Madrasah in Indonesia are educational institutions whose curriculum contains Islamic lessons, which are often managed without proper planning. In this paper, the author will conduct a conceptual study based on existing literature regarding preparing strategic plans for improving management in madrasas. The conclusion of this study shows that strategic planning is essential in determining the direction of madrasah development in the future. Before compiling the madrasah strategic planning document, define the vision and mission to be achieved by all stakeholders. Then the madrasa conducts a SWOT analysis to determine its strengths and weaknesses and performs an environmental analysis to determine the weaknesses and strengths of the institution for the successful achievement of its mission and goals. After all stakeholders in the madrasa know the institution's condition, it is necessary to set targets that need to be evaluated annually.
Strategic Planning: Strategic planning is crucial for determining the future development direction of madrasahs, ensuring effective management and achievement of goals.
SWOT Analysis: Conducting a SWOT analysis helps identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the madrasah, guiding decision-making and improvement efforts.
Stakeholder Involvement: Involving all stakeholders in defining the vision, mission, and strategic goals fosters a shared sense of ownership and commitment to the madrasah's success.
Keywords: Madrasah, Strategic Planning, SWOT Analysis, Stakeholders, Targets
Madrasah, in carrying out their activities, must be in accordance with the self-evaluation of the madrasah so that the activities carried out are right on target and in accordance with the needs of the madrasah and the expectations of students' parents [1]. Along with the development of the times, efforts to improve madrasas are needed in order to be able to produce qualified and competitive graduates. To create quality and competitive madrasas, good educational services are needed. Education services play an important role in developing and improving the quality of human resources in the future. The quality of madrasa education is a very important consideration for parents to send their children to school [2]. Therefore, it is important for madrasas to improve the quality of education so that they continue to exist and be able to compete with other schools. Madrasah, to continue to maintain their existence, must be able to serve customers according to expectations. Factors that can affect the low quality of schools include managers who do not have good managerial skills, cultural conditions in the community, and management staff who are less qualified and do not have superior programs. Strategic planning can be used as a strategy for solving the problem. To be able to survive in a very complex society and with rapid global change, madrasah really needs to understand references about what will be done to deal with the changes that are happening. Through strategic planning, madrasas can be helped to achieve the vision, mission and aspirations that have been formulated. Strategic planning is a long-term plan that is comprehensive and provides a formula for where the organization will be directed and how to allocate its resources to achieve organizational goals and aspirations [3].
Planning in madrasa management functions to provide clear guidelines and directions regarding the objectives to be achieved so that madrasas have a comprehensive, systematic and transparent arrangement in carrying out all activities. It is important for madrasas to have strategic planning documents so that madrasa programs can run as planned and can realize the ideals of madrasas [4]. The elements of strategic planning include a focus on customer satisfaction, long-term commitment, responsiveness to change, continuous improvement, focus on quality, teamwork, unity in achieving goals and community involvement and empowerment. Strategic planning includes strategic changes in management, a clear school vision and mission, as well as madrasah programs that support the vision and mission.
The realization of quality educational institutions is not only the responsibility of schools but of all stakeholders and parents of students. Madrasah, in realizing the vision and mission, can focus on customers, total involvement, measurement, commitment, and continuous improvement [5]. The five principles are, first focus on meeting customer satisfaction. Madrasahs will be qualified and trusted by the community if customers are satisfied with the services provided. Second, the total involvement of all school parties to solve problems that exist in schools and contribute to improving school quality together. Third, measurement, which collects data to measure the extent to which planning has been carried out and to evaluate all activities that have been carried out. Fourth, all stakeholders have a long-term commitment to realizing the school's vision, mission and aspirations and can make changes to deal with the changes that occur. Fifth, all stakeholders innovate so that they can keep up with the changes that occur and constantly improve every educational process in order to create quality education.
This research is a literature study to explore specific topics to be shown to the reader. A literature study is a comprehensive overview of the research that has been done to find rationality that will be shown to the reader as well as for further research ideas [6]. The data in this study comes from research results that have been published in both national and international journals, books, and the internet. The analytical method used, namely analysis of the contents of the journal by reading the abstract and the contents of the journal, is then examined, and then an analysis of the contents contained in the research objectives and research findings is carried out.
Implementation of strategic management is one of the strategies to improve the quality of education. The strategic management concept emphasizes madrasah efforts in identifying what madrasas aspire to and what steps can be taken to achieve these goals. Madrasah must be able to develop schools by compiling superior programs that are consistently competitive and understand the strengths of madrasas to be able to compete with other schools [7]. With strategic planning, madrasah can move appropriately to achieve madrasah plans and goals [8]. Strategic planning is developed to ensure that madrasah are able to survive now and in the future. The process of compiling and carrying out madrasah management strategies includes developing a strategic vision that describes long-term directions and mission statements that are appropriate to school conditions; setting goals for measuring madrasah performance and monitoring its progress in moving; developing strategies for madrasah progress towards the future as planned; aspired and achieve superior performance; implement strategies that have been set effectively and efficiently; evaluate and analyze the internal situation and the external environment to identify suitability between planning and strategy implemented [9]. The implementation of strategic planning must focus on creating a better future for the madrasah. The steps for preparing strategic planning, according to R.G. Murdick, cover; analysis of current and future conditions, identification of madrasah weaknesses and strengths, considering existing norms, identification of possibilities and risks, determining the scope of results and community needs, assessing supporting factors, formulating objectives and success criteria, setting customer targets [10].
A madrasah organisation, in the Katsioloudes perspective Dynamic Strategic Management Process model, must have at least four things: mission, targets, objectives, and strategy.
1. Mission
Mission (mission) is the purpose and reason for establishing an organisation or why the organisation was founded. An organisation's mission is usually summarised in a statement that must be a valuable basis for the organisation that guides its operations; help prioritise goals and tasks; acts to motivate staff, volunteers, and members; and assists in evaluations and directing. A good mission statement is able to convey well the long-term goals and objectives, the obligations that the organisation must fulfil, the core values and principles of the organisation, and the vision of the organisation in the future [11].
2. Goals and Targets (Objective)
The words goal and objective in Indonesian mean goals, while the meaning of the two words is distinguished, that goal is a goal and objective is a target. Goals are general statements of planning to be achieved. While the target is the desired result of each planning achievement. Goals and targets are often understood as synonyms but are different. Goals focus on achieving the organisation's mission, while targets are specific things from these goals [12].
The purpose (goal) is different from the mission. The mission is also called the official goal, which is a statement that represents the long-term goals of the organisation and a wider scope. While the goals referred to here are operative goals or more specific end goals, reflecting operational activities and procedures in the short term [13]. For an organisation, a goal is essential because it is able to stimulate and provide orientation for its members, in other words, when each individual understands the goals of the organisation, work is more efficient and productive.
While the target (objective) in question is the goals that must be achieved in the short term. Targets consist of 3 categories: financial targets, marketing targets, and operational targets [14]. Financial targets related to the development of existing funds within the organisation. Target marketing focuses on developing an organisation's position in marketing, determining this target relative to competitors, suppliers, partners, customers, and regulators. Operational targets focus on developing the process of running an organisation, which needs to be developed include human resources, managing teamwork, processes and systems.
3. Strategy
The concept of strategy (strategy) comes from military activities, namely using military power to achieve a goal by making a plan and target, and then executing the plan. The meaning of strategy in the management of an organisation is similar, which is related to planning the implementation of a target and executing it.
Before formulating a strategy, it is necessary to know the conditions outside and within the organisation. As stated by Katsioloudes, the SWOT concept states that an organisation must be able to identify various things, including first, identify relevant and possible opportunities. Opportunity is defined as a situation that might help the organisation's efforts to achieve its target. Second, identify threats hindering an organisation's efforts to achieve its targets. Third, identify the internal strengths and capabilities of the organisation to achieve targets. Fourth, identify organisational weaknesses that cause failure to achieve targets [15].
In formulating a strategy (strategy formulation), a manager or leader needs to understand the cause-and-effect relationship. Usually, the formulation of a strategy is arranged in the form of programs and targets. The program itself is a sentence that shows an activity needed to achieve a strategy [15]. The most basic question in formulating a strategy is, "will this strategy work well?" here, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between each possibility that can be chosen and the consequences when it is implemented [16]. Furthermore, a manager or leader must be able to identify and collect relevant data and then link the data correctly. They must be able to identify and assess all possibilities and find a solution to gain profit [17].
Once formulated, a strategy must be implemented with the support of good leadership because a leader is the owner of power who is able to execute various planned strategies by controlling his members [15]. Furthermore, three things are always the scope of strategy in the existing literature: applicable regulations, activities, and fund allocation.
Figure 1. Schematic Model of the Dynamic Strategic Management Process
An organization needs to determine the applicable regulations (functional policies) to govern various decisions that members of the organization choose and how they carry them out. Regulation here means a certain method chosen from all alternatives as a guide and determinant for current and future decisions. The most effective strategy is to create a continuous and consistent regulatory pattern. Every regulation must always be evaluated to be consistent with other regulations and the overall strategy. In this way, the implementation of a strategy will be more effective.
In carrying out an activity, it must be clear when, where, and how an activity is carried out. Activity at a certain level must be explained specifically. The more the activity can be understood in more detail, the more benefits it will provide for the implementation of an activity.
Then every activity of each individual, group, or department must be able to combine and help each other. Or in other words, a good activity in an organization is when all its activities support one another.
Regarding the allocation of funds, an organization must decide to use its funds wisely, especially for non-profit organizations whose funds are very limited. So in using the funds, every organization must ensure the priority scale because when money is used for one thing, it means it cannot be used for others. Then in managing finances, an organization must be able to obtain as much as possible with minimum funds.
After implementing a strategy, it must be evaluated and controlled. Does the strategy that has been implemented provide optimal results? Each strategy must be able to adapt and develop according to circumstances, so evaluation and control are important. Because it is often found in the implementation of strategies that appear in emergencies (emergent strategy), the strategy must be updated continuously [16], [17].
Circumstances are constantly changing dynamically with evaluation. An organization can shape and rearrange its capabilities so that it is able to respond to changing times and escape destruction. This dynamic process by Katsioloudes is called the Dynamic Strategic Management Process, or in Teece's language, Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management. The essence of everything is that strategy must be dynamic and not static [18].
The importance of madrasas having strategic planning is that madrasas have direction and guidance to achieve the goals aspired to by madrasah, so as to reduce the risk of future uncertainties. Strategic planning can be used to make madrasah decisions to allocate resources to achieve the expected educational goals. Madrasah strategic planning aims to achieve educational goals that have been set by determining the direction of education, analyzing opportunities, obstacles, and challenges faced by madrasah, so that the risk of failure is small and the level of certainty is high.