Marketing Management
DOI: 10.21070/ijler.2020.V7.464

The Innovation of MSME Culinary Marketing Strategy

Inovasi Strategi Pemasaran Kuliner UMKM

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

(*) Corresponding Author

Innovation Strategy Marketing SWOT


The innovation of marketing strategy that can be done by SMES Culinary in Jember for business development needed an analysis about the business conditions. The formulation of the problems studied in this research is how to innovate marketing strategy with SWOT analysis for MSME culinary that exist in Jember. This method of research is done using a qualitative method of descriptive analysis with SWOT analysis. Results of external Internal MSMES is in the V quadrant marked Asterix (2.45; 2.6) which means having a stability/growth strategy to develop in the future, the strategy that can be applied to SMES, namely the strategy of maintaining and Maintaining, market penetration and product development. Result of the SWOT of the SMES culinary Jember has a strategy of S-O strategy that can be done in a SME that is to maintain product quality, set a cheap price as well as utilize local potentials. Based on the results of the innovations marketing strategy SMES culinary Jember namely developing the quality of existing products and adding product variants, set a cheap price to attract consumers as well as utilize local potential for example tourism and  Culture.


The business world is progressing very rapidly. Competition between businesses gets longer and more stringent. Such situations require businesses to formulate while implementing business strategies to not only survive and grow the business that they run but must also compete to survive and control market share .

The environment encompasses social forces and economic forces. The main aspect of the corporate environment is the industry in which the company competes. The marketing strategy contains specific strategies for target markets, positioning, marketing mix and marketing spending magnitude. The importance of marketing strategy is a tool to achieve long-term and continuous goals based on the perspective of what the competitors are facing in the future.

Marketing strategy has an important role to achieve business success, so that the marketing field plays a big role in realizing the business plan. This can be done if the company wants to maintain and increase the sales of existing products. By implementing the right marketing strategy through the utilization of opportunities in increasing sales, the position of the market company can survive. This is done by analyzing the business environment, namely external environment and internal environment, namely SWOT analysis. The purpose and benefits of SWOT analysis is to combine four factors or compositions precisely about how to prepare strengths, overcome weaknesses, find opportunities and strategies facing diverse Threat. When this technique can be run precisely by combining to the four elements, the perfection in achieving the vision and mission of the planned program will certainly run well and optimally [1].

New Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMES) in Jember are currently popping up but not all can survive and thrive. Fatimah [2] stated that SME products have not been able to influence consumer behaviour to buy. ASME can survive and develop should be able to do marketing offline or online. Marketing activities, especially online marketing, should pay attention to law and culture. Marketing activities must not violate applicable laws and the culture of the intended consumer. Because as good as any concept of marketing used when violating the law and the culture rules of the intended consumer will not increase the turnover of sales can even make a big loss company because the community does not want to buy a company product or Company's products are banned on the market by the government or community.

SMES in Jember are rapidly growing the culinary business in both the city and rural areas. Many cafés and eateries sprung up with a certain concept to attract consumers and to stay afloat. Various development is done by SME business owners, such as implementing the development of quality taste products, the atmosphere of café and restaurant decorated with lamps, cheap prices, a wider kitchen and also provide live music So it feels different from others.

This research will identify internal and external factors covering the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities that exist in the culinary MSMES that exist in the Jember region then the data is analyzed and incorporated into IFAS and EFAS matrix to Position of the MSMES. Further analyzed using SWOT matrix to bring up some alternative options for SMES can do. The final step is to determine the most appropriate marketing strategy innovation to do the culinary SMES that exist in Jember based on an alternative strategy of the resulting strategies.

Marketing strategy that can be done in the culinary SMES in Jember for business development needed an analysis on the condition of a business. Aprilius, et al [3], titled The Restaurant Business Development strategy using SWOT analysis and QSPM, is known that La Pizza Makassar Restaurant is at the top of the highest share market among its competitors so that the results are obtained SWOT analysis strategy that can be done is the S-O strategy. Research Makmur [4] based on Internal and external analysis done by self-service S-Mart, it can be obtained that the supermarket S-Mart sand watering currently resides on a growth strategy. Where the decision to be taken is to develop the company by improving the quality and completeness of the product. Indriani [5] makes a strategy that complies with the Matrix SWOT for business development on the marketing aspect of the SO strategy by expanding the market by conducting first product introduction to the region that is West Java region Because based on the BPS province of West Java 2013, furniture industry in West Java region has increased. So there is an opportunity to expand the market to the area.

Based on some research on the culinary SMES in Jember most appropriate conduct S-O strategy because there are many opportunities to develop because of the tourism of Jember city is developing rapidly and in Jember there are several colleges that have many student numbers. The culinary SMES strategy in Jember is a progressive strategy because of the culinary SMES in Jember is in prime condition so that it can continue to expand growth and achieve maximum progress and innovating place According to developments that trend is then analyzed by using SWOT analysis. Maintaining and enlarging business growth as well as facing the challenges of competition need to apply the most appropriate strategy so that the culinary SMES can survive amid this intense competition. The first research will identify internal and external factors including the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities that exist in SMES Then the data is analyzed and inserted into IFAS and EFAS matrix to assess the position of the MSME in the quadrant. After determined the position of MSMES is further analyzed using SWOT matrix to bring up some alternative options that can be done. The last step is to determine which strategy is most appropriate for MSME based on alternative strategy options. Based on the explanation above, the problem formula that is studied is as follows: How to innovate marketing strategy with SWOT analysis for MSME culinary in Jember?


Research Object

Research object in the culinary SMES in Jember district. In select Jember Regency because the culinary SMES in the region are emerging but little that can remain in the fact that Jember regency has a natural potential and abundant human resources, developing tourism and several universities standing.

Sampling techniques

The sample collection techniques used in this study are as follows 1) The population in this study is a culinary MSME in Jember Regency and 2) The study used purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques.

Overview of SMES in Jember

SMES in Jember area are experiencing rapid progress, especially SMES in the field of culinary especially in the area of the campus. This can be proved by the proliferation of culinary efforts in the campus area. Jember Government supports the development of SMES in Jember by providing soft loans, conducting training and exhibitions for msme level. But the problem of SMES who can survive more than 5 years with the effort still little. Most SMES fell before 5 years. Type of MSME in Jember area is handicraft, culinary, workshop, furniture and trade. The most developed and promising is the culinary business, especially in the area of campus and tourist attractions.

Results and Discussion


Analysis of Internal factors and factors external SMES culinary in Jember

Research that has been done from looking at the general picture of culinary MSMES in Jember and see the Vision and mission of SMES to see and know the latest SME conditions, strategies that have been pursued and performance that has been achieved can be known by some internal and external factors on the culinary SMES in Jember. Some important internal and external factors can be identified as follows:

Analysis of Internal factors and factors external SMES food in Jember

1. Internal Factors

a. Strength

1) Has regional specialities

2) The target market of this business is all circles ranging from students or parents

3) Abundant raw materials

4) Prices are more affordable than in other cities

b. Weakness

1) No quality standards

2) No standard of service

3) The promotion that is not yet effective is only from

The word of mouth is still rare that promote through other media

4) Shortage of capital

2. External factors

a. Opportunity

1) Jember area can be a transit for tourists who are going to Banyuwangi and Bali

2) There are several colleges.

3) Support from local governments.

4) Jember has interesting tourist spots both natural and artificial.

b. Threats

1) The emergence of new competitors, become a threat to those who can not develop their business and the development of developing technology makes consumers choose a popular place today

2) The game price of competitors that make SMES to survive at a relatively low price, as well as follow the market price

3) Promotion from other parties is more attractive, for that MSMES must conduct promotions more effectively so that consumers know better.

4) Competitors, there are some similar competitors in the near MSMES which raises the choice of visiting the consumers.

Internal factors External factors
Power1. Has regional specialties 2. The target market of this business is all circles ranging from students or parents3. Abundant raw materials 4. Price is more affordable than in other cities Opportunities 1. Jember area can be a transit for tourists who are going to Banyuwangi and Bali2. There are several colleges 3. Support from local governments.4. Jember has interesting tourist spots both natural and artificial
Weakness 1. No quality standards 2. No standard of service 3. Promotion that is not effective is only word of mouth is still rare that do promotion through other media4. Shortage of capital Threat 1. The emergence of new and emerging, as a threat to those who can not develop their business and the development of developing technology makes consumers choose a popular place today2. The game price of competitors that make UMKM to survive at a relatively low price, as well as follow the market price3. Promotion from other parties is more attractive, for that UMKM must conduct promotions more effectively so that consumers know better. 4. Competitors, there are some similar competitors in the near UMKM which raises the choice of visiting the consumers
Table 1.Internal factors and factors external UMKM culinary in JemberPrimary data source processed (2019)

SWOT matrix on MSME culinary in Jember

After grouping strengths, weaknesses (weaknesses), opportunities (opportunities) and threats (Threats) from the development of SMES culinary in Jember, it will be analyzed using a SWOT that can produce alternative possibilities Marketing strategies. In addition to taking into account the above factors, from strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) and opportunities and threats (external factors) in the efforts to develop a culinary SME marketing strategy in Jember can be compiled Internal matrix Factor Evaluation (IFE) and the external matrix Factor Evaluation (EFE) to determine the competing strategies to be used. The IFAS are conducted by:

1. Determine strategic factors that become strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats.

2. Determine the weight of each of these factors with a scale starting from 1.0 (highest) to 0.0 (not important), based on the influence of these factors on the development of local SMES in Jember. (All such weights shall not exceed the total score of 1.00)

3. Calculate the rating for each factor by giving it a scale of 4

(outstanding or highest) up to 1 (poor or low), based on the influence of the factors on the development of the SME culinary in the variable that is positive that the strength is rated + 1 to + 4 (very good), variable is a downside to the reverse value.

4. Determine the score value by multiplying the weight by rating.

5. Provide a comment or note why certain factors are chosen, and how the scoring score is calculated.

6. Add a weighted score to obtain the total weighted score against the IFE matrix

The result of IFE matrix calculation on Table 2:

Internal factors Internal Weights R a t i n g Weights X R a t i n g Description
Power 1. Has regional specialities 2. The target market of this business is all circles ranging from students or parents 3. Abundant raw materials 4. Prices are more affordable than in other cities have a unique place 0,150,100,10,15 3444 0,450,40,40,6 Affecting consumer interestAffecting consumer interestAffecting consumer interestThere is no reason to choose
Sub totals 0 , 5 1 , 8 5
Weakness 1. No quality standards 2. No standard of service 3. Promotion that is not effective is only word of mouth is still rare that do promotion through other media 4. Shortage of capital 0,150,10,10,1 2111 0,30,10,10,1 Visitor barriersMarketing barriersBarriers to MarketingVisitor barriers
S u b t o t a l 0 , 5 0 , 6
Total 1 2 , 4 5
Table 2.Matriks Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE)Source: Primary Data processed (2019)1. Strenghts/S= 1,852. Weaknesses/W= 0,6Description:0,5 + 0,5 = 1 Weights Description 0,15Important0,10Less important0,5Average0,0 Less important

External Factor Evaluation (EFAS)

The EFE matrix is arranged in the same way as by structuring the IFE matrix but the strength is replaced with the odds, while the weakness is replaced by threats. EFE matrix calculation results in Table 3.

Factors External Weights R a t i n g Weights X R a t i n g Description
Opportunities 1. Jember area can be a transit for tourists who are going to Banyuwangi and Bali 2. There are several colleges 3. Support from local governments. 4. Jember has a tourist spot that Interesting both natural and artificial 0,150,150,100,15 3344 0,450,450,40,6 Affecting consumer interestGreat opportunitiesGreat opportunitiesAffecting cnsumer interest
Sub totals 0 , 5 5 1 , 9
Threat1. The emergence of new komposumaror, a threat to those who can not develop their business and the development of developing technology makes consumers choose a popular place today2. The game price of competitors that make SMES to survive at a relatively low price, as well as follow the market price3. Promotion from other parties is more attractive, for that MSMES must conduct promotions more effectively so that consumers know better. 4. Competitors, there are some similar competitors in the near MSMES which raises the choice of visiting the consumers 0,15 0,10,10,1 2211 0,30,20,10,1 Healthy and Moderent CompetitionAttracting consumersAttracting consumersThe rival
0 , 4 5 0 , 7
1. The emergence of new komposumaror, a threat to those who can not develop their business and the development of developing technology makes consumers choose a popular place today 0,45 0,7
2. The game price of competitors that make SMES to survive at a relatively low price, as well as follow the market price 1 2 , 6
Table 3.Matriks Eksternal Factor Evaluation ( EFE )Source: Primary Data processed (2019)1. Opportunities/O = 1,92. Threats/T = 0,7Description0,55 + 0,45 = 10,15 x 3 = 0,45

From SWOT mapping of SMES in Jember, the rating is determined based on the questionnaire field where the reference of the rating is: The rating is determined as follows

Rating description

4 Very strong

3 strong

2 Average

1 Weak

Positive variables (all categories entering in strengths and opportunities) are rated at 1 to 4 by comparing averages with major competitors. While the variables that are negative in contrast if the weakness and the threat is very large (compared with the average competitor type) The value is 1, while if the threat value is small/below average its competitors value 4. From this reference can demonstrate the strategy owned by SMES in the face of existing competition. From the results of the internal and external factors above, produce a series of scores as follows:

IE Matrix (Internal external) SMES Culinary Jember

Based on the in-4.13 table of IFAs and table EFAs 4.14 It is known that the score for internal strategic factor of 2.45 means that SMES have the average strengths and weaknesses owned by MSMES can be utilized minimizing weaknesses The total external factor score of 2.6 means that the SMES have the power and the opportunity to grow and thrive in the future by anticipating threats with the growth and developments that occur. To know the overview of the company's strategy then based on IFAs and EFAs formulations in the account in the matrix

External Internal IE matrix.

External internal IE matrix.

Internal eksternal IE matrik .

Pictures 1. Matrik IE

Based on the formulation of IE matrix which is in the position of the culinary SMEs Jember that is in the V squared marked Astrix (2.45; 2.6) in the V Quadrant This means that SMEs culinary Jember should implement a stability/growth strategy. Stability/growth strategy is a SME strategy that can be applied when:

A. MSME Jember develops product quality

B. Set a cheap price

C. As well as exploit potential areas

The implementation of this strategy so that local SMES can increase the number of consumers every day.

The position of SMES SWOT matrix culinary Jember

IFASEFAS Strengths/Strengths (S)1. Has regional specialities2. The target market of this business is all circles ranging from students or parents 3. Abundant raw materials 4. Prices are more affordable than in other cities have a unique place Weakness/Weaknesess (W)1. No quality standards 2. No standard of service 3. Promotion that is not effective is only word of mouth is still rare that do promotion through other media4. Shortage of capital
Odds/Opportunities (O)1. Jember area can be a transit for tourists who are going to Banyuwangi and Bali2. There are several colleges 3. Support from local governments.4. Jember has interesting tourist spots both natural and artificial SO strategy1. Develop product quality2. Keep the price3. potentiated Local Potential WO's strategy1. Increase HR to improve service quality2. Increase the wider network of promotions.3. Innovate the atmosphere of a nicer place of business
Threats/Threats (T)1. The emergence of new komposumaror, a threat to those who can not develop their business and the development of developing technology makes consumers choose a popular place today2. The game price of competitors that make SMES to survive at a relatively low price, as well as follow the market price3. Promotion from other parties is more attractive, for that MSMES must conduct promotions more effectively so that consumers know better. 4. Competitors, there are some similar competitors in the near MSMES which raises the choice of visiting the consumers. S-T Strategy1. Maintain quality 2. Develop marketing strategy by continuously increasing promotions W-T Strategy1. Develop good quality of service2. Develop a good promotion of the media
Table 4.Matriks SWOT SMES culinary Jember

Based on the SWOT matrix above can be explained that there are four sets of strategic options that can be applied by SMES culinary Jember include:

1. S-O Strategy

1. Develop product quality

2. Keep the price

3. potentiated Local Potential

SMES should set the price to retain their customers. Pricing must be directed to achieve the goal. Goal pricing to find profit so that the company can run but in competitive conditions the more stringent aim of finding the maximum profit in practical will be difficult to achieve. Therefore, management requires goals.

2. W-O Strategy

1. Increase HR to improve service quality

2. Increase the wider network of promotions.

3. Innovate the atmosphere of a nicer place of business

Srategi W-O improves the promotion network needs to be done to minimize the weaknesses of the company by utilizing the opportunities owned by SMES, regarding the development of promotion including increasing the promotion mix so that SMES can be better known by The most special people in Jember city include:

1. Create an advertisement brochure that contains information about the café.

2. Attach ad banners to a reasonably strategic location that can be viewed from a variety of directions.

3. More active in sharing information on social networks such as, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.Then the next strategy to be applied by SMES is to innovate the atmosphere of a better business.

3. S-T Strategy

1. Maintain quality and price on the menu available in MSME

2. Innovation marketing strategy by continuously increasing promotions

The price has two main roles in the decision making process of buyers:

A. The allocation role of the price

B. Role of information from price

Promotion strategy is to increase the network that is done to minimize the company's weaknesses by taking advantage of the opportunities that the company has, regarding the promotion, including increasing the promotion mix so that the business can Known to people including:

1. Create an advertising brochure containing information about the business.

2. Attach ad banners to a reasonably strategic location that can be viewed from a variety of directions.

3. More active in sharing information on social networks such as,

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

4. W-T Strategy

1. Develop good quality of service

2. Develop a good promotion of the media

Good quality of service will be an advantage for the company. How not, if a company has got a positive value in the eyes of consumers, then the consumer will give good feedback, and not likely to be a regular customer or repeat buyer. Therefore, it is important to consider the customer satisfaction aspects related to the quality of service Given. The types of services that can be provided for example include ease, speed, ability, and hospitality that is demonstrated through direct attitudes and actions to consumers. Furthermore, a culinary MSME must set a relatively cheap price to retain its consumers the price should be directed to achieve the goal.

Out of the four possible alternative strategies above, the most appropriate strategy used by SMES in culinary jember to continue to increase sales, namely the effective formulation of strategies finally acquired is a strategy SO that is strategy Using Strength to utilize the company-owned Opportunies

1. Develop product quality

2. Set a cheap price

3. To tighten the strategic location to attract consumers

Based on the results of the SWOT analysis conducted that the SMES culinary Jember has the power that can be worn on certain stretegi and take advantage of the right opportunities and simultaneously minimize or avoid weaknesses and threats that exist. This position is very beneficial to the company by improving the conditions above the average capability of the SME culinary of Jember can mengen to the existing competitors and competitors who have power.


From the results of external Internal Matrik, SMES are in the V quadrant marked Asterix (2.45; 2.6) which means having a stability/growth strategy to develop in the future the strategy that can be applied consist of strategy:

1. Maintaining and maintaining

This strategy can be used to maintain the strength of the culinary SMES and to maintain the quality of existing products by maintaining the taste of the food that has been held by SMES

2. Market penetration

This market selection strategy is carried out by entering several segments of the selected market which is very related to the markting mix are different.

The next strategy to market penetration i.e. SMES should design a product strategy ranging from the presentation on the plate or in the glass is always in the attention of this becoiuse become one The key to success if the presentation is not interesting then the consumer will feel dissatisfied by this strategy is also important to apply.

Then pay attention to product Positioning consistently it is important to respond to market conditions such as price wars. Therefore, the culinary SMES must have a strategy to set a cheap price so that consumers are more interested

3. Product development

Product development is a strategy that seeks to bind by fixing or memooration of current products or services. David and Fred The focus of product development strategies that there are already several reasons that the implementation of the strategy Product development is a competitor offering products with more quality and cheaper price. Product development strategy for MSME culinary is to add food menu, snacks with various variants, to drink, as well as variants of coffee in many more as well as products that have a taste of the development again so that consumers are satisfied with the Product development conducted by SMES Culinary Jember.

Once in the analysis of the results of the SWOT matrix on msme culinary Jember has the first strategy is the S-O strategy is a strategy that utilizes the power of the company to achieve opportunities that exist in the outside environment, in order to gain profit for Some strategies that can be done in the culinary SMES that should maintain the quality of products. Maintaining product quality is essential to convince consumers that the best product according to consumer needs. Even to convince more there are companies that dare to guarantee compensation if the product is not the quality of the next strategy that the pricing strategy should be directed for the achievement of objectives. Goal pricing to find profit so that the company can run but in competitive conditions the more stringent aim of finding the maximum profit in practical will be difficult to achieve. SMES Culinary Jember currently occupies a strategic location because it is based on a campus area, therefore it is very easy for a culinary SMES to attract consumers buy. This research is in line with Aprilius Research, DKK (2018). The opinion of the S-O strategy is that this strategy uses the power of product innovation, raw materials that are assured of quality and freshness by utilizing the opportunity of the ease of obtaining raw materials and increasing revenue and purchasing power of society And the community's lifestyle changes. This strategy is done to attract people About. Reasoning is also in line with the reasoning Itian Makmur, DKK (2015) which argues the S-O strategy There are improving the quality of service and completeness of the product.

Development of marketing strategy in MSME culinary

From the alternative results of the strategy of the company's researchers and management discuss to determine the strategy of marketing development in the culinary SMES of Jember which is bener according to the situation and conditions and objectives of the discussion of Researchers and SMES culinary Jember, among others, the development of marketing strategy that has not been done in the culinary SMES and will be developed culinary SMES for the future, namely developing the quality of existing products and will add Variants of food and beverage menu and processed coffee, set a lower price price is very important to attract consumers Karna this culinary SMES opportunity and utilize the location of strategic place and innovating place with Decorate the lights.


Based on research results can be concluded

1. The result of external Internal Matrik is a culinary MSMES located in the V Quadrant marked Asterix (2.45; 2.6) which means having a stability/growth strategy to develop in the future a strategy that can be implemented consists of Maintaining and maintaining strategy, market penetration and product development.

2. Analysis of the SME's SWOT matrix Jember has the first strategy of S-O strategy where this strategy that utilizes the power of the company to achieve opportunities in the outside environment, in order to benefit some companies The strategy that can be done in the culinary SMES is to maintain product quality, set a cheap price as well as utilize a strategic location.

3. Results of alternative strategy of companies that have been researchers and management discuss to determine the strategy of marketing development in the culinary SMES of Jember which is bener according to the situation and condition and the purpose of the discussion of the researchers and SMES culinary Jember, among others, the development of marketing strategies that have not been done in the culinary SMES and will be developed in the culinary SMES for the future, namely developing the quality of existing products and will add variants Food and beverage menu and processed coffee, set a lower price price is very important to attract consumers Karna this culinary MSME opportunities and utilize the location of strategic places and innovating places by decorating Lights, as well as live music every day and a standup comedy every Wednesday.

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