This article is devoted to the study of problems of business tourism development in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Moreover, the ways of development of infrastructure and improvement of activity of tourist organizations in this direction are considered
The twenty-first century can without doubt be called the century of tourism. There is a growing trend of population mobility all over the world. Numerous factors of economic social and scientific-technical aspects make tourism a common phenomenon. Taking into account the existing tourism potential, it is vital for Uzbekistan to take a worthy place in the world tourism community.
As a result of the policy of integration into the world community in recent years, the sphere of tourism and hospitality of the Republic of Uzbekistan has become one of the most dynamically developing sectors of economy. According to the statistical authorities, 5,346,200 tourists visited the country in 2018, 1.9 times more than in 2017. According to the results of 2019, 6,748,500 tourists visited Uzbekistan, i.e. an increase of 126.2%. The volume of exports of tourist services amounted to 1,313,032 dollars. The volume of tourism services exports amounted to 1,313,032 USD. One of the most important tasks facing the government is to ensure the growth in the flow of tourists to our country this year to 7.5 million people [uz.sputniknews. 2020]
On January 5, 2019 the government adopted the following significant regulatory acts for the sphere of tourism: Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №UP-5611 from 05.01.2019 "On additional measures on accelerated development of tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan" and Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №PP-4095 from 05.01.2019 "On measures on accelerated development of tourism industry".
The approval of presidential and government decrees in the sphere of tourism infrastructure development gave a boost to the construction of private hotels, hostels, guesthouses and other hospitality facilities. At the beginning of 2020, the total number of accommodation facilities reached 1,188, including 833 hotels, 214 hostels and 141 other types of similar facilities. (2)
In particular, Presidential Decree No. UP5611 approved the Concept for the development of tourism in the period up to 2025 with the annual adoption of a plan of specific measures to implement the Concept.
At the same time, there is a certain imbalance in the structure of tourist flows. According to preliminary data, 81.1% of those who arrived in Uzbekistan to visit show contacts with relatives and friends, and 15.5% - recreation. The share of such reasons as business, treatment, etc. is only 2.7%.
It should be noted that the country has an objective environment for the expansion of business tourism. The growth of investment attractiveness of Uzbekistan, increasing volumes of direct foreign investments create necessary conditions for the development of foreign commercial tourism. The open-door policy towards citizens of neighboring countries also contributes to strengthening relations in the sphere of entrepreneurship and business.
National scientific researches in this sphere contribute to the formation of methodological basis of tourism development. From our perspective, the works of B.Turaev [Turaev B.H. 2011], D.Norkulova [D.Z. Norkulova. 2018] Z.Usmanova [Z.I. Usmanova. 2018] are serious from the methodological point of view. The examination of various aspects of tourism development allows us to develop approaches to determining business tourism regularities.
Another important factor can be considered a typology of domestic tourism. Historically developed socio-economic and socio-psychographic relations of the population consider aspects of commerce of any tourist trip. An ordinary study trip is accompanied, at least, by the purchase of goods for sale. Many tourist visits in other cities include business negotiations.
A survey conducted among hotel guests of Samarkand city in 2019 showed that there are industrial, business and business reasons for visiting. The results of the survey allowed us to conclude that the share of business tourism is significantly high.
Studying the state of business tourism on the example of the city of Samarkand allowed us to identify some problems of an objective nature.
Figure 1. Structuring the issues related to the development of business tourism in Uzbekistan
These include insufficient development of business tourism infrastructure, lack of experience in creating conditions for business negotiations, poor motivation of travel companies to organize business tourism. In addition, the system of business and business travel accounting is not sufficiently developed within the country, stimulating enterprises and organizations to develop business outside their market segment.
The identified problems caused the choice of directions for further scientific research and became the basis for developing ways to improve the policy in the field of commercial tourism. In this article we will stop only on some of them. We consider that the government and tourist business should pay special attention to the following directions of development of business tourism:
Improvement of foreign business tourism infrastructure. This direction includes a set of issues that need to be addressed to increase the attractiveness of Uzbekistan for business tourists. First, marketing communications in the tourism sector should be integrated with the business proposals of domestic enterprises. The colourfulness of Uzbek pavilions at tourist exhibitions should compete with the descriptions of business prospects in Uzbekistan. Secondly, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions for business tourists. Airports, hotels, recreation facilities and restaurants must provide conditions for effective negotiations. As business environment studies show, this is where most contracts are concluded. Thirdly, the involvement of local entrepreneurs in foreign economic activity through export promotion and active fiscal policy.
Development of business relations infrastructure in the sphere of entrepreneurship. At present, business contacts among enterprises are limited to business trips (business trips). In our point of view, it is necessary to radically review the procedures of business contacts between entrepreneurs. The experience of the leading countries demonstrates that informal conditions only help to achieve understanding between entrepreneurs. Therefore, tourism business should focus on the role of intermediary in contacts between entrepreneurs. In accordance with this, the system of payment for travel expenses should be reviewed. The presence of bureaucratic restrictions makes business travel a serious challenge.
Promotion of business tourism culture. Globalization in the business sphere forms the modern philosophy of business tourism as part of business. Therefore, one of the directions of business tourism development in Uzbekistan is to increase the professionalism of the staff of tourist firms, as well as domestic entrepreneurs in the field of business contacts.
We consider that the active work of representatives of Uzbekistan's tourism business in the field of business development will ensure the achievement of high objectives set for the industry.