Tourism Management
DOI: 10.21070/ijler.2020.V7.476

Tourist and Recreational Potential of the Territory: Analysis Methodology

Potensi Turis dan Rekreasi Wilayah: Metodologi Analisis

Kazan State Institute of Culture
Russian Federation
Kazan State Institute of Culture
Russian Federation

(*) Corresponding Author

tourism recreation resources tourist and recreational potential of the territory


The introduction of the term "potential" into the official turnover of tourism science promotes the methodology of research. Tourist - recreational potential of the territory in this case refers to the scientific category, the analysis of the content, whose structure is a necessary condition for understanding the essence of the tourist destination. All this actualizes the necessity of complex research of tourist - recreational potential of the territory. We believe that it is not only permissible, but it is quite necessary to use the concept "tourist - recreational potential of the territory", including in the regulatory documents, as it is the most complete, comprehensively allows to reveal problems and prospects of tourism development in the region. Firstly, the tourist and recreational potential, being different in content, is present at the territory simultaneously, accompanying each other, implemented in it, being of interest to the tourist. Secondly, there is no territory where there is a recreational potential, which cannot be supplemented with tourist potential, and vice versa.  Third, the identification of tourist - recreational potential of the territory allows to develop an algorithm for its transformation into tourist-recreational resources, to determine the goals and objectives for the formation, promotion and implementation of the tourist product, tourist brand of the territory.


Relevance and necessity of research of tourist and recreational potential of the territories are conditioned by both tourist practice and tourist science. First of all, the dynamic development of tourist destinations, domestic and inbound tourist flow testify to the availability of significant potential of the Russian tourist sector. In today's conditions, the tourism industry shows a steady positive trend, stands out for its high efficiency, making a significant contribution to the country's GDP, which is primarily the result of the support and attention paid by the state at all levels to the sphere of domestic and inbound tourism. This is quite natural, as tourism is seen as an essential component of the innovative development of our country, as a source of financial income from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, as a means of increasing employment and quality of life, as a way of maintaining the health of citizens, as a basis for the development of socio-cultural environment and education of patriotism, and as a powerful tool for education and formation of a moral platform for the development of civil society. Tourism makes a significant contribution to sustainable social and economic development and social stability; it is important for the development of small businesses and microenterprises, job creation, and promotes self-employment. The tourism industry is developing ahead of the world average growth rate and stimulates the development of related sectors of the economy. In recent years, the Russian Federation has seen an increase in domestic tourism (54 million Russian citizens placed in collective facilities in 2017, compared to 32 million in 2012). The average number of people working in the collective classification grouping of economic activities "Tourism" was 1.19 million in 2017, compared to 1.04 million in 2014. Tourism is one of the sectors with the highest multiplier effects on the economy. Today, tourism accounts for 3.8 percent of the country's gross domestic product, affecting 53 related industries. The creation of one job in tourism entails the creation of up to 5 jobs in related industries. The key competitive advantages of tourism development in the Russian Federation are the availability of multiple points of attraction for domestic and inbound tourists, which are of global importance for the development of various types of tourism, targeting almost any consumer group. Thus, the number of UNESCO World Heritage sites in Russia is 18, the number of UNESCO World Natural Heritage sites is 11. According to these indicators, the Russian Federation ranks 10th and 4th in the world ranking respectively. [1] In the practice of economy of developed countries tourism has long been considered as an indicator of quality of life, and in Russia systematic work on the development of inclusive forms of tourism and recreational services, including the disabled and persons with disabilities, has entered its active phase. Thus, tourism is now becoming, firstly, an effective instrument of socio-economic development, secondly, a mechanism to ensure high standards of human welfare, and thirdly, contributes to the formation of an accessible and comfortable tourist environment, improving the quality and competitiveness of Russian tourism product in the domestic and global markets. Achievement of these targets is defined by the Federal Target Program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2019-2025)". The conclusion made by A.D.Chudnovsky and his colleagues that "for the last two decades the processes of globalization, informatization, development of transport means in the world have given tourism a rapid dynamics of development, therefore it is not excluded that tourism will soon become one of the leading world industries" [CHudnovskij A.D. 2016] is quite reasonable. Thus, according to the World Tourism Organization, export of the tourism sector takes the 3rd place in the world export after chemicals and fuel, overtaking the automotive industry products. For the majority of developed countries tourism is the leading article in export. Total tourism sector exports in 2017 amounted to $1.6 trillion, i.e. approximately $4.4 billion per day ($1,200 per tourist), which is about 7 per cent of international goods and services exports ($22.9 trillion) and 29 per cent of international services exports ($5.4 trillion). [Strategiya razvitiya turizma]


In methodological aspect the above mentioned and other problems of research of tourist and recreational potential of territories predetermine the necessity of complex analysis of theoretical foundations of tourism as a science, clear definition of its conceptual apparatus, solution of real problems and directions of development of tourism industry, as the task of any science consists in analysis of real processes, facts, revealing of internal interrelations, determination of regularities and tendencies of change of phenomena. First of all, it is necessary to define the content and structure of the concept of "tourism", which has great practical and scientific importance. The literature provides dozens of definitions of the concept of "tourism" both in broad and narrow senses. [Byulleten' turistskoj informacii, 1992] Conceptual and legal definition of "tourism" is given in the Federal Law "On the basis of tourist activity in the Russian Federation". [Ob osnovah turistskoj deyatel'nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii ot 24.11.1996]. In spite of different interpretations, the structure of the concept of "tourism" includes tourist products, potential, resources, peculiarities of tourists' behavior, their needs and motivations, economic and socio-cultural relations formed between all participants of the tourism industry.


There is still considerable potential for the growth of the role of tourism in the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. In particular, according to the current state program "Development of tourism and hospitality in the Republic of Tatarstan". The State Tourism Committee of the RT together with interested ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations of the tourism industry is working to develop the tourist potential and popularize the main tourist centers, aimed at increasing the tourist flow, creating a tourist navigation system, improving the quality of tourist services. Tourists are highly interested in visiting such sites as "Kazan Kremlin", "Island - Sviyazhsk Castle", "Velikiy Bolgar", which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, the tourist centers of Elabuga, Tetyusha, Chistopol, Kamskoe Ustie and others. The dynamic development of the tourism industry is confirmed by specific statistical data. In particular, the annual growth of tourist flow in the Republic for the years 2015-2019 was an average of 9%. In 2019, 3.6 million tourists visited the Republic of Tatarstan, while sales of tourism services in 2019 increased by 4.7% compared to 2018. The number of foreign nationals who arrived in the Republic in 2019 increased by 40% compared to 2016 and amounted to 3,355,776 people, the number of collective accommodation facilities reached 552 units, the volume of tourism services provided (not including related industries) in the first 9 months of 2019 exceeded 10 billion rubles. Achievement of a certain level of development of the tourism industry in the republic creates, on the one hand, a basis for further quantitative and, especially important, qualitative changes, on the other hand, there is a possibility to involve in this sphere other municipalities, which do not have their own tourist brand, separate territories.

At the same time, there is a significant number of objective and subjective problems that hinder both the development and transformation of tourism and recreational potential in the tourism and recreational resources, the formation of effective tourist destinations, the dynamic development of tourist flow, demand and supply in the market of tourism industry, the impact of which, in our opinion, is still slowly declining. First of all it is a high cost of transport services. According to the World Tourism Organization, the share of transport expenses for foreign tourists in Russia amounted to 40 percent of the total expenses in 2017 (248 USD per 1 foreign tourist), in Germany - 29 percent, in the United States of America - 16 percent. The high cost of transportation of tourists is related both to significant travel distances and to the centralization of air transportation through the Moscow transport hub, the insufficient level of development of direct charter transportation within the country, and others. Among other problems are lagging behind the growth rate of tourist interest to the territory, lack of long-term credit instruments with interest rates available to investors, which allow to pay back investments in the objects of tourist and recreational complex within acceptable terms for investors, insufficient quality of service in all sectors of tourist industry due to lack of professional staff, low recognition of Russian tourist brands on foreign markets and within Russia. These and some other problems are still not completely solved today. As a result, as noted by researchers from the National Academy of Tourism (St. Petersburg), the enormous natural and historical and cultural potential of Russia is used no more than 20-25%. The majority of foreign and domestic tourists come to Moscow and St. Petersburg, visit the cities of the "Golden Ring", make cruises on the Volga. However, the geography of cultural and educational tourism in Russia can and should be much wider than at present, because outside the sphere of tourism remain many historical, cultural and natural heritage sites located in different regions of the Russian Federation. Actually completely falls out of the sphere of active tourism Siberia, many areas of the Russian North, interesting mountainous areas of Asian Russia, as well as many unique historical cities of central Russia.

Consequently, the practice of analyzing the tourist and recreational potential of the territory can only be successful if adequate scientific apparatus and research tools are used. Tourism as a branch of science has its own specific object and subject of study, its own direction, contradictions and development prospects. Sometimes in the literature devoted to tourism as a branch of science notions and terms are used without deep analysis of their essence, structure, specifics and interrelations. Tourism as a complex social and economic phenomenon is studied from the standpoint of various sciences. In particular, it is possible to study tourism from the position of economy, geography, cultural studies, history, ecology, ethnography, law, sociology, psychology and other sciences. Thus, the interdisciplinary nature of tourism as a branch of science is confirmed. In the literature there are various terms, concepts, characterizing the tourist territory: recreational potential, resource potential, tourist resources, tourism potential, tourism - recreational potential and some others. Often there is a different interpretation of the content of these terms. This approach is quite understandable, because researchers, analyzing the tourism activity, in general, the tourism industry sets different tasks and goals, focusing on the most relevant, in their view, the most relevant aspects of the object of study. It is quite natural that with the development of tourism industry researchers have problems that require scientific and theoretical understanding and rethinking of issues, terms and concepts used, their clarification, in general, the theory of tourism as a branch of science. For example, from the point of view of economy tourism as a branch of national economy is a large interbranch economic complex of national economy, including objects of material and non-material cultural and historical heritage, economic subjects of different branch belonging, bodies of state and municipal administration, focused on solving problems of territory, region and country development. In this case, tourism is considered as a complex of economic relations, covering industrial and non-productive activities of subjects of tourism industry, aimed at creating goods and services for travelers. Subjects of tourism industry make choices and make decisions, sell tourist products and related products, invest capital, enter into relations with each other, the state to produce and exchange services, pay taxes and much more. Such approach allows: firstly, to identify more fully the elements that are part of the total tourism and recreational potential of the territory; secondly, to assess the value of the potential in quantitative and qualitative indicators; thirdly, to identify the systemic effect, emergency potential as a result of integration with related areas; fourthly, to consider the tourism and recreational potential of the territory as an integral part of social and economic development of the region.

In order to clearly understand the terms used in tourism theory, it is necessary to clarify the content and combination of such important concepts as "potential", "recreation" and "resources". The concept of "potential" literally means opportunities, means, supplies that can be used to solve a task. Potential has several manifestations, which together express its essence: potential defines the past in terms of reflecting a set of accumulated properties that condition the ability to perform an activity and achieve a goal (potential takes on the meaning of "resource"); potential reflects the present in terms of the practical application and use of existing abilities (potential takes on the meaning of "reserve"); potential development (future), in the process of which new abilities are formed (potential takes on the meaning of "reserve"); and potential development (future). The word recreation (from lat. recreation) is usually defined as rest, restoration of a person's strength, spent in the process of work, people's spending their free time from work. The concept of "resources (from French) - an auxiliary means) - is money, values, reserves, opportunities, sources of funds, income, a set of material and non-material goods, which have a person, family, organization, society and which are divided into resources economic, natural, labor, information, etc. These concepts are recognized by the scientific community in their content and terminology and are widely used in various branches of science. While the concepts of "potential" and "recreation" have quite different content from each other, and the consumers of recreational services may not always be tourists (for example, local residents of a given territory), when using the terms "potential" and "resources" there is often a mix of them, which requires clarification. The literature rightly notes that the term "capacity", while close to the term "resource", differs from the latter in that it tends to be used in the form of a single number, but always implies a set of characteristics, objects, phenomena. Another difference between a potential and a resource is that the potential is quite clearly linked to a specific task for which it is defined, while the resource, although considered in the context of its purpose, is not as defined as its relationship to a specific user. A third difference is that, when describing the potential of an object, it is generally assumed that the potential is also estimated by comparing it with that of another object. But the most important difference, in our opinion, is that the potential is an existing or future possibility, which under certain conditions can be realized by transformation into resources. The territory's resources are formed on the basis of potential, the territory's potential finds its expression and application through the resources involved in the tourism industry. In our understanding, the tourist potential of the territory is primary, while the tourist resources of the territory are secondary. They are inseparable dialectical unity, simultaneously interacting and complementing each other. The resources involved in the tourism industry contribute to the development of the Territory's potential. In turn, tourist resources include natural, cultural, historical and other objects of the territory, which constitute or may constitute the basis of the tourist product. Thus, the tourist product is formed on the basis of the resources involved or planned to be involved in the tourism industry market.

In tourism theory of significant interest is the analysis of the content and structure of the concepts of "recreational potential of the territory", "tourist potential of the territory". This analysis is not only theoretical, but also important practical significance for the organization of tourism activities in a particular territory. These concepts are interconnected, intertwined, sometimes seems difficult to separate them. [Kolbovskij E. YU. 2006] This also applies to the concept of "tourist and recreational potential of a territory", which is actively used by researchers in scientific circulation, while others, on the contrary, are denied. Different interpretations are also explained by the fact that the term "tourist and recreational potential of the territory" has not been used in official documents until recently. In particular, the current federal law "On the basis of tourist activity in the Russian Federation" №132-FZ defines tourist resources, the term tourist potential is not used. Tourist resources, according to the legislator, are natural, historical, social and cultural objects, including objects of tourist display, as well as other objects that can meet the spiritual and other needs of tourists, help maintain their vital activity, restore and develop their physical forces. The federal target program "Culture of Russia (2012 - 2018), the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of culture and tourism in 2013 - 2020" also lacks the concept of "tourist - recreational potential". In the Concept of the federal target program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2019-2025), approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on May 5, 2018 N 872-r (as amended on July 11, 2019) despite the lack of the concept of "tourism - recreational potential" there appeared the phrase "tourist - recreational assets of the Russian Federation", "potential of cultural objects in the tourist turnover", "integration of the potential of navigation and navigation on inland waterways in tourism", "the integration of tourism - recreational potential in the Russian Federation. In the strategy of tourism development in the Russian Federation for the period till 2035 such words as "potential of tourism development", "potential of tourist sector", "potential of tourist product" are introduced into the official turnover.

Certainly, introduction of the term "potential" into the official turnover of tourism science promotes the methodology of the research. Tourist - recreational potential of the territory in this case refers to that scientific category, the analysis of the content, which structure is a necessary condition for understanding the essence of the tourist destination. All this actualizes the necessity of complex research of tourist - recreational potential of the territory. We believe that it is not only permissible, but it is quite necessary to use the concept "tourist - recreational potential of the territory", including in the regulatory documents, as it is the most complete, comprehensively allows to reveal problems and prospects of tourism development in the region. Firstly, the tourist and recreational potential, being different in content, is present at the territory simultaneously, accompanying each other, implemented in it, being of interest to the tourist. Secondly, there is no territory where there is a recreational potential, which cannot be supplemented with tourist potential, and vice versa. Third, the identification of tourist - recreational potential of the territory allows to develop an algorithm for its transformation into tourist - recreational resources, to determine the goals and objectives for the formation, promotion and implementation of the tourist product, tourist brand of the territory.


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