Transforming Hydroponics with IoT for Sustainable Water Management

Mengubah Hidroponik dengan IoT untuk Pengelolaan Air yang Berkelanjutan

  • (1)  Ahmad Muchlason            Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo  

  • (2) * Shazana Dhiya Ayuni            Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo  

    (*) Corresponding Author


General Background: Urbanization is reducing agricultural land, necessitating innovative cultivation techniques like hydroponics to thrive in limited spaces. Specific Background: The study investigates the use of IoT technology in hydroponic systems, specifically focusing on remote monitoring and control of water pumps for efficient resource management. Knowledge Gap: Limited research has explored the use of IoT in optimizing water pump operations in hydroponic systems, focusing on energy management and remote accessibility. Aims: The research aims to create an IoT-based automated water pump control system for hydroponics, enabling remote monitoring and evaluating its energy efficiency and operational effectiveness. Results: The experimental setup, including an ESP32 microcontroller, ADS1115 module, solar charger controller, and submersible pump, demonstrated optimal performance with a time-based control strategy, achieving 96.7% current and 97% voltage accuracy. Novelty: The study showcases a successful model for integrating IoT in hydroponic systems, thereby enhancing sustainability and operational efficiency. Implications: The study underscores the potential of IoT technologies in enhancing water management in hydroponics, thereby providing a feasible solution to contemporary agricultural challenges in space-constrained environments.



  1. IoT Integration: Remote control enhances hydroponic system monitoring and efficiency.
  2. Energy Optimization: Effective solar charging improves automated water pump performance.
  3. Real-time Monitoring: Enables accessible tracking from significant distances via smartphones.


Keywords: Hydroponics, IoT, Water Management, ESP32, Energy Efficiency


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Author Biography

Shazana Dhiya Ayuni, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Electrical Engineering Study Program


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How to Cite
Muchlason, A., & Dhiya Ayuni, S. (2024). Transforming Hydroponics with IoT for Sustainable Water Management. Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review, 19(4), 10.21070/ijler.v19i4.1163.
Production Management