- Event Study,
- Covid-19 Impact,
- Indonesian Capital Market,
- Abnormal Returns,
- Trading Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Ricco Ardiansyah , Nurasik Nurasik

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This study examines the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Indonesian capital market by analyzing abnormal returns and trading volume activity in the LQ45 index stock group from 2018 to 2020. Using secondary data and a purposive sampling method, the research employs Paired Sample t-Test for hypothesis testing. The results show significant differences in abnormal returns and trading volume activity before and during the pandemic, indicating a strong market reaction to Covid-19. These findings underscore the need for strategies to mitigate the effects of global disruptions on the market.
1. Market Reaction: Significant changes in abnormal returns, trading volume during Covid-19.
2. Methodology: Uses secondary data, Paired Sample t-Test for analysis.
3. Focus: Examines LQ45 index stocks, daily prices, and volumes 2018-2020.
Keywords: Event Study, Covid-19 Impact, Indonesian Capital Market, Abnormal Returns, Trading Volume
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