- Impression Management,
- Employment Commitment,
- Exemplification,
- Ingratiation,
- Self-Promotion
Copyright (c) 2024 Omorogieva Anthony Agbonmwanre

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
General background: Employee commitment is crucial for organizational success, and impression management techniques may significantly influence this commitment. Specific background: Previous studies have examined the effects of impression management in organizational contexts, yet the specific dynamics in Nigerian tertiary institutions remain underexplored. Knowledge gap: The influence of exemplification, ingratiation, and self-promotion on different dimensions of employee commitment (affective, continuance, and normative) in Nigerian institutions has not been fully examined. Aims: This study aims to determine how these dimensions of impression management influence employee commitment and the moderating role of organizational culture. Results: Findings reveal a positive and significant relationship between impression management and employee commitment. Specifically, exemplification enhances affective commitment, ingratiation promotes continuance commitment, and self-promotion influences normative commitment. Organizational culture was found to strongly moderate these relationships. Novelty: This study provides new insights into the contextual effects of impression management on employee commitment in Nigerian tertiary institutions. Implications: The findings suggest that management should employ strategic impression management techniques to enhance employee commitment, fostering improved organizational performance and reduced turnover.
- Impression management positively influences employee commitment in tertiary institutions.
- Exemplification enhances affective commitment, ingratiation promotes continuance commitment.
- Organizational culture strongly moderates the relationship between impression management and employee commitment.
Keywords: Impression Management, Employment Commitment, Exemplification, Ingratiation, Self-Promotion
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