studies and statistics show that there is a close relationship between addiction and committing criminal acts such as murder, rape, theft, vagrancy, sodomy, adultery and all immoral practices such as incest, the lack of income of the user as a result of unemployment and the inability to meet his needs, the result is the commission of crime in all its forms and forms such as fraud or breach of trust, where we find a state of moral and social decline, addiction is also a direct cause of enmity between members of society because the addict may commit or utter words that offend people, so hostility and hatred arise between members of the same community, which affects society and creates a hostile environment that contributes significantly to the spread of crimes such as murder, theft and assault on others, their money and their symptoms, thus, we find that the effects that may be caused by drugs and psychotropic substances are unacceptable and must be contained, as these effects do not affect the individual user only, but they include the family and society alike[9].



Addiction has no impact on the social aspect only, but its effects extend to include the economic aspect, this aspect, as it is known, is of great importance, and we will address in this section of research the most important economic effects of drugs and psychotropic substances.

First : The Economic Effects of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances on t he Individual:

The impact of addiction on the individual from an economic point of view, we find that the addict at the beginning of his addiction has begun to obtain the narcotic substance for free for the first time, either from a friend or curiosity or the wrong use of some analgesic drugs, then he begins to remedy the matter when he begins to be addictive, as he pays the price every time in order to obtain the height of the psychotropic substance or the narcotic substance, thus, the individual will find himself trying to get more money in order to get more of the drug product until he finds himself having spent all his money on addiction, where this affects the performance of his duties, where he deducts his money and spends it to obtain the narcotic substance, forgetting his family and his duties towards it.

Also, the addict often weakens his ability to work, so he always finds him unproductive and unable to get a job that improves his living reality, which generates a state of poverty and backwardness that may push him to commit the crime of bribery, theft or other crimes[10].

One of the economic effects of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances at the individual level is the increased likelihood of the addict to accidents during work, so that it causes damage to the productivity of labor for the individual and the accompanying huge losses that affect the individual and the productive sector alike.

Second : The Economic Effects of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances on Society and t he State:

Drugs and psychotropic substances cast a negative shadow on society and the state at the same time, due to the depletion of exorbitant resources that fall on the resources of society as well as hindering its progress and development, as one of the most important manifestations of these economic losses is the amounts spent on them in terms of whether these drugs and psychotropic substances are grown in the society in which they are consumed, which causes its spread and the loss of part of the national wealth represented in agricultural land that could have been economically exploited, which is more beneficial than the cultivation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and in the human effort that is consumed in its cultivation and manufacture.

Also, one of the economic losses is what is spent on its trade, smuggling or bringing its to society, as this constitutes large sums spent on their trade and smuggling, also, the large sums spent by the state to combat this phenomenon could have been used to build factories, establish hospitals or construct projects that benefit the population of society, all of which causes great economic losses, the spread of unemployment and lack of production are all intrusive from the economic effects of drugs and psychotropic substances, and drug abuse represents a great burden on the national income of the state, as the drugs smuggled from abroad are estimated at millions of dollars, and this money could have been invested in vital sectors that would return to the state and society with a huge return that would have an impact on the economic and social development process.

Also, the amounts spent by the state and various institutions on medical, psychological and social services provided for the treatment of addiction cases and social rehabilitation procedures are very huge amounts that cause economic losses, there is no doubt that these sums could have been directed to productive aspects that would have been sufficient for the progress of society, from the foregoing, we find that drugs and psychotropic substances have significant economic effects, not at the level of the individual, but on society in general.



The phenomenon of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is a major challenge of the most serious challenges facing countries today, where this phenomenon has become a scourge that must be developed mechanisms in order to combat and get rid of it, as the spread of this phenomenon is a defect in the value, educational and social systems in many gatherings, it should be noted that the number of addicts and users is constantly increasing, especially among the youth who constitute the future of the nation and the pillar of its development. Studies and scientific research, whether carried out in Arab countries or in various countries of the world, have also confirmed that drugs are the keys to committing many crimes such as theft and murder[11].

Iraq until 2003 was one of the countries free from the spread of drugs and psychotropic substances, but after 2003, this dangerous phenomenon increased, specifically in the southern governorates, offset by a slow move by the state and security forces, and according to recent reports and studies, the drug trade has become more organized than before.

In this section of research, we will address the mechanisms of management to eliminate this phenomenon.



The role of the administration lies in supporting all individual and community efforts that are being made in order to eliminate the phenomenon of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, whether these efforts are at the therapeutic or preventive level. Or at the level of individuals, society, unions or others.

Through these efforts and interest in studying the dimensions of this problem by supporting self, individual and community efforts, it will contribute to drawing a general strategy to confront and eliminate this problem.

Through this, we can distinguish between two types of efforts that contribute to the coordination and elimination of the phenomenon of the spread of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances:

First: The individual parties to eliminate drugs and influential substances: What is meant by the individual effort is the efforts made by individuals working to combat narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and who are trying to eliminate this phenomenon, which threatens the entity of society and ravages it.

These individuals are represented by the human doctor, the psychiatrist, the social worker and those who work with them, all of them are required to intensify their efforts by raising awareness of the serious harms of drugs and the affected substance, the damage caused by these substances to the individual and society, and the deadly diseases that affect the user that may ravage his body and cause him death[12].

They should also pay attention and intensify cultural, religious, recreational and social awareness programs for abusers and motivate them to resist the feeling of addiction.

Second: Government Efforts to Eliminate Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances:

Among the government agencies that can have a role in the judiciary and psychotropic substances are the following:

1- Ministry of Social Affairs:

The Ministry of Social Affairs has a major role to play in confronting drug abuse, especially as it is the ministry that is closer in supervising the provision of social welfare to citizens and treating the causes of deviation and investigating the causes of abuse and working to avoid it through awareness programs under the supervision of specialists specialized in the social field and contributing to providing awareness and treatment guidance to addicts.

2- Media:

The audio-visual and print media have an important and significant role in eliminating drugs and psychotropic substances, as the media addresses the public opinion and influences it, it also has the ability to spread awareness of the dangers of drugs and public substances and also has the ability to mobilize public opinion against drugs.

3- Ministry of Health:

The Ministry of Health and the various health institutions are responsible for maintaining public health as one of the elements of public control, to this end, it must exert various efforts to eliminate the phenomenon of addiction and abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, such as providing appropriate centers to shelter users and supervising the treatment of drug addicts in cooperation and coordination with the associated health departments and sections, and allocating some of them to treat drug addicts.

In addition, the Ministry of Health must cooperate and coordinate between the various ministries and relevant institutions such as the Ministry of Interior, the Anti-Narcotics Agency and other relevant institutions[13].

4- Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research:

The Ministry of Education has an effective role in confronting and combating drug abuse through schools and other educational institutions, so it must pay attention to the educational aspect and not limit its role to the educational aspect only, as the awareness of school students, whether private or governmental, provides the opportunity to prevent this phenomenon, in addition to urging continuous awareness by teachers and school administrations of the harms of drugs and influencing factors, whether at the individual level, at the family level or at the community level.

The same is the case for the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, where its role should not be limited to the academic aspect only, but must be accompanied by intensive awareness of students through holding seminars and lectures that show the seriousness of the drug phenomenon, not only that, but students must also be urged to participate with the competent authorities in carrying out awareness programs for members of society and spreading the culture of confronting this dangerous phenomenon and spreading awareness among students extending to their families and thus to society.

5- Professional and Labor Unions:

Professional and labor unions have a major role in the eradication of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances through holding seminars and workshops, cooperation and coordination between them and social and cultural institutions, through this, a general environment can be created that contributes to the definition of the harms of drugs and psychotropic substances, especially among labor circles, who often lack the lowest level of education, which exposes them to the risk of addiction, the role of trade unions is also highlighted through follow-up and monitoring of places and workshops, holding seminars and providing cultural bulletins from time to time in order to introduce the harms of drugs and psychotropic substances, hence, it is clear to us the individual and collective efforts that can contribute to the elimination of drugs and psychotropic substances.



Drugs are one of the great influences that lead to pushing a person to commit various crimes, as it affects the nervous and sensory system of the human being and loses control of himself when he needs a dose of narcotic, therefore, drugs have a great and important role in pushing a person to commit a crime, whether in order to obtain the drug or when he is under its influence, as for Iraq, since the inception of the Iraqi state, it was one of the countries that attached great importance to the issue of drugs, and the first drug law in Iraq since 1933 .

Until 2003, Iraq was among the clean drug-free countries, through monitoring and follow-up, it was noted that the phenomenon of drugs spread in the Iraqi street specifically in the southern governorates after 2003, despite the efforts made by the Iraqi government and security services, but these efforts are ineffective towards the growth of this societal phenomenon in light of the high volume of trade exchange, the absence of effective control, the unprecedented spread of corruption and the lack of security, all of it contributed to the spread of drugs in an unprecedented way, and according to international reports, the drug trade has become more organized in Iraq and takes two main corridors, the Iranian and Afghan drug mafia takes the eastern, central and southern borders through Iraq, a corridor that reaches the Gulf countries and North Africa, and the northern border through the Kurdistan region takes a second corridor towards Turkey, the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

In this research, we will address the basic pillars of reducing the spread of drugs in two sections, the first section will deal with activating the legislative role and extending the rule of law and in the second section, we deal with the activation of national preventive means before and after addiction.



The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law No. 50 of 2017 has given great effectiveness to the role of the administrative authority in combating drugs, it gave it effective authority contrary to what existed in the repealed Anti-Narcotics Law No. 68 of 1965, under the new law, the legislator singled out legal texts that highlighted the role of the administration in confronting these crimes as well as its role in treatment.

The law also stipulates the establishment of the Supreme National Authority for Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and the establishment of the General Directorate for Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Affairs, also it stressed the mechanism of control of the administration on the import and export of narcotic substances and stressed the cooperation between all state ministries for the purpose of combating drugs, as well as stipulating the measures to be taken by the administration to treat and rehabilitate addicts, thus, it approaches comparative laws such as the Egyptian, Algerian and Emirati laws, which highlighted the role of the administration in combating narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

But the existence of the legal text is not only enough, but the responsibility must be shared for all members of society in addition to the competent regulatory authorities, namely the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Planning, the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control, and the regulatory authorities in the Ministry of Interior at border crossings to prevent the entry of narcotic substances, since the phenomenon of drugs is a dangerous phenomenon that must be worked on, since the danger of drugs is no less dangerous than terrorist crimes, and for the purpose of prevention, it is not enough to have legal texts, but the legal text must be activated.

Where we must work on continuous awareness of the problem of addiction, especially among adolescents, in a manner commensurate with their personal characteristics so as not to backfire and follow educational methods based on mutual dialogue between them and children, especially in adolescence, evaluation and rapid intervention to address behavioral deviations first-hand and consult workers in the field of mental health and education, the treatment of this phenomenon to reduce it and avoid its danger requires tightening the penalty for drug abuse and trafficking and reviewing the penal laws related to it, legislation alone is no longer sufficient with the development of drug traffickers' methods and new types used in drugs, especially with regard to seducing juveniles and encouraging them to use drugs.

Pharmacy practice laws or anti-money laundering laws do not include appropriate legal deterrence that is consistent with the danger of drugs, especially since the money obtained from the drug trade is used to commit various crimes, as the spread of fake pharmacies and sidewalk pharmacies is a dangerous phenomenon or work in pharmacies by people who are not qualified to practice the profession of pharmacy or dispense medicines without prescriptions or not undeserving people, especially since some narcotic drugs are dispensed to people who are sick and sick and for therapeutic purposes, including Valium pills and sleeping pills, therefore, the legislative role must be activated with regard to eliminating the phenomenon of addiction and drugs, which has become a threat to societal peace and haunts young people of different age groups, since the existence of the law only without having an application on the ground does not achieve the significance of its existence, so the role of legal legislation must be activated in order to reach the elimination of the phenomenon of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.



National and international means must be activated in order to achieve the maximum elimination of the phenomenon of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, we can distinguish between two types of preventive means through which this phenomenon can be eliminated and the means are:

First: National Means:

National preventive means can be divided into two important groups: preventive means (before addiction) and therapeutic means (after addiction).

1- (Preventive Means Before Addiction Occurs):

One of the most important preventive means before addiction occurs is

A. Activating the Role of Education: Effective education is the true meaning of the formation of a good citizen through educational curricula, schools and universities through which the danger of drugs and psychotropic substances is manifested, and what it can cause from an actual disaster at the level of the individual and society and the development of self-awareness in the mind of the Iraqi individual to realize the seriousness of addiction and the threat it can cause to family peace and how can it be a curse on the members of society and how it can be a means to criminality and an easy way to deviate, proper education can build the first steps in the right way in order to avoid the problem of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

B. The Role Played by the Religious Authorities of the Various Sects in Warning of the Dangers of Addiction:As religious references and sermons can contribute to the spread of awareness against the dangers of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, this includes all society, whether it is conscious, educated and uneducated, there it can play a big role in urging society and guiding them to the danger of drugs and the harms that can be caused by addiction, therefore, society must be directed towards eliminating this phenomenon, especially since religious references have a clear impact on Iraqi society, therefore, religious sermons must be directed towards eliminating this dangerous phenomenon.

C. The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Clarifying the Dangers o f Addiction:Where the role of civil society organizations in clarifying the dangers of drugs and highlighting the seriousness of this phenomenon, which is killing Iraqi society, these organizations can play a big role in educating the community about the danger of drugs, and the phenomenon of addiction as a means that threatens the peace of society, but has become more dangerous than terrorism as it is no longer terrorism that has become a threat to societal peace, but that addiction is a scourge on society, therefore, it has become necessary for civil society organizations to clarify the dangers of addiction.

D. The Role of the Media:The role of the media is highlighted as one of the very important preventive means to combat drug abuse or addiction because of its strong impact on society, where the role of the media must be activated in order to eliminate the phenomenon of drugs and psychotropic substances, as the media plays a major role in eliminating this dangerous phenomenon, which can through the role of the media spread societal awareness of the danger of exacerbating this dangerous phenomenon and the threat it can pose, in addition to activating other means of communication such as theaters, festivals, exhibitions, educational seminars and scientific conferences, and other means of communication that can be a reason for spreading cultural awareness of the seriousness of this phenomenon, which has become a threat to society.

E. Activating Legal Means and Tightening Criminal a nd Civil Punishment :Where the punishment issued against those who use drugs, addicted to them, or those who trade in this dangerous scourge must be activated, as the harshening of the penalty can be a deterrent to those who want to deal or trade in this scourge.

Second: Therapeutic Means after the Occurrence o f Addiction:

The therapeutic means after the occurrence of drugs or addiction to them, and the most important of these means are

  1. Providing medical treatment, whether the treatment is physical, psychological or mental, where all treatments must be provided that contribute to saving the addict from what he is in, and the state must provide all means to obtain treatment.
  2. The establishment of special sanatoriums for the treatment of addicts, and it is noted in this regard that it has not been established in most cases in the Arab countries sanatoriums for the treatment of addicts, despite their large number, among these countries are Jordan, Egypt and Libya, as well as Iraq, but they have developed special departments in mental and psychiatric hospitals to treat addicts.

Second: International Means:

Many agreements have been concluded by the United Nations, the most important of which are

  1. The Unified Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1961) and amended by the Protocol of 1972.
  2. Convention on Psychotropic Substances (1971).
  3. The United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (1988), these three conventions have been called the international legal regime for drug control.
  4. At the Arab level, the Arab Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances was concluded in Tunisia in 1994, most of which came in accordance with the content of the provisions of the United Nations Convention of 1988.

Iraq must activate these agreements with neighboring countries in order to activate the elimination of the phenomenon of drug trafficking and the elimination of the phenomenon of addiction, which has become destructive to societies, including Iraqi society, through the activation of national and international means.


At the end of our research tagged the effectiveness of administration in eliminating drugs and psychotropic substances, we reached several results and recommendations that we mention as follows


  1. Drugs are nothing but a serious social scourge on the social construction and economic development of any country and hinder intellectual and artistic innovation, the drug trade has worsened in recent years and there has been increasing talk about big traffickers and the drug market. Drug crime is one of the most prominent forms of activity on which criminal organizations are based and the most common, the process of trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances has also become a form of organized crime and comes in first place and at the top of the list of crimes that generate emergency funds for global criminal organizations.
  2. Drugs are one of the great influences that lead to pushing a person to commit various crimes, as they affect the nervous and sensory system of man, so he loses control of himself when he needs a dose of the drug, therefore, drugs have a great and important role in pushing a person to commit a crime, whether in order to obtain the drug or when he is under its influence, as for Iraq, since the inception of the Iraqi state, it was one of the countries that attached great importance to the issue of drugs
  3. The reasons that can be considered a major cause of the spread of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances vary, but it is possible to take note of the fundamental reasons that lead to their spread and abuse within society, including economic, social and psychological reasons.
  4. Drug abuse is a social scourge that exhausts the individual and destroys him and affects his psyche, and reflects on his personality and moves away from virtue morals and pushes him to vice and leads the person to lose his sense of responsibility and keep him away from the reality of life, he can't work and doesn't know the meaning of struggle, he ends up staying in a hospital to treat a chronic organic disease that can't be cured, or in a hospital.
  5. There are several effects of drugs there are economic, social and psychological effects that the abuse of drugs and psychotropic substances and their addiction represents a serious social problem that threatens the security and safety of society, rather, it has become a danger whose effects have been reflected on society from various political, economic, social and health aspects, we can refer to the most important effects that can be extrapolated from the abuse of drugs and psychotropic substances on society is in terms of the spread of crime and delinquency, as the spread of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is closely related to criminal behavior through that it is a crime punishable by law.
  6. The existence of the legal text is not only enough, but the responsibility must be shared for all members of society in addition to the competent regulatory authorities, namely the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Planning, the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control and the regulatory authorities in the Ministry of Interior at border crossings to prevent the entry of narcotic substances, since the phenomenon of drugs is a dangerous phenomenon that must be combated, since the danger of drugs is no less dangerous than terrorist crimes, and for the purpose of prevention, it is not enough to have legal texts, but the legal text must be activated.


  1. The implementation and application of the provisions of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law No. (50) of 2017 must be implemented and activated and the legal role of legal legislation must be activated
  2. The legislator must tighten the penalty for drug trafficking in accordance with the provisions of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law No. (50) of 2017.
  3. A center for the rehabilitation of drug addicts should be established in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
  4. A set of procedures and conditions for the import, export and transport of narcotic and psychotropic substances, cultivation, sale or purchase of narcotic and psychotropic substances must be established.
  5. We recommend focusing on the need to introduce the harms of drugs through socialization that starts from the family through school and universities through educational curricula and other means of educational upbringing.
  6. The need to intensify the religious awareness discourse to clarify the harms and sins of drug abuse according to a strategy prepared by official and unofficial religious institutions such as seminaries and religious schools, and to invest in the pulpits of Friday prayers, the months of Muharram and Ramadan for this purpose.
  7. We recommend finding multilateral media strategies to broadcast film materials and advertisements to show the dangers, harms and effects of drugs, and activate everything that would represent receiving for the audience, such as theater, cinema, series and songs
  8. The need to invest public figures loved by young people and adolescents in particular, such as athletes, artists and others, in educating young people about the dangers of drugs.
  9. The need to tighten family and community control over young people, especially adolescents
  10. We recommend the need to tighten government control over cafes to prevent their use of narcotic substances.
  11. The legislative and executive authorities should be oriented towards support for governmental and non-governmental bodies and organizations concerned with drug control.
  12. We recommend the need to focus on the diplomatic aspect in communicating with countries that are sources of drug imports, such as Iran and Afghanistan, to develop a general policy between the two countries to reduce the drug trade.


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