The article is devoted to the study of the urgent topic of the development of tourism potential as a basis for youth events. A model of the system of tourism potential components is presented, which includes the natural resource potential of the tourism sector, historical and cultural potential, infrastructure potential, financial potential, information potential, investment potential, managerial potential, social potential of the tourism sector, labor potential. Due to the fact that the tourism potential of the territories is a system, its main features are distinguished: dynamism, hierarchy, ability to transform, inversion, development, etc. Due to the fact that at the present stage, potential management problems are becoming more complicated, included in the tourist potential of the territories, the management of territories in the field of tourism development, including its potentials, should develop as a synthesis of two aspects: improving scientific and practical activities and developing management phenomena as art. A special role is given to youth events, highlighting the largest and most important ones that are developing in certain parts of Russia. These regions have the most powerful tourism potential and tourist infrastructure.
Tourism is one of the few steadily developing types of domestic business. The interest of entrepreneurs in tourism is due to several factors. Firstly, in order to start doing tourism business does not require large investments. Secondly, large, medium and small (with a small number of personnel) firms quite successfully interact in the tourism market. At the same time, the tourism business allows you to quickly turn around capital, as well as (in the field of international tourism) derive well-known benefits from foreign exchange transactions.
A necessary condition for the development of tourism is the tourism potential, which can be assessed at different scales: at the level of the world, country, region, etc. Tourism potential is understood as the totality of natural, cultural, historical and socio-economic prerequisites for organizing tourism activities in a certain territory. Sometimes the tourism potential refers to the relationship between the actual and the maximum possible number of tourists, determined on the basis of the availability of tourist resources, which, according to the authors, is not entirely true.
Very often, tourism potential is understood as the existence in the territory of certain unique or at least interesting objects not only for local residents. Although this is not a completely mandatory feature, it is only a desirable option. The tourist potential of the territory is very variable and depends on the characteristics of the sociocultural education within which it is located. The concept of «tourist potential» includes the concept of «conditions and factors for the development of tourism activities».
The tourism business stimulates the development of other sectors of the economy: construction, trade, agriculture, production of consumer goods, communications, etc.
Management of sustainable development of tourism in territories is inextricably linked, including with the composition of the elements of its potential, which has a complex hierarchy and includes many subsystems with a large number of elements. In many cases, only a formal definition of the tourist potential of the region is used, without a deep analysis of the essence of the phenomenon being studied and the specifics of the relationships that arise between the different-quality potentials that make up its composition. Therefore, when analyzing the tourist potential of a region, far from all important structural elements are often taken into account, which makes its quantitative assessment incomplete and misses a qualitative assessment of intangible resources.
The determination of the constituent elements of the tourist potential of the region from the point of view of the economy and the study of its properties as a system is relevant, as it will allow: firstly, to more fully identify the potentials that are part of the total tourism potential of the region; secondly, more accurately calculate its value; thirdly, to overcome the summative approach, in which the total tourism potential of the region is considered as a simple sum of potentials; fourthly, to explore the possibilities of integrating the potentials that make up the region’s tourism potential.
The basis of the study proposed in the article was the author's independent empirical activity, scientific publications of Russian and foreign scientists and open Internet data in the field of the functioning of international youth forums and the participation of young specialists in tourism, as well as the formation of their labor and youth potential in Russia . In this scientific article, the author used such research methods as: observation, systems approach, comparison, analysis and synthesis.
The proposed and analyzed components of the tourist potential of the territories are fully included in the structure of a higher order of organization, namely, conditions for its implementation, with the help of which a synergistic effect is formed from combining individual kleisters into a single and harmonious complex, thus enhancing the effectiveness of labor and its potential and the effectiveness of performance.
All components of the tourism potential of the territories are interconnected and have a significant impact on each other. So, the level of components of personal labor potential depends on the level of costs for payment, staffing. Accordingly, the conditions for the realization of labor potential affect the number of employees, time and labor intensity, as well as the quality of components using mechanisms to stimulate labor activity. And there is the opposite effect, the professional component, value-orientational, innovative affect the remuneration, stimulation and division of labor within the tourist company.
The tourism potential of territories is a combination of natural, historical and cultural objects and phenomena, as well as socio-economic and technological prerequisites for organizing tourism activities in a certain territory.
A fundamental point in the study of the composition of the total tourism potential of the region is its consideration as a system. As you know, a system is a set of interacting elements that are in relationships and relationships among themselves and constitute a holistic education. However, a systematic approach to the analysis of tourism and its potential has been developed relatively recently [Parshin V.V. 2018].
The tourism system is formed at the junction of three supersystems - nature, society, the national economy - and contains the components of all these supersystems: natural tourism resources, tourists (a formal temporary group of society), tourism facilities (material, technical, energy and labor resources necessary for tourist services). When modeling tourist systems, its representation in the form of a block «tourists» can be used, which is opposed to a block «provision», consisting of the following subsystems:
- the subsystem of attractiveness, which is a combination of the properties of natural and cultural complexes, technical systems and maintenance personnel, which determines the choice of a tourist tourist site;
- a maintenance subsystem, consisting of technical means and facilities that ensure the implementation of the target function of tourism (three main types of means of support have been identified: sightseeing and cultural services, accommodation and meals, transport);
- management subsystem;
- a subsystem of providing labor resources necessary for technical and organizational services.
As part of the total tourism potential there are two main groups:
1) natural and cultural landscapes and their components;
2) means and conditions for the implementation of tours (programs, excursions) [Mayorova L.V., Egorov I.S. 2019].
To ensure the functioning and development of its tourism sector, the region uses not only its own resources, but also the potentials of a higher level - the country, continent, and the world. On the other hand, the significance of many regional potentials within the framework of the total tourism potential goes beyond the region itself (for example, the use of the cultural potential of some regions is carried out by residents of the whole world).
Considering the composition of the region’s potentials, which are part of its total tourism potential, it is necessary to highlight the key ones. The key ones are those whose formation and development can ensure the sustainable functioning and development of tourism in the region.
Structurally, the tourism potential of the region should be represented as a set of interconnected and interacting potentials, which are presented in Figure 1.
The presented list of potentials included in the tourist potential of the territories is not final and exhaustive, since their number depends on the goals set, how to achieve them and the resources necessary for this. Due to the fact that the tourism potential of the region is a system, we can state the following:
1. The tourist potential of the region can be considered as a set of relatively autonomous elements (potentials) with a set of inherent properties that form with each other an endless chain of interconnections and interdependencies within the system.
2. Each potential in the tourism potential should be an object of management on the part of man.
3. The control effect on the part of the subject of management transforms not only a certain potential (or potentials), but also the tourism potential as a whole, according to the set goals.
4. The potentials within the framework of the tourism potential of the region and, accordingly, the tourism potential as a whole, function and develop not only according to their objective laws, but also according to the programmatic principles of society. It is important that there are no insoluble contradictions between them.
5. The tourist potential of the region is inherent in hierarchy. No matter what place the potential holds in the hierarchy, the systematic development of tourism in the region is impossible without it. The property of systematic tourism consists precisely in the fact that the disappearance or deterioration of the quality of any of its potentials can lead to a serious change in the quality of the tourist system itself.
6. All potentials within the tourism potential of the region are capable of decomposition and synthesis, transformation and inversion. Thus, information potential is accumulated and synthesized as a result of human activity. Useful information from necessary and sufficient (for example, advertising of tours) can be inverted into redundant and useless, which will carry a certain threat potential (it is known that an excess of information negatively affects the human psyche).
7. The potentials in the framework of the total tourism potential of the region are interconnected, that is, the development of one potential stimulates the development of others.
8. The tourist potential of the region and its constituent elements, being a systemic formation, have both a natural essence and an artificial (anthropogenic) nature. The value of the ratio of natural and anthropogenic factors in each of the potentials is different, which, apparently, determines the need to develop appropriate mechanisms for managing them. The formation and use of anthropogenic potentials should not violate natural, objectively existing and existing laws.
9. Each potential within the tourism potential of the region initially contains the prerequisites for the development of certain types of tourist activities [Fomenko V.A. 2019].
Today, Russia has a powerful tourist infrastructure of an international character for conducting youth events in the Central and Southern Federal Districts, including various forums in the field of entrepreneurship, volunteering, economics, business relations, law, sports, culture, hospitality, etc. Special status among such international The forums are Tavrida, Territory of Senses, Baltic Artek, Amur, Mashuk, Seliger, International Forum Volunteer of Russia, organized by AIS Youth R Russia with the support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh); Eastern Economic Forum, St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Russian Investment Forum, Russia-Africa Summit, Forum of innovative financial technologies «FINOPOLIS» under the auspices of the Rosscongress Foundation. With the introduction of such platforms in which a special «youth day» functions, a number of positive trends in the socio-economic development of the youth movement have been achieved [Morozov M. A., Morozova N. S. 2017].
For the formation and development of tourism potential in modern conditions, the author’s goal-setting model for territorial planning was formed (Figure 2).
Thus, the desire of young people to be literate in career guidance, labor, legal, economic and financial orientation is increasing, the level of youth unemployment is decreasing, the number of young citizens with a high level of «soft skills» and «hard skills» is significantly increasing [Moreva S.N., Shevtsova M.A. 2018].
In addition, in order to develop a modern tourist potential in the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law of July 29, 2017 3 214-ФЗ from May 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022, an experiment is conducted in the Republic of Crimea, Altai, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories by introducing a fee for use of resort infrastructure (resort fee).
The resort fee is introduced by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in municipalities whose territories are included in the territory of the experiment.
Payers of the resort fee are individuals who have reached the age of majority, living in accommodation facilities for more than 24 hours. Section 7 of the aforementioned Federal Law establishes the categories of persons exempted from resort tax. Subjects of the Russian Federation are entitled to establish other categories of persons exempted from resort tax by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.
The operators of the resort fee are legal entities or individual entrepreneurs engaged in the provision of hotel services and (or) temporary accommodation services and (or) activities to provide temporary accommodation (including activities for the provision of residential premises for use), including residential premises.
The size of the resort fee, the procedure and timelines for its calculation, collection and transfer to the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, liability for violation of the rules for collection and payment of the resort tax are established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The performed analysis of the potentials of the functioning and development of tourism in the region gives reason to present its tourism potential as a set of potentials, as well as highlight the subject of tourism management. The subject of tourism management are the properties of resources, the relationship between them, the direction of their use.
It should be noted that at the present stage, the problems of managing potentials that are part of the tourism potential of the territories are becoming more complicated, due to the existence of serious inter-regional differences, as well as due to the subjectivity of the views and goals implemented in the management. The subjective factor in management leads, in particular, to the appearance of extraordinary problems, the solution of which requires a highly professional creative approach. Therefore, the management of the region in the field of tourism development, including its potentials, should develop as a synthesis of two aspects: improving scientific and practical activities and developing management as an art. When managing a region, science and art are not opposed, but act as complementary practices.
So, summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that according to experts' forecasts and in the coming third millennium, the growth of the tourism industry will be irreversible and the rapid pace of development of this industry in the global economy will continue. And this is understandable, especially considering the fact that at this stage of its development, human society has transformed from a society of productivity and welfare into a «free time society», so travel and tourism have become important categories for a huge number of people on our planet. Indispensable and inalienable from the most necessary living conditions.
At the same time, the demand for tourism services will undergo some changes due to the emergence of a new type of consumer in the tourism market. The tourist of the future is highly informed and educated, he is very demanding and fastidious, mobile and individual, he seeks to live a full life and get a lot of all kinds of impressions from this life, he is spoiled by the abundance of goods and services offered to him, he is fickle and longs for variety, pleasures and entertainment.
Thus, tourism of the 21st century is, first of all, tourism focused on the client, as a consumer of tourism goods and services. A successful and profitable tourism business of the future is a business based on knowledge of international legal norms and rules, tourism management and marketing, the tourism market, on a complete and comprehensive knowledge of the needs and requirements of tourists. This is competence and professionalism in organizing the production, promotion and sale of tourism products and services.