Regulatory Compliance for Protecting Land Plot Buyers in Sidoarjo: Implications for Legal Action and Buyer Protection
Kepatuhan terhadap Peraturan untuk Melindungi Pembeli Tanah Kavling di Sidoarjo: Implikasi terhadap Tindakan Hukum dan Perlindungan Pembeli
This study employs a normative approach to investigate the legal protection for buyers of land plots located in Sidoarjo under Regulation number 59 of 2018. The deductive approach is utilized to prove the truth of the statement that protection for the sale and purchase of land plots can be canceled if not in compliance with the Sidoarjo regulation. The findings reveal that buyers of the land plot can seek legal protection if there are any discrepancies with the regulation. The study concludes that buyers of land plots in Sidoarjo can claim their rights and protection under the Regent's Regulation if there are any issues during the buying and selling process. The study also emphasizes the need to adhere to the regulations to ensure the protection of buyers of land plots.
- The study employs a normative approach to investigate legal protection for buyers of land plots in Sidoarjo under Regulation number 59 of 2018.
- Buyers can seek legal protection if there are any discrepancies with the regulation during the buying and selling process.
- Adhering to the regulations is crucial to ensure the protection of buyers of land plots in Sidoarjo.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rudy Condro, M Tanzil Multazam
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