This study aims to analyze the variables that Determine the opportunities for consumer loyalty Jember Kolong cafe among the variables of the destination image, location and experiential research is explanatory research marketing.This the which aims to determine the causal relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The sampling technique used is the purposive sampling method, the which is sampling with certain considerations. The consideration of sampling in this study is a minimum age of 17 years and a minimum purchase of 2 times. The Data used in this study are the data of primary and secondary data. The primary sources of data were used in this study through questionnaires and interviews while secondary sources of data were used in this study through scientific journals and literature. The Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results Showed that the destination image, location and experiential marketing had a significant effect on the consumer loyalty of Cafe Kolong Jember.
Marketing is one of the main activities undertaken by entrepreneurs in their efforts to maintain their life, to grow and to gain profit. Success or failure in achieving business objectives depends on the expertise of entrepreneurs in marketing, production, finance and other fields. Kotler and Armstrong (2008) Marketing is as a social process and manjerial in which individuals and organizations obtain what they need and they want through creating and exchanging value with others.
Today the trade sector has experienced rapid growth, as it did in the trade industry such as: Restaurants, Mall, Cafe and others. Similarly, in the trade industry Kolong café Jember, so that the business can survive and thrive requires knowledge of good service to consumers. To increase trade marketing, image is an important factor which may affect demand. Based on this perspective image consisting of an objective level of enlightenment, impressions, prejudices, dreams, hopes, emotions and thoughts will determine consumers choose their destination cafe. Given the definition of the image is a perceptive phenomenon that forms the logical-emotional consumer mind the image should have the cognitive and emotional components (Baloglu and Bringberg, 1997: 11). According KBBI (1990: 667) The image is understanding the effect arising due to the understanding of reality. Meanwhile, according to Jeff Kins Fank in Ardianto and Soemirat (2017: 114) image is defined as a person or individual impression of something that appears as a result of knowledge and experience, while the destination according to KBBI . Whatever image is the individual's perception of the characteristics of destinations that can be influenced by promotional information, magazine and many other factors (Tasci and Kozak 2006: 304). It can be concluded that the destination image is the impression or perception that arises from an individual about a place from the reality or experience in nature. According to research conducted by the Putri, Farida and Dewi (2015) mentions that the destination image influence on consumer loyalty. The higher the value the image of destinations you have, the level of visitor satisfaction will be higher as well.
In addition to the image of the destination, the atmosphere of the place also can affect customer loyalty. According KBBI atmosphere around the place is a situation or something in the environment. Cafe Kolong should also think about the atmosphere of the cafe is much preferred among youth today, with innovations such as the location of the cafe is unique is under the bridge that uses two under a bridge, under which one contained a mini stage for some performances such as music, stand-up and other. So that consumers feel pleased with their entertainment. Trapdoor one more use for consumers who want to relax, with seat arrangement placed at the edges of the wall under a bridge and down the middle there is a road to passing visitors so that consumers feel comfortable with their order of chairs and tables neatly so that consumers will be satisfied and come back to visit Kolong Cafe Jember. Research conducted by Leha and Subagio (2014) mentions that attributes such as atsmofer / ambience, facilities, location and services positively affects customer loyalty.
In this era of business competition is increasingly fierce, instill a positive perception for consumers is an important factor in the success of the sale of a business, and therefore the pembisnis cafe needs to provide a different experience for the consumer to touch the emotional side of consumers. The concept of experiential marketing was stated Schmitt (1999; in Indriani, 2006) stated that in order to approach, acquire and retain loyal customers, manufacturers through its products need to bring the experiences of a unique, positive should be supported with good service quality, so that customers are satisfied and loyal , Therefore, in addition to the image of the destination and the atmosphere of the place that influence customer loyalty, Experiential Marketing also need to be considered, in order to maintain its position in the current competition. Kolong cafe also need attention experiential marketing, using a good marketing concept like attitude in customer service, quick response in dealing with consumers and others. If the concept of marketing is done very satisfying then the consumer will be loyal. According to research conducted by Putri, Farida and Dewi (2015) mentions also that experiential marketing is important for customer loyalty effect. The better the experiential marketing strategy, then the level of the higher cosumers loyalty. Farida and Dewi (2015) mentions also that experiential marketing is important for customer loyalty effect. The better the experiential marketing strategy, then the level of the higher kosumen loyalty. Farida and Dewi (2015) mentions also that experiential marketing is important for customer loyalty effect. The better the experiential marketing strategy, then the level of the higher kosumen loyalty.
Customer loyalty is very important to note. A marketer is expecting to be able to retain customers for a long time. Because if the company has a loyal customer, then it can be a very valuable asset for the company. These customers are not only continually use the products or services of the company, but by themselves these customers would also recommend it to others in accordance with the experience that he feels. According to Oliver (Ratih Hurriyati 2005: 129), loyalty is deeply committed last customer to re-subscribe or re-purchase selected products or services consistently in the future, although the influence of the situation and marketing efforts have the potential to cause a change in behavior. From the above definition of loyalty is an impact of the services received by consumers.
Jember is the third largest city with the largest population in the province of East Java. The total population of approximately 2.3 million people coupled with the newcomers, especially students who are studying in the town of Jember, Jember city ogled making businesses to open his business. In addition, ease the licensing process as SIUP, BPOM and port on in the town of Jember is one reason why many businessmen who opened his business in the town of Jember. Jember campus area is a strategic location for businesses to do business. Many businesses that can be used in the campus area one of which is the culinary business (food).
One example of the food business to meet the recreational needs are commonly called coffee shop or cafe. Understanding the cafe by Longman in Building Planning & Design is a small restaurant that serves or sells snacks and drinks. The cafe is usually used by people to relax (Dictionary of English Language and Culture) cheap restaurants that provide food easily cooked / served back (The New Dictionary and Theosaurus). Places that provide food and drinks were approaching the restaurant in a service system in which there are entertainment of music, so the cafe can be used as a relaxing and to talk. This is the driver of the emergence of a variety of cafes and restaurants just within the last few years,
The cafe has become a place of recreation for the youth and teenagers to remove penathanya with beverage products, but not just the products are taken into consideration in choosing the cafe to visit, consideration of entertainment is one reason, because the cafe is made with a design that is very convenient that the consumers can enjoy a relaxing drink with one of the fun and unique cafes are located in areas that Kolong Café Jember in Jember. Increasing number of food businesses are growing, particularly cafes are not all able to survive long. The result is competition among cafes tight, because society as consumers have a variety of options to meet the demand for supply and service cafe. Given the circumstances of the increasingly fierce competition among cafes,
A cafe has some of the space requirements in terms of security, safety, enjoyment and health. With the changing times, the cafe is more widespread, meaning that the cafe is not just a place to enjoy food and drinks but also a place to socialize and make new friends. In interior design, furniture design should also be considered to achieve the expected goals. The dimensions of furniture can affect the visitor to linger sit or come, sit, eat and then leave.
As the phenomenon of business or businesses that also feel the intense competition today is the Kolong Cafe in Jember. The increasingly fierce competition was marked by the increasing number of restaurants such as cafes and restaurants that have sprung up in the region in particular Jember Unej campus area. The ambiance of cafes and experiential marketing are used vary with other coffee, so will be the characteristics and distinct advantage for any restaurant or cafe. Therefore, every company engaged in usahadagang should be able to use a variety of ways to attract customers through destination image, a cafe atmosphere and experiential marketing. The problem that occurs in muddy Kolong cafe that is the number of consumers decreased in 2018. The following is data on the number of visitors cafe Kolong in 2018.
No. | Month | Number of visitors |
1. | January | 6,663 |
2. | February | 7154 |
3. | March | 7885 |
4. | April | 7055 |
5. | May | 7564 |
6. | June | 7,871 |
7. | July | 7997 |
8. | August | 7945 |
9. | September | 7,938 |
10. | October | 7108 |
11. | November | 6658 |
12. | December | 7223 |
Based tabel 1.1 can be seen that the number of visitors Kolong café Jember fluctuated but were more likely to decline. The decrease in the number of customer visits in November 2018. This is because the number of competitors or services provided are in accordance patient's expectations or not. Therefore, Cafe Kolong in Jember required to always keep customer satisfaction by enhancing the good atmosphere and the need to improve the marketing concept that customer loyalty can be maintained. Cafes party Kolong Jember need carefully to determine the needs of consumers in an effort to meet the expectations / desires and improve satisfaction with the services provided, in order to create a loyal customer.
Three hypotheses were proposed in this study, namely:
H1: The image of the destination (X1) and a significant positive effect on customer loyalty Kolong cafe Jember.
H2: The ambiance of the place (X2) and a significant positive effect on customer loyalty Kolong cafe Jember.
H3: experiential marketing (X3) and a significant positive effect on customer loyalty cafe Kolong Jember.
Population is a generalization region consisting of the objects / subjects that have characterized the quality and certain defined by the researchers to learn and then drawn conclusions (Sugiyono, 2011: 61). The population in this study are the consumers of Kolong cafe Jember. The large number of consumers of Kolong café Jember, this research is then used sampling as respondents. The samples used were 110 respondents were determined by purposive sampling, ie sampling with multiple criteria including respondents who have become consumers café Jember Kolong minimum purchase of 2 times, respondents aged above 17 years men and women with the assumption that respondents understand and comprehend the questions or statements on the questionnaire research and sampling time from 19.00 till 23.00 pm. Data analysis tool used to test hypotheses of this study are as follows:
According to Gujarati (2011: 11) multiple linear regression analysis is a condition in which there is a relationship or influence of two or more independent variables on the dependent variable that aims to analyze the relationship or not the independent variable on the dependent variable.
The statistical test t basically shows how far the influence of the independent variables individually in applying variations dependent variable (Ghozali, 2006). This test aims to test whether the destination image variable (X1), the atmosphere of the place (X2) and experiential marketing (X3) effect on consumer loyalty variable (Y) separately
Good regression model is eligible classical assumptions, including all the data were normally distributed, the model should be free of symptoms and free from heterokedastisitas, multikolinearitas. From the previous analysis has proven that the model equations are proposed in this study meets the requirements of the classical assumption that the model equations in this study is considered good. Regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis about the partial effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. Based on estimates of linear regression with SPSS version 20.0 obtained the following results:
No. | variables | Regression Coefficients | standard Error |
1 | constants | 2,272 | 1.201 |
2 | Destinations image (X1) | 0.412 | 0.091 |
3 | The ambiance Points (X2) | 0.306 | 0.077 |
4 | experiential marketing (X3) | .190 | 0.059 |
Based on Table 2, it can be seen form the regression equation is:
Y = 2,272 + 0,412X1 + 0,306X2 + 0,190X3
Y = Consumer loyalty
A= Constant
X1= Destinations image
X2= Atmosphere Points
X3=Experiental Marketing
E= Factor bully
From these equations can be interpreted that:
The hypothesis of this study are confirmed using partial test. Testing is done by looking at the significance level (p-value), if the significance level resulting from the calculation below 0.05 then the hypothesis is accepted it means there is significant influence, otherwise if the level of significance results count is greater than 0.05, then the hypothesis is rejected means that there no significant effect.
variables | Sig | Information |
Destinations image (X1) | 0,000 | Significant |
The ambiance Points (X2) | 0,000 | Significant |
experiential marketing (X3) | 0,002 | Significant |
From Table 3, it is known a comparison between the level of significance with a significance table is as follows:
Based on test results by using multiple linear regression analysis can be seen clearly that partially, all the independent variables affect the dependent variable. Given the influence of the three independent variables are positive means the better the image of the destination, the atmosphere of the place and experiential markting the better the resulting customer loyalty. These results are consistent with the hypothesis put forward. The results of this study are also consistent with the results of previous studies. Explanation of each variable effect is described as follows:
From the statistical testing has been done, it can be concluded as follows: 1) Whatever image tehadap significant influence customer loyalty. 2) The ambiance of a significant effect on consumer loyalty tehadap 3) experiential marketing tehadap significant influence customer loyalty. Based on research conducted by the researchers, the suggestions can be given, among others. 1) For those under the cafe manager should improve the quality of the image of the destination, the atmosphere of the place as well as experiential marketing so that consumers still choose Kolong café Jember as a place to relax or gather with friends and relatives; 2) For further research should add other variables that can affect customer loyalty as well as to package more attractive questionnaire so that the respondent will have more participation of the research to be conducted.